SON Student Affairs

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Nursing Student Body Constitution

We, the students of the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) School of Nursing (SON), in order to promote the general welfare of our student body, herein and hereby set forth the fundamental principles of student government for our successors and ourselves and ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION.


Section 1. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Student Body of the UMMC SON.

Section 2. Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to deal effectively with student affairs, to perpetuate the traditions of the UMMC SON, and to promote understanding and cooperation between faculty and students.

Section 3. Recognition of Authority

It is recognized that the Student Body of the UMMC SON is organized within and is part of the UMMC and that, as such, is subject to all lawful authority, rules and regulations of The University and the Board of Trustees, State Institutions of Higher Learning.

Section 4. Members of the UMMC SON Student Body

All students enrolled in the UMMC SON shall be members of the student body.

Section 5. Finances

The UMMC SON Student Body receives 10% of each nursing student’s activity fee paid to the University each semester. These funds are utilized for various expenses such as printing, office supplies, film, and related Nursing Student Body (NSB) activities. The treasurer of the NSB is responsible for the management and distribution of these funds in coordination with the Student Body officers and the UMMC SON operations manager.


Section 1. NSB Officers and Qualifications

The student body president shall be a member of the senior BSN class and will be elected by majority vote of his or her class within the last month of the spring semester proceeding the year that he or she is to serve. The student body vice president shall be a member of the junior BSN class. The student body secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian may be any member of the NSB. The offices of vice president, secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian will be elected by majority vote of the student body by the end of the sixth week of the fall semester. A class officer is also eligible to hold a position as a NSB officer.

Amendment 1: If an officer is unable to complete the course requirements or to maintain a GPA of 2.0 in each class required per semester, the officer will be replaced by a special election. If that office is the President, then the Vice President will assume the role of President, if willing. Otherwise, the office will be filled by a special election.

Amendment 2: Students who are unable to complete the course requirements and continue part time enrollment, may choose to elect a class liaison that will serve in the NSB Council.

Section 2. Duties of Officers

The duties of the officers shall be:

  1. The student body president shall be the chief executive officer of the student body and preside at the presidents’ council meetings. He or she is to appoint committees as necessary and serve as ex-officio member thereof. The president will act as the chairperson of the elections committee, serve as chairperson of the student’s handbook revision committee, appoint representatives to serve on selected faculty standing committees, and serve as a voting representative from the UMMC SON Student Body Association to the Associated Student Body (ASB) Council.
  2. The vice president shall fulfill duties and responsibilities of the president in the absence of, or upon the request of, the president, serve as a voting representative from the UMMC SON Student Body Association to the ASB Council, and attend the presidents’ council meetings. The vice president will act as the social events and community service chairperson, with the authority to appoint committees as necessary, and be a liaison to each class vice president.
  3. The secretary shall keep and maintain an accurate list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the members of the student body. The secretary shall also serve as a voting member from the UMMC SON Student Body to the ASB. The secretary is responsible for recording the minutes for all presidents’ council and ASB meetings, and distributing them appropriately. All presidents’ council members shall receive a copy of the minutes. A master copy of the minutes will be submitted to the administrative assistant to the dean for the UMMC SON. The secretary is also responsible for designating someone to take minutes if unable to attend a meeting.
  4. The treasurer shall act as a custodian of student body funds, make lawful disbursements of funds as necessary and approved, keep accurate account of funds, serve as chairperson of the budget committee, and attend the presidents’ council meetings. After election of all class treasurers, the NSB treasurer will call for a collaborative meeting with each treasurer and the operations manager for the UMMC SON.
  5. The Parliamentarian shall maintain Robert’s Rules of Order as a mandatory guide for the conduct of all meetings and rule as necessary on questions of procedure or conduct.

Section 3. Time of Election and Term of Office

  1. President, Secretary, and two Representatives Written nominations for the office of President, S designated deadline. At the end of the spring semester, the Election Committee will present to the student body the proposed slate of nominees. The slate of officers shall develop a platform and present this platform to the class before ballot is distributed. The election of these student body officers shall be by secret ballot not later than seven (7) days following the nomination deadline. The President, shall serve for one (1) year following the date of installation.
  2. Other Elected Officers Written nominations of other elected officers for the NSB shall be submitted to the Election Committee (current president and/or the Director of Student Affairs) by the designated deadline. At the beginning of the fall semester, the Election Committee will present to the student body, the proposed slate of nominees. The election of the officers shall be by secret ballot not later than seven (7) days following the nomination deadline. The vice president and treasurer will serve throughout the school year of their election.
  3. Replacement of Elected Officers Should any elected officer be unable to complete his or her term of office, a special election by secret ballot will be called by the President (or acting President) to fill the vacancy.
  4. Runoffs In the event of a tie or a non majority vote, a runoff election will be held within seven (7) days of the primary balloting.


