Alumni Awards
Medical Alumni Chapter Hall of Fame
Each year, the University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Medicine Alumni Board presents awards to outstanding members of the alumni and friends community. Recipients will be selected by a committee comprised of members of the Medical Alumni Board.
The Medical Alumni Chapter Hall of Fame honors those medical chapter alumni, living or deceased, who have made an outstanding contribution to their country, state, or the University of Mississippi Medical Center through their good deeds, services, or contributions, all of which have perpetuated the good name of UMMC.
The following criteria should be considered before nominating:
Any living or deceased alumna/alumnus, faculty, or staff of UMMC shall be eligible to be nominated.
Recipients must agree to be present at the Hall of Fame. A family member or proxy must be present for honorees who are deceased.
Active politicians, Alumni Chapter officers, current full-time faculty, and UMMC employees, if employed during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) in which the award is presented, do not qualify.