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Jordan Mallette
I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Mississippi State University (MSU) in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering with a focus in Biomedical Engineering. During my time in undergraduate school, I participated in research on amputee and stroke patients at Methodist Rehabilitation Center in Jackson, MS. I also participated in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience here at UMMC where I worked to develop a version of HumMod, a mathematical model of physiology. Following graduation from MSU, I attended Millsaps College and obtained a Master in Business Administration. Currently, I am a third-year graduate student in the department of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. I joined the laboratory of Dr. Barbara T. Alexander in June 2022. My current research involves the study of cross sex steroids and their impact on cardiorenal risk and how perinatal events program long-term cardiovascular risk in offspring. Since joining, Dr. Alexander's laboratory, in addition to my research, I mentored a medical student summer researcher in 2022, and she is a first author on a review article. Following graduation from UMMC, I plan to pursue a postdoctoral research fellowship in academia. I currently serve as the Graduate Student Body Philanthropy Coordinator and is a Student Recruitment Ambassador for the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences. My long-term career goal is to work in the private sector in the field of medical device or pharmaceutical research and development.