Mississippi MED-COM
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Mississippi MED-COM was developed after a six-year review of 26 other medical communication centers across the United States. MED-COM staff visited each of the centers and used many of the best practices from each of the centers and adapted them for Mississippi.
The University of Mississippi Medical Center serves as the major emergency referral center for Mississippi, is the only Level I trauma center and only pediatric hospital in the state. In addition to providing hospital transfer assistance, UMMC also provides on-line medical control for about two dozen counties throughout Mississippi. The need for a centralized center to provide a better method of accomplishing the above task, while expanding to provide increased services to the citizens and emergency responders of Mississippi.
Funding for capital expenses was obtained in October 2007 by a HRSA grant through the Mississippi Department of Health. The funding paid for the renovation of a secure room on the campus of The University of Mississippi Medical Center to be constructed and the addition of a state-of-the-art communications system to be installed.
Mississippi MED-COM opened Aug. 23, 2008, with an official open house on February 18, 2009. Since that time, Mississippi MED-COM has answered over eight thousand calls for assistance and an average of nine hundred emergency transfers each month.

The University of Mississippi Medical Center serves as the major emergency referral center for Mississippi, is the only Level I trauma center and only pediatric hospital in the state. In addition to providing hospital transfer assistance, UMMC also provides on-line medical control for about two dozen counties throughout Mississippi. The need for a centralized center to provide a better method of accomplishing the above task, while expanding to provide increased services to the citizens and emergency responders of Mississippi.

Mississippi MED-COM opened Aug. 23, 2008, with an official open house on February 18, 2009. Since that time, Mississippi MED-COM has answered over eight thousand calls for assistance and an average of nine hundred emergency transfers each month.