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More about the School of Medicine

The University of Mississippi School of Medicine offers a course of study leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD). The four-year course leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education.

The School of Medicine strives to offer an excellent, comprehensive and interrelated program of medical education, biomedical research and health care. Through these programs, the ultimate goal of the School is to provide quality and equitable health care to all citizens of Mississippi, the region and nation. A core value of this mission is respect for the multiple dimensions of diversity reflected in all people.

In support of this mission, the School of Medicine (SOM) offers an accredited program of medical education that trains a diverse, skilled, compassionate and respectful physician workforce in numbers consistent with the health care needs of Mississippi, professionals who are responsive to the health problems of the people, aware of health care disparities and committed to medical education as a continuum which must prevail throughout professional life.

In addition, the School of Medicine seeks to expand the body of basic and applied knowledge in biomedical sciences for the state, nation and the world, and to improve systems of health care delivery and demonstrate model patient care for all members of our diverse community.