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UMMC 30-Day Mortality Graph - Image Long Description


This graph shows UMMC's UMMC 30-day mortality rates when compared to the national mortality rate from July 2020 to June 2023 in the categories of acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, pneumonia and stroke. During this period, UMMC's mortality rate was lower than the national rate in four categories and higher than the national rate in two categories.


Numerical values presented on the image:

30-Day Mortality: July 2020 – June 2023
Health ConditionUMMC Mortality RateNational Mortality Rate
Acute Mycardial Infarction13.612.6
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery2.62.8
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease10.89.4
Heart Failure10.911.9


The UMMC 30-Day Mortality graph is a bar graph that displays UMMC's mortality rate side by side with the national mortality rate from July 2020 - June 2023. A legend under the heading has blue for UMMC Mortality Rate and gray for National Mortality Rate. The health conditions are listed along the bottom "x" axis. Above each health condition is a vertical blue bar for UMMC's mortality rate and a vertical gray bar for the national mortality rate. The graph displays the rates from 0 to 20 on the left axis.

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