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Community Engagement and Outreach Core

The disparities associated with cardiometabolic and obesity-related diseases in Mississippi cannot be addressed without research and intervention at the community level. All three MCCTR institutions have strengths in community-engaged research, as do our consortium partners, the LACaTS Center and the Mayo Clinic CCaTS. Drs. Caroline Compretta, Holly Huye, and Wendy White lead the Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Core and oversee the CEO Institute, the multi-institutional CEO Working Group, and Community Advisory Board.

Community Engagement and Outreach Summer Institute

The MCCTR proudly offers an annual one-week residential Community Engagement and Outreach Summer Institute that trains selected junior faculty members from all major Mississippi universities in the principles and practice of CEO, and offers opportunities for them to compete for funding for clinical, translational, and population-related pilot research projects. Thus in addition to training junior investigators from partner institutions in independent CEO, the CEO Institute helps to identify promising CEO investigators for support through the MCCTR Pilot Projects Program.

Applications Due April 1, 2025

Applications for the 2025 Community-Engagment and Outreach Summer Institute are now open.  The appropriate application template is provided below. Applications and associated attachments should be submitted via the online form below per application guidelines.

Lodging and reimbursement for travel will be provided to the 10 selected participants. Meals will be provided through the institute and via a per diem allowance for those meals not included in the Institute schedule.

For more information regarding the CEnR, contact Caroline Compretta, Holly Huye, Wendy White, or Kristie Knox.

Community Engagement and Outreach Working Group

The multi-institutional CEO Working Group holds monthly teleconferences to present ongoing and completed community-engaged research projects, discuss available resources and research options, and seek opportunities for multi-institutional obesity research projects and funding. To become involved with the CEO Working Group, contact

Community Engagement and Outreach Core Leaders

Portrait of Dr. Caroline Compretta

Caroline Compretta, PhD, Co-Director of the Community Engagement and Outreach Core, Principal Investigator for UMMC site

Dr. Compretta is an assistant professor with faculty appointements in the Department of Preventive Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Portrait of Dr. Holly Huye

Holly Huye, PhD, Co-Director of the Community Engagement and Outreach Core, Principal Investigator for USM site

Dr. Holly is an associate professor in the School of Kinesiology and Nutrition at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Portrait of Dr. Wendy White

Wendy White, PhD, Co-Director of the Community Engagement and Outreach Core, Principal Investigator for the Tougaloo site

Dr. White is the Principal Investigator and Director for the Jackson Heart Study Undergraduate Training and Education Center at Tougaloo College.

Organizational Chart for MCCTR's Community Engagement and Outreach Core. Go to the image long description for more information.


The CEO co-directors have collaboratively directed the operations of the CEO Core, including such activities as the Summer Institute, Working Group, Pilot Project review, and CAB. The organizational chart is illustrated here. 

Go here for the image long description.