Main ContentUndergraduate Class Constitution
Section 1. Purpose of Class Officers
The purpose of class officers shall be to deal effectively with and conduct class affairs, promote understanding and cooperation between faculty and students of the class they represent, keep the student body officers informed of class affairs, facilitate communication between the student body officers and the student body, and guide class affairs within the framework of the Student Body Constitution and Student Handbook.
Section 2. Class Officers
Each class shall have a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and reporter.
Section 3. Time of Election and Term of Office
The class officers of each senior class shall be elected within the last month of the end of their junior year. Each junior class election shall be held by the end of the sixth full week of the semester following admission. Class officers shall hold office one (1) year unless such officer should sooner cease to be a member of the class from which she or he was elected. Each office shall be filled at other times by special election. Special elections shall be held within fourteen days of the aforementioned termination of said office.
Section 4. Parliamentary Procedure
Robert’s Rules of Order will be the authority on points of order during conduct of all meetings.
Section 5. Duties of Class Officers
- The president shall preside at all class meetings, call meetings as necessary or desired, and attend presidents’ council. The junior class president shall serve as a voting representative from the UMMC School of Nursing (SON) Student Body to the Associated Student Body (ASB) Council.
- The vice president shall fulfill duties and responsibilities of the president in the absence of or upon request of the president. The class vice president will work in coordination with the student body vice president on social events and community service and will serve as liaison to his or her respective class regarding these matters.
- The secretary shall keep an accurate list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of class members and be responsible for minutes and any class correspondence.
- The treasurer shall serve as a custodian of class funds, maintain accurate records of the class account, and serve on budget committees as needed.
- The reporter is responsible for compiling class news and submitting it to the editor of the Murmur. The reporter also is responsible for serving as assistant to the staff preparing the campus annual, The Medic.
Reviewed & Updated March, 2011