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School of Medicine 2024-2025 Student Handbook
Select a topic below to jump to a section.
Purpose of Student Handbook
History and Governance
Statement of Purpose
School of Medicine Mission
Vision Statement
UMMC Health System
Jackson Medical Mall
Affiliated Hospitals
Equal Opportunity Statement
Procedure on Religious Diversity
Educational Program Objectives
Technical Standards: Admission, Retention, Promotion and Certification
Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative, and Quantitative Abilities
Behavioral and Social Attributes
A Covenant for Medical Education
Medical Student Professionalism Code
Professional Appearance Guidelines
Policy and Procedure on Professional Behavior
Code of Honorable and Professional Conduct
Medical Student Council Bylaws
Policy and Procedure on Academic Integrity
Policy on Grading Progression and Academic Status
Academic Achievement Policy and Procedure
Policy on Student Duty Hours
Course Syllabi
Podcasting Guidelines
Tuition and Fees
Student Services
The Rowland Medical Library
Student Financial Aid
Organizations for Students
Honor Societies
Student Organizations
Student Council
Associated Student Body
ASB Student Council
Food and Nutrition Services:
Fast Foods
Student Union
Medical Center Bookstore
Reference and Review Books
Textbooks and Special Equipment
Medical Supplies
Office Supplies and School Apparel
Technology Requirements:
Required Laptops
Medical Student Lounges
Postal Service
Picture Identification
Communications and Marketing
Posting of Notices
Campus Police
Campus Security Act of 1992
Bicycles, Motorcycles
Faculty Advisement
Counseling Services
Academic Support
Tutoring Services
Student Assistance Program
International Travel
Student Disability Insurance
Academic Accommodations
Medical Insurance Requirement
Student and Employee Health
Non-Involvement of Providers of Student Health Services in Student Assessment
Immunization Requirement
Drug Program
Legal Sanctions Under Local, State or Federal Law
Tobacco Product Use
Firearms Policy
UMMC Safety Precautions
Teaching Laboratories
Behavior Risk
Policy on Reporting Obligations for Students with Blood Borne Diseases
Mistreatment Policy
General Mistreatment
Sexual Misconduct
Public Wireless Access Policy and Procedure
Email Policy
Procedure Regarding Social Media
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
Student Access to Records
Release of Information
Accuracy of Educational Records
Emergency Procedures
Tornadoes or Severe Weather
Suspicious Persons
Lost and Found
Student Complaints
Medical Center Property
Medical Center Telephone System Dialing Instructions
Emergency Numbers
UMMC Campus Map
The School of Medicine Student Handbook and the University of Mississippi Medical Center Bulletin are the primary sources of information about the School of Medicine and UMMC. It is the responsibility of each medical student to be familiar with each document.
The student handbook and the bulletin are provided to students during their orientation to medical school and posted on the School of Medicine's website. General information, rules, regulations and responsibilities pertaining to medical students, included in these documents, are discussed during orientation.
School of Medicine and Medical Center policies are subject to revision at any time without prior notice. Medical students are notified of any relevant changes in policy made effective during the course of the academic year.
As members of the academic community, medical students have a voice in the formulation and application of policies and procedures and are responsible for adhering to the standards of scholarship and conduct essential to the educational mission and community life at the Medical Center.
The Medical Center in Jackson is the health sciences campus of the University of Mississippi. The Medical Center opened in 1955, but its beginnings go back to 1903 when a special act of the Board of Trustees created the School of Medicine. Except for the 1909-10 sessions when clinical training was provided at the Charity Hospital in Vicksburg, the School of Medicine operated continuously as a two-year school on the Oxford campus for more than half a century. In the summer of 1955, the school was moved to the state capital at Jackson and expanded to include the third and fourth years of medical training. The first class was graduated in June 1957.
The Medical Center functions as a separately funded, semi-autonomous unit responsible to the chancellor of the University of Mississippi, and through him to the constitutional Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, which governs all eight state institutions of higher learning. All final authority for the operation of the institutions under its control lies with this board.
