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Dr. Daniel “Rhett” Simmons and Dr. Stephen Joe
Dr. Daniel “Rhett” Simmons and Dr. Stephen Joe

Two North Mississippi School of Dentistry Alumni Establish Scholarship Endowment

Dr. Stephen Joe and his practice partner, Dr. Daniel “Rhett” Simmons are giving back to their alma mater. Recently, they made an initial gift on a pledge to establish a $25,000 dental student scholarship – The Stephen W. Joe, DMD and Daniel R. Simmons, DMD School of Dentistry Scholarship Endowment. Joe (SOD ’83) and Simmons (SOD ’05) are practice partners at Windstone Dental in Olive Branch, Mississippi. The duo has a reputation for building genuine relationships with patients while providing cutting-edge equipment and clinic technology, streamlining patient diagnosis and treatment.

Both alums have been active participants at dental school events. Joe was president of the School of Dentistry’s Alumni Board from 2020-2021. In 2022, he and his wife Helen, hosted a successful dental alumni social in their Olive Branch home.

Joe and Simmons have been consistent contributors to the school since graduation and continue to provide clinical training for D4 students on clinical rotations. They also understand the importance of financial aid for students who will be the future Mississippi workforce of oral health clinicians.