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Pilot Projects Program

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Pilot Project Program - Letter of Intent (LOI) Guidelines

The CCTR requires that all Pilot Project applicants submit a Letter of Intent to apply to our program. Due dates can be found on the MCCTR’s website. This letter should be in standard NIH format. For additional NIH guidance, please visit https://www.nimh.nih.gov/funding/grant-writing-and-application-process/letter-of-intent.shtml.

At minimum, the following information should be included in the LOI:
1. Name, Address, and phone number of the applicant
2. Departmental and institutional affiliation of the applicant
3. Names of additional research personnel
4. Proposed participating Institutions
5. Title of research
6. Description of research and research objective

Letters of Intent should be submitted via the MCCTR’s Letter of Intent RedCap survey form in PDF format. For additional information contact mcctr@umc.edu.