The 1950 Mississippi Legislature enlarged and strengthened health professions education in Mississippi by enacting bills to establish and construct the Medical Center in Jackson as part of the University of Mississippi. The Medical Center unites the interrelated activities of education in the health sciences and accepts responsibility for teaching, research, service, and leadership in this field. Its programs embrace training for physicians, dentists, nurses, and related members of the health team; graduate study in the biomedical sciences; and the delivery of health care in the teaching hospitals and clinics.
The parent campus, the University of Mississippi, chartered in 1844, has five areas of focus in its current Statement of Purpose. One of these is health. "The University will continue to provide the professional education of those who deliver and administer human health services and those who perform research aimed at improving the efficiency, the effectiveness, quality, and availability of health care."
Within this framework, the Medical Center's principal and continuing purpose is to accomplish the interrelated goals of health professional education for Mississippi: to teach in a superior manner the art and science of health care to students of exceptional promise and talent; to provide high-quality treatment for all patients using the disciplines and specialties of modern health care; to lead the way to discoveries which will raise the health level of Mississippians and, indeed, all mankind; to foster dedication to lifelong learning; to respond to community needs through continuing education and outreach programs that extend beyond the campus; and to recruit and retain the caliber of faculty necessary to meet these goals. The Medical Center fosters and protects an intellectual, emotional, and challenging learning environment conducive to educational excellence in the health sciences, productive scientific investigation and exemplary patient care, and moves toward the ultimate goal of improved health and well-being for the citizens of Mississippi, the region, the nation, and the world.
Medical Center graduates are expected to possess and to demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to practice their disciplines as competent health professionals. The Medical Center regularly uses appropriate external and internal measurement tools to assess the institution's effectiveness in training health professionals for Mississippi and to evaluate its programs for patient care, research, continuing education, and outreach.
The expeditious growth of the Medical Center into a major academic health sciences center reflects the deep commitment of the State of Mississippi, the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, and the administration and faculty of the University of Mississippi Medical Center to the continuing fulfillment of this statement of purpose.
The University of Mississippi School of Medicine is committed to training skilled and compassionate physicians to provide high-quality and equitable health care particularly to the state's residents, including diverse and underserved populations. The school prepares learners to provide excellent care through programs of innovative education, state-of-the-art research and comprehensive clinical practice.
Approved by the Executive Faculty, April 28, 2011.
Updated by the Executive Faculty, August 20, 2018.
A healthier Mississippi and beyond through education, patient care and discovery.
Approved by the Executive Faculty, August 20, 2018.
The Medical Center occupies a 164-acre tract of University-owned land in the heart of the capital city. The original eight-story building is now the nucleus of a major academic health sciences complex, more than quadruple in size since its opening in 1955. The Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Health Related Professions, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Population Health all have their own buildings on campus. The dental education building and a major classroom addition were completed in 1977; a clinical sciences expansion to the medical school was occupied in 1978; and the Verner Smith Holmes Learning Resource Center was occupied in 1982. An ambulatory care center – the University Physicians Pavilion – was completed in 1987, and an addition to the learning resource center was completed in 1990. The Arthur C. Guyton Laboratory Research Building opened in 1993 and was expanded in 2008. The Translational Research Center was opened in 2017 along with the new School of Medicine Education Building. In addition to academic, research and patient care areas, other campus facilities include an alumni house and the Norman C. Nelson Student Union. The Medical Center's graduate programs in the health sciences previously operated under the auspices of the Graduate School of the University of Mississippi; the Medical Center's School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences was established in 2001. The School of Population Health was established in 2017.
UMMC Health System
The UMMC Health System is made up of teaching hospitals for all Medical Center education programs and a 772-bed diagnostic and treatment referral center for the entire state. The hospital system includes the ambulatory services at the Jackson Medical Mall, faculty practice in the UMMC Pavilion; Children’s of Mississippi, which includes the Batson tower and the Kathy and Joe Sanderson Tower, the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, and the Children's Rehabilitation Center; the Winfred L. Wiser Hospital for Women and Infants; the Wallace Conerly Hospital for Critical Care; University Hospital; and the Holmes County Hospital and Clinics.
