Inclusive Policies and Resources

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Inclusive Policies and Practices

As emphasized throughout our institution, diversity and inclusion is supported through official policies and practices developed by institutional leaders who understand the value and business case for promoting a respectful and model academic health center that is committed to inclusive excellence. A few of our adopted and related policies are listed below.

  • Please refer to UMMC PolicyTech on the intranet for the most updated or full version of the employee and student policies listed below. UMMC network log in is required to access these policies.

Employee and student policies

Academic accommodations - UMMC is committed to ensuring equal access to a quality education for qualified students through the provision of reasonable academic accommodations which support UMMC standards and academic integrity. UMMC policy provides for reasonable academic accommodations to be made for students with verified disabilities on an individualized and flexible basis as specified under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

School of Medicine mistreatment policy - All mistreatment is of serious concern to this institution and is strictly prohibited. It is the policy of the Medical Center and the School of Medicine to maintain an educational environmental and workplace free from any type of mistreatment. The School of Medicine recognizes that in some instances, the perception of the individual who believes he/she was mistreated and the intent of the other person(s) involved are conflicting. Whatever the circumstance, students who believe they were mistreated are strongly encouraged to bring it to the attention of appropriate institutional officials. Categories of mistreatment include: general mistreatment, discrimination and sexual misconduct.

Sexual misconduct, sexual assault and sexual harassment policy - UMMC is committed to fostering a respectful, safe, and non-threatening environment for its students and employees. This policy describes prohibited conduct and establishes procedures for responding to sexual misconduct incidents. These incidents include sexual assault, sexual harassment and other unwelcome behaviors as explained below. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities.

Student complaint policy - Students have the right to complain without fear of retribution or retaliation from the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) or its employees. Students may submit formal written complaints to the Office of Student Affairs using the institutional UMMC Student Complaint Form. Students must submit complaints in a timely manner, provide contact information, and identify the problem in sufficient detail in order to permit a thorough response or referral to the appropriate office or administrator.

Patient policies and practices

Ethnic and religious food choices - The Food and Nutrition Services Department will work to accommodate individual ethnic and religious food preferences upon request.

Patient rights and responsibilities

Privacy policy - UMMC is to respect the privacy of all web site visitors to the extent permitted by law. This online privacy statement is intended to inform you of the ways in which this web site collects information, the uses to which that information will be put, and the ways in which we will protect any information you choose to provide us. There are four types of information that this site may collect during your visit: network traffic logs, web visit logs, cookies and information voluntarily provided by you. 

Spiritual services - UMMC recognizes the rights of patients, their families and staff to pastoral and spiritual services. Spirituality can be an important element in overall well-being and in dealing with illness or injury. UMMC chaplains are theologically and clinically trained ministers who are called and qualified to minister to all persons.

Translation and interpretive services - UMMC provides interpreters free for patients who do not speak English well. Our doctors have access to a Spanish interpreter and a Choctaw liaison. If you speak other languages, your doctor has access to interpreters through a language line phone service. These interpreters, credentialed and skilled in medical terminology, speak 204 languages. 

Visitor questions and answers - Offers answers for possible concerns and most commonly asked questions about our facilities. If you don't find what you're looking for, call the general information desk at (601) 984-1000.

Other policies and practices

Personal use of social media - UMMC recognizes that social media is an important and timely means of communication. However, those who use social media must be aware that posting certain information is illegal and use of social media during working hours as well as related to job functions should be self-moderated. Offenders may be subject to criminal and civil liability, and adverse institutional actions.