Children's Transport Services
Children's Transport Services
Critical care transport for Mississippi's smallest patients
Our Children's Transport Team consist of neonatal and pediatric specialists and the drivers/operators who work alongside them.
UMMC is home to the state's only Children's Hospital, Level One Trauma Center, and Level IV NICU. When a child is in need, anywhere in Mississippi, getting the necessary level of care as soon as possible is critically important. Our dedicated Children's Transport Teams make sure that injured and ill children and infants do not have to wait until they arrive at Children's Hospital to receive the highest level of care. Children's Transport Services brings ICU-level care to the patient and manages that care along every mile of the journey. The Children's Transport Team has the specialized training, equipment and the ability to extend the same high level of care offered at Children's of Mississippi to the child, both before and during their transport to the UMMC campus. As long as there are children and infants with complex medical needs, our Children's Transport Teams will be on the road - and in the air - making sure they receive the best care possible.
Children's Transport Mission:
Children's Transport is a specialized team of highly skilled and knowledgeable clinicians who strive to deliver the highest level of neonatal and pediatric care. We emphasize education while providing resources to further improve the quality of care across our state. Our goal is to help reduce morbidity and mortality, and improve outcomes - while maintaining and prioritizing safety.
Contact us
For information related to the program or educational offerings, please email us at ChildrensTransport@umc.edu.