Psychology Training Program Update
Psychology Training Program Update (as of March 15, 2023)
Hannah Ford, PhD, Training Director
Current Psychology Trainees:
Psychology Residents
The 2022-2023 UMMC Psychology Residents began their training at UMMC on July 1st.
Adult Track
- Rachel Carpenter – East Tennessee State University
- Felicitas “Feli” Huber – University of Tulsa
- Jiwon “Jennie” Min – Oklahoma State University
- Child Track
- Megan Hare – Florida International University
- Feven Ogbaselase – Miami University
- Kathryn “Katie” Parisi – University of Arkansas
- Delanie Roberts – Oklahoma State University
Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow
- Kerry Kinney, PhD
Psychology Residency Program Updates:
During their one year of training in our department psychology residents complete three 4-month clinical rotations, as well as provide services to patients in the department’s outpatient General Psychology Clinic, which is located on the 7th floor of the Clinical Sciences Building and is currently providing services via telehealth. The current class has completed their second rotation and recently started their third rotation. Thank you to division and departmental faculty for their involvement in training our current class of residents in clinical, research, and didactic settings.
During the month of January, our program completed interviews for the upcoming 2023-2024 training year. I want to extend a big thank you to our program administrator Kristy Herbison for all of her efforts coordinating our interview days and to all of our program faculty who participated in these interviews. We are excited to share that we successfully matched all 7 of our internship slots for the upcoming training year! We look forward to welcoming our new class of residents on July 1st.
The program will be providing CE credits for our upcoming Evidence-Based Psychotherapy workshop on May 17th, which will focus on trauma interventions. Stay tuned for additional information! We also continue to offer CE credits for our ongoing Psychiatry and Psychology Joint Case Conference series.
Highlighted Psychology Resident Research Accomplishments:
During their one year clinical psychology residency, our residents are active in both clinical and research endeavors. I would like to acknowledge some of their recent research accomplishments since the start of the training year.
Hare, M., Landis, T., Hernandez, M., & Graziano, P. (2023). A Systematic Review of Infant Mental Health Prevention and Treatment Programs. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Hare, M., Landis, T., Hernandez, M., & Graziano, P. (2023). Mental health prevention and treatment programs for infants experiencing homelessness: A systematic review. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Hare, M., Trucco, E., Hawes, S., Villar, M., & Zucker, R. (2023). Pathways to substance use: Examining conduct problems and parenting behaviors from preschool to adolescence. Development and Psychopathology.
Kell, P. A., Huber, F. A., Street, E. N., Shadlow, J. O., & Rhudy, J. L. (2022). Sleep Problems Mediate the Relationship Between Psychosocial Stress and Pain Facilitation in Native Americans: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis from the Oklahoma Study of Native American Pain Risk. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56(11), 1116-1130.
Dickens, H., Bruehl, S., Rao, U., Myers, H., Goodin, B., Huber, F. A., ... & Morris, M. C. (2022). Cognitive-Affective-Behavioral Pathways Linking Adversity and Discrimination to Daily Pain in African-American Adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-13.
Roberts, D. K., Alderson, R. M., Betancourt, J. L., & Bullard, C. (In Press). Phonological working memory in children with and without ADHD: A systematic evaluation of recall errors. Neurospsychology.
Ogbaselase-Beck, F. A., Johal, S., & Karlson, C.W. (2023, March). Racial equality for academic and behavioral outcomes for all Black youth with sickle cell disease. Poster accepted to the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (SPPAC), Chicago, IL
Parisi, K.E., Sarver, D.E., & Quetsch, L.B. Statewide Implementation of Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) in Early Childhood Education Centers: Examination of Implementation Determinants. Symposium presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies in New York City, NY, November 20, 2022.
Roberts, D. K., Alderson, R. M., & Bullard, C. (November, 2022). Feature Binding and Working Memory in Children with ADHD: Evidence of Episodic Buffer Impairment. Poster session to be presented at Psychonomic Society’s 63rd Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Bullard, C., Alderson, R. M., & Roberts, D. K. (November, 2022). Working Memory and ADHD: Do Trial Numbers Effect Performance Estimates?. Poster session to be presented at Psychonomic Society’s 63rd Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
2022-2023 Psychology Residents (left to right): Feven Ogbaselase, Jennie Min, Delanie Roberts, Megan Hare, Rachel Carpenter, Feli Huber, Katie Parisi