Clinical and Translational Research Scholars Program

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Clinical and Translational Research Scholars Program

The MCCTR Clinical and Translational Research Scholars Program provides structured mentorship, protected time, and research support-to promote the development of junior faculty to establish independent careers in clinical, translational and population-based research on all major diseases that impact Mississippians; enhances the research skills of junior faculty members through courses in the UMMC Master of Science in Clinical Investigation degree program; seeks to increase the number of junior faculty members pursuing clinical, translational, and population research in all major diseases that impact Mississippians; and supports the development of junior faculty exploring racial disparities in obesity and related disorders in Mississippi.

Each participant in the program is designated an "MCCTR Investigator" and receives salary support at 50% effort, plus additional research support of up to $40,000 per year through the Pilot Projects Program, subject to initial and annual review by the Scientific Review Panel, and approval of both the research plan and budget by the Steering Committee. CCTR Investigators have access to all institutional research cores and are offered the opportunity to earn a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation through the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences.

Applicants must have a full-time faculty position (rank of assistant professor or higher) at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC), Tougaloo College, University of Southern Mississippi (USM), University of Mississippi (UM) Oxford campus, and Mississippi State University (MSU) and have assurance from their department chair or dean that they will devote at least 50% effort toward translational, clinical or population research. Eligibility is also restricted to Junior Investigators who do not concurrently have research funding from another IDeA Program award mechanism.

A limited number of Clinical and Translational Research Scholars Program slots are available, and applicants will be considered as openings for Research Scholar positions become available.  Applications should include a CV, a Pilot Project, and a letter of support from your chair or dean.