
Authority & Jurisdiction
Authority of UMMC Police and Public Safety Department
Miss. Code Ann. §37-101-15(c) provides the Institute of Higher Learning the authority to dictate policing on campus within the state:
The board shall exercise all the powers and prerogatives conferred upon it under the laws establishing and providing for the operation of the several institutions herein specified. The board shall adopt such bylaws and regulations from time to time as it deems expedient for the proper supervision and control of the several institutions of higher learning, insofar as such bylaws and regulations are not repugnant to the Constitution and laws and not inconsistent with the object for which these institutions were established. The board shall have power and authority to prescribe rules and regulations for policing the campuses and all buildings of the respective institutions, to authorize the arrest of all persons violating on any campus any criminal law of the state, and to have such law violators turned over to the civil authorities.
Miss. Code Ann. § 37-105-3(c) states:
The peace officers duly appointed by the president of any state institution of higher learning are also vested with the powers and subjected to the duties of a constable for the purpose of preventing all violations of law that occur within five hundred (500) feet of any property owned by the university, if such universities determine that they want such peace officers to exercise such powers and if reasonably determined to have a possible impact on the safety of students, faculty or staff of the university while on said property. If a university determines that it wants such peace officers to exercise such powers, the university may enter into an interlocal agreement with other law enforcement entities specifying the individual and joint duties to be exercised on property within the peace officers’ jurisdiction. Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be interpreted to require action by any such peace officer appointed by such universities to events occurring outside the boundaries of university property, nor shall any such university or its employees be liable for any failure to act to any event occurring outside the boundaries of property owned by the university.
Miss. Code Ann. §37-105-9 provides that:
Any act which, if committed within the limits of a city, town or village, or in any public place, would be a violation of the general laws of this state shall be criminal and punishable if done on the campus, grounds or roads of any of the state institutions of higher learning. The peace officers duly appointed by the board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning are vested with the powers and subjected to the duties of a constable for the purpose of preventing and punishing all violations of law on university or college grounds and for preserving order and decorum thereon.
Jurisdiction of UMMC Police and Public Safety Department
UMMC PD has police jurisdiction on UMMC Main campus (2500 North State Street), West Street Farmers Market, Holmes County Rural Hospital and properties on Lakeland. All UMMC Police officers are certified by the Mississippi Peace Officers Minimum Standards Commission and have the same authorities as law enforcement officers across the state.
UMMC PD works closely with other law enforcement agencies such as the MS Department of Public Safety, MS Highway Patrol, Capitol Police, Hinds County Sheriff, Rankin County Sheriff, Madison County and all jurisdictions within these counties.