Small boy on playground

Children's of Mississippi Tupelo

Main Content

Children's of Mississippi, part of the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC), offers everything from routine check-ups to specialized hospital care for kids in North Mississippi. With clinics statewide, our pediatricians specialize in caring for children from birth through the teen years, all in bright, family-friendly spaces. Backed by the state’s only academic medical center and the state’s only children’s hospital, our growing network serves towns across Mississippi, so every kid has a chance to heal, play, learn, and thrive near home.

Primary care from trusted pediatricians

Many local pediatricians you know and trust are now part of the Children’s of Mississippi | North Mississippi Medical Center Children’s Clinic-Tupelo and Children’s Clinic-Saltillo. Our clinics offer friendly, compassionate providers experienced in caring for children.

Our services include:

  • Well-child visits
  • Physical exams
  • Same-day sick visits
  • Acute illness visits
  • Immunizations
  • Common medical testing
  • Medicaid screening
  • Nebulizer/pulmonary treatments

Pediatric specialists cover North Mississippi

In addition to primary care, our clinics bring North Mississippi communities and families ready access to locally based pediatric specialists in fields including cardiology, dermatology, neurology, and endocrinology. Kids who need hospital care see Children’s pediatric hospitalists.

Log in to even more kinds of care

The UMMC Center for Telehealth delivers online access to additional pediatric medical specialties. Through telehealth, pediatric experts can examine and treat patients online using live, two-way audio/visual technology, as easily as if they were in the same exam room. UMMC is a leader in telehealth, and has earned recognition as a National Center of Telehealth Excellence.

Care that's right around the corner
View Our Tupelo Locations Below:

+Children's of Mississippi | North Mississippi Medical Center Children's Clinic - Ecru

Children's of Mississippi | North Mississippi Medical Center Children's Clinic - Ecru

Nearest Parking:

Parking available at the clinic.

Contact Us:

Phone: (662) 489-4345 Fax: (662) 489-8975

View Our Specialties:

Children's Primary Care


+Children's of Mississippi | North Mississippi Medical Center Children's Clinic - Tupelo

Children's of Mississippi | North Mississippi Medical Center Children's Clinic - Tupelo

Nearest Parking:

Parking available at the clinic.

Contact Us:

Phone: (662) 377-7337
Fax: (662) 377-1395

View Our Specialties:

Children's Primary Care


Location on Google Maps

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MyChart lets you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to make appointments for your child, manage their prescriptions, view their test results, access their health records, and more.

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