Section 1. Advisor

A faculty advisor shall be elected to represent each class in the UMMC SON. The senior class advisor shall be elected within the last month of the preceding year. The junior class advisor shall be elected by the end of the sixth week of the fall semester.

Section 2. Duties of Advisor

The elected advisor shall counsel and advise the officers of the student body as need arises, be entitled to attend all meetings of the student body, work in conjunction with the director of student affairs, assist with revision of the UMMC SON Student Handbook, and attend Presidents’ Council.


Section 1. Method of Calling Meeting

Meetings of the Student Body of The UMMC SON shall be held in the fall and the spring. The President will call all other meetings. A special meeting may be called upon the submission of a petition signed by fifteen (15) members of the student body. Any meeting, whether called by the President or by petition of students, may be held only after proper posting of notice in conspicuous places in the UMMC SON for a period of no less than three (3) days. Such notice shall state the nature of the business of the meeting and the time, date, and place of said meeting. Appropriate faculty will be notified of the student body meetings.

Section 2. Quorum

A majority of the students present at any duly announced meeting of the student body should constitute a quorum. All business transacted when a quorum has been established shall have full effect as expressing the will of the entire student body. A quorum, once determined during a given meeting, shall be considered to continue for the duration of that particular meeting, though the actual number present shall later fail to maintain the majority as required for initial determination.

Section 3. Conduct of the Meeting

The president, or in his/her absence, the vice president or next ranking student body officer, shall conduct the meeting.


Section 1. Standing Committees

Standing committees shall be appointed by the president for specific tasks such as handbook revision, orientation, recruitment, and elections. These committees are responsible to the student body organization to which they report their activities. Tasks for which ad hoc committees often are needed include curriculum evaluation and budget.

Section 2. Time of Appointment and Term of Office

All presidential appointments, unless specifically stated to the contrary, shall be made within (5) weeks after the beginning of classes in the fall. The term shall last until new committees are appointed. The committee chairperson may request the President of the student body to replace committee members who are consistently absent from meetings.

Section 3. Functions

The Students’ Handbook Revision Committee shall:

  1. be composed of the Student Body President, who will serve as chairperson, the Student Body Secretary and any other students approved by the committee chairperson;
  2. work in cooperation with the director of student affairs.
  3. meet when deemed necessary by the chairperson;
  4. propose additions or changes in the constitution and handbook that will promote the best interest of the student body.
The Elections Committee shall:
  1. be presided by the student body president and consist of four volunteer members from the student body. No student may serve on this committee if his or her name appears on the ballot. This committee will be functional as of the end of the first full calendar month of the fall semester. The director of student affairs or their designee will serve as ex-officio member;
  2. be responsible for receiving written nominations for the student body elections and preparing the ballots (Written nominations may be submitted by any student wishing to submit the name of another student provided the nominee’s permission is obtained in writing.)
  3. be responsible for conducting all elections;
  4. the director of student affairs or their designee will be responsible for the tabulation of ballots.


Section 1. Adoption

The student body president shall set a day for students to review and adopt the Constitution for the current year. The provisions of this constitution shall become effective upon approval of a majority of the students voting. Upon adoption, this Constitution shall supersede any and all previous Constitutions.

Section 2. Custody

The original copy of this constitution shall be placed in the care and custody of the dean of the UMMC SON and shall not be removed for any reason except to be photocopied under the supervision of the dean or her agent. Ten (10) true and exact photocopies of this constitution shall be kept in the care and custody of the dean of the UMMC SON for the general use and convenience of interested students.


Section 1. Proposed Amendments

An amendment to this Constitution may be proposed at any regular or special meeting. When an amendment has been proposed, the President will set a date for voting on the addition or revision.

Section 2. Adoption of Proposed Amendments

A proposed amendment shall become effective upon approval by ballot of a majority of the total number of students voting on the day set by the President.

Reviewed & Updated March, 2011