Mentoring Academy

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Mentoring Academy Syllabus

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to develop both mentoring skills and grant writing skills of MCCTR funded investigators as well as faculty members who wish to serve as mentors for MCCTR investigators.

Participants will receive training in topics ranging from effective communication, aligning expectations, assessment of understanding, promoting nondiscrimination, fostering independence of trainees, and promoting professional development. Faculty with established mentoring and funding track records will serve as facilitators for each topic. Success will be determined by two outcomes. First, all participants will be able to articulate their approach to mentoring at the conclusion of the sessions. Second, all participants will complete a survey that will serve as an assessment tool to evaluate program efficacy for each class and compare data longitudinally.

Session #

Session Topics#



  • Orientation and Program Expectations
  • Rewards and Challenges of Mentoring
  • Assessing Your Mentoring Style
  • Addressing All Forms of Discrimination


  • Aligning Expectations (IDPs and Effective Communication)
  • Setting and Respecting Boundaries


  • "Lab Meetings": Discussing and Guiding the Science
  • Assessing Understanding


  • Formal Research Training Plans
  • Fostering and Transitioning to Independence


  • Promoting Professional Development
  • Understanding Faculty Advancement


  • Grant Writing

* Meeting dates will be determined in order to ensure that all participants attend.

Required Text and Other Learning Resources:

Mentor Training for Biomedical Researchers. Christine Pfund, Christopher Brace, Janet Branchaw, Jo Handelsman, Kristyn Masters, and Lillian Nanney. Part of the W.H. Freeman Entering Mentoring Series, 2014

# Additional resources for each session topic will be provided in advance of each session date.