MS - Biomedical Sciences

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Curriculum and Graduation Requirements

The MS in Biomedical Sciences (MS-BMS) program requires successful completion of at least 30 credit hours, typically completed in two semesters. To be eligible for graduation, students must earn at least a 2.8 GPA or 75% weighted numerical average on all coursework in the program.

The 33 credit hour recommended plan of study is outlined in the table below. 

For students interested in additional study in a particular discipline, elective courses may be substituted or added to the plan below. Students should contact the program director for alternative study plans. For more detailed information about the program requirements and course options, consult the Graduate section in the current UMMC Bulletin.

The M.S. Biomedical Sciences program includes a standardized test preparation course. Students choose to take the DAT, GRE, or MCAT preparation course, and the cost of the course is included in tuition and fees. 

 Plan of study:

 TermCourse NumberCourse NameCredit hoursClass Schedule (Day)Class Schedule (Time)
FallCMB 704Fundamental Biochemistry6M/W/F1-3PM
ID 767Fundamental Histology & Cell Biology3T/R10AM-12PM
PHYSIO 725Fundamental Physiology7M/W/F10AM-12PM
ID 727Professional Development for Biomedical Careers (Pass/Fail)1T1-2PM
SpringMICRO 741Fundamental Microbiology & Immunology6M/W/F1-3PM
PHARM 726Fundamental Pharmacology6M/W/F10AM-12PM
ID 768Essential Anatomy3T/RLecture 10AM-12PM  & Lab 2-hr per week
ID 727Professional Development for Biomedical Careers (Pass/Fail)1W9AM

Academic Calendar

Mandatory Orientation for all new students will be on the third Tuesday in August during the week prior to the first day of classes. The fall term courses will begin on the last Monday in August each year.  View the full academic calendar.

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