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Community Engagement and Outreach Core Summer Institute

The Community Engagement and Outreach Core is hosting the 2025 Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Summer Institute the week of June 8th - 13th at The University of Southern Mississippi in 23-SI.pngHattiesburg, MS. The institute accepts a maximum of 10 participants, allowing for a workshop/seminar format, with presenter-participant discussion and interactive learning. Junior faculty members from all major Mississippi universities are encouraged to apply.

The institute includes presentations on many aspects of planning and conducting community-engaged research (CEnR) related to racial and ethnic health disparities that impact the lives of Mississippians, including obesity- and cardiometabolic-related diseases.  Participants work individually and in groups on activities to develop a proposal for a community-engaged research project.  Junior faculty who complete the institute are eligible to submit a proposal to the MCCTR Pilot Projects Program.

To date, 48 early career investigators from seven Mississippi institutions have attended the MCCTR's CEnR Institute. Three attendees have gone on to receive Pilot Project Funding from the MCCTR.

The CEnR Institute alternates between the campuses of the University of Southern Mississippi and Tougaloo College. Above, applicants pose with former co-core leaders Dr. Wendy White (Tougaloo College), Caroline Compretta (University of MS Medical Center), and Dr. Holly Huye (Southern Miss).


Applications for the 2025 Community Engagement and Outreach Summer Institute are now open.  The appropriate application template is provided below. Applications and associated attachments should be submitted per application guidelines.

Lodging and reimbursement for travel will be provided to the 10 selected participants. Meals will be provided through the institute and via a per diem allowance for those meals not included in the Institute schedule.

For more information regarding the CEnR, contact Caroline Compretta, Holly Huye, Wendy White, or Monicah Brumfield.