Jackson Medical Mall Thad Cochran Center
Some UHHS clinics are located at the Jackson Medical Mall Thad Cochran Center. Services at the mall include immunization; hypertension counseling and treatment; tuberculosis screening; diabetes education and research; and STD screening and counseling. The Departments of Family Medicine, Medicine, Pediatrics, and Ob-Gyn collaborate in a primary care clinic. Dermatology, a Dermatology Psoriasis Specialty Clinic, and a Pain Management Clinic also see patients at the Jackson Medical Mall. Other mall tenants are the Hinds County Health Department and the City of Jackson Department of Human Services.
Affiliated Hospitals
The G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center of Jackson, with 376 general patient beds and a 120-bed nursing home, is the principal teaching affiliate for Medical Center educational programs.
The University answers to the Board of Trustees through the University's administrative head, Chancellor Glenn Boyce, whose office is on the Oxford campus. The chief executive officer at the semiautonomous Medical Center is Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine. Executive leadership of the School of Medicine includes:
The University of Mississippi Medical Center provides equal opportunity in any employment practice, education program, or education activity to all qualified persons. The Medical Center complies with all applicable laws regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action and does not unlawfully discriminate against any employee, student, or applicant based upon race, color, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, socioeconomic status, culture, or genetic information. Inquiries or complaints may be referred to the Office of the Director, Employee Relations, 2500 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39216-4505.
To allow students to decline participation in medical procedures or services for which they have a religious objection.
View Procedure on Religious Diversity on PolicyTech.
The educational program of the School of Medicine is designed to achieve the multiple goals of dissemination of knowledge through teaching, application of knowledge through clinical practice, and creation of new knowledge through scientific research. The specific educational program objectives set forth below reflect the essential requirements for physicians to act in an ethical and altruistic fashion while providing competent medical care and fulfilling their obligations to their patients.
I. Graduates must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the structure and function of the human body to
recognize alterations from the normal. They must recognize the various causes of such abnormalities and their
pathogenesis. At the completion of the medical school curriculum, students must be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the normal structure and function of the human body and each of its major organ systems.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms which help maintain the body's homeostasis.
- Synthesize the various causes (genetic, developmental, metabolic, toxic, microbiologic, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative, and traumatic) of diseases and the ways in which they impact on the body (pathogenesis).
- Demonstrate knowledge of the altered structure and function (pathology and pathophysiology) of the body and its major organ systems that are seen in various diseases and conditions.
- Apply principles of epidemiological sciences in establishing the causation of disease and efficacy of traditional and nontraditional therapies.
II. Graduates must utilize the necessary diagnostic and interventional skills to accurately evaluate, diagnose and
plan treatment appropriate for each patient. At the completion of the medical school curriculum, students must
be able to:
- Obtain an accurate medical history that covers all essential aspects of the patient's history, including issues related to age, gender, ethnic and socioeconomic status.
- Perform both a complete and an organ system specific examination, including one for mental status.
- Perform routine technical procedures including, at a minimum, venipuncture, inserting an intravenous catheter, airway management, inserting a nasogastric tube, inserting a Foley catheter and suturing simple lacerations.
- Interpret results of commonly used diagnostic tests and procedures, i.e., laboratory, roentgenographic, electrocardiographic.
- Utilize knowledge of the most frequent manifestations of common disorders.
- Reason deductively in solving clinical problems.
- Construct appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic plans/strategies for patients with common conditions, both acute and chronic, including medical, surgical and psychiatric conditions, and those requiring short- and long-term rehabilitation.
- Identify patients with immediately life-threatening conditions, i.e., infectious, cardiac, pulmonary, allergic, neurologic or psychiatric diseases regardless of etiology, and to institute appropriate initial therapy.
- Recognize and outline initial management for patients with conditions requiring critical care.
- Apply knowledge about how to relieve pain and ameliorate suffering of patients.
- Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with patients and their families.
III. Graduates must demonstrate those characteristics, attitudes and values that are needed to provide ethical
and beneficent medical care for all patients. At the completion of the medical school curriculum, students must
be able to:
- Apply knowledge of theories and principles that govern ethical decision making, and of the major ethical questions in medicine, particularly those at the beginning and end of life and those that surface from the rapid expansion of technology.
- Demonstrate honesty and integrity in all interactions with patients, families, colleagues and others with whom physicians must interact in their professional lives.
- Advocate the interests of one's patients over one's own interests at all times.
- Analyze the threats to medical professionalism posed by the conflicts of interest inherent in various financial and organizational arrangements for the practice of medicine.
- Evaluate and accept limitations in one's knowledge and clinical skills, and commit to continuously improve one's knowledge and abilities.
IV. Graduates must employ systematic approaches for promoting, maintaining and improving the health of
individuals and population. At the completion of the medical school curriculum, students must be able to:
- Identify the important non-biological determinants of poor health and of the economic, psychological, social and cultural factors that contribute to the development and/or continuation of maladies.
- Apply knowledge of the epidemiology of common maladies within a defined population and the systematic approaches useful in reducing the incidence and prevalence of those maladies.
- Identify factors that place individuals at risk for disease or injury, to select appropriate tests for detecting patients at risk for specific diseases or in the early stage of disease, and to determine strategies for responding appropriately.
- Retrieve from electronic databases and other resources, manage and utilize biomedical information for solving problems and make decisions that are relevant to the care of individuals and populations.
- Demonstrate knowledge of various approaches to the organization, financing and delivery of health care.
- Provide care to patients who are unable to pay and to advocate for access to health care for members of traditionally underserved populations.
V. Graduates must demonstrate the ability to engage in an interprofessional team in a manner that optimizes
safe, effective patient-and population-centered care. At the completion of the medical school curriculum,
students must be able to:
- Establish and maintain a climate of mutual respect, dignity, ethical integrity and trust among health professionals.
- Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with colleagues and health care team members with whom physicians must exchange information in carrying out their responsibilities.
- Provide compassionate and nonjudgmental treatment of all patients, and respect for the privacy and dignity of all patients.
- Demonstrate an understanding of, and respect for, the roles of other health care professionals, and of the need to collaborate and work with others in caring for individual patients and in promoting the health of defined populations.
VI. Graduates must demonstrate the qualities required to sustain lifelong personal and professional growth. At
the completion of the medical school curriculum, students must be able to:
- Engage in lifelong learning to stay abreast of relevant scientific advances.
- Assess self-awareness of knowledge, skills, and emotional limitations to engage in appropriate help-seeking behaviors.
- Demonstrate leadership skills that enhance team functioning and the learning environment.
- Develop an understanding of skills and strategies to maintain work life integration.
Updated by the School of Medicine Curriculum Committee, November, 2019.
The School of Medicine offers a course of study leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. A combined M.D./Ph.D. program also is offered. The four-year program leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. Consult the University of Mississippi Medical Center Bulletin for requirements and details.
Because the M.D. degree awarded to a senior medical student signifies the holder is prepared for entry into the practice of medicine within postgraduate training programs, graduates must have the knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care.
If they are to function in this manner, medical students must have somatic sensation, the functional use of the senses of vision and hearing, and equilibrium. They must have sufficient exteroceptive sense (touch, pain and temperature), sufficient proprioceptive sense (position, pressure, movement, stereognosis and vibratory) and sufficient motor function to perform the activities described in the sections that follow. Students also must be able to consistently, quickly and accurately integrate all information received by whatever sense(s), have the intellectual ability to learn, integrate, analyze and synthesize data, and demonstrate the appropriate behavioral and social skills for patient interaction.
Technological compensation can be made for some handicaps in certain of these areas, but the student should be able to perform in a largely independent manner.
The medical student must be able to observe and participate in demonstrations and experiments in the basic sciences, including but not limited to physiologic and pharmacologic demonstrations in animals; microbiologic cultures; microscopic studies of microorganisms and tissues in normal and pathologic states; and anatomical specimens. Medical students are not required to participate in any procedure or service for which they have religious objection. Students must attend all required educational sessions whether or not they have religious objection to the material discussed and are responsible for the educational content of the session. In addition, students may not refuse to provide care to a patient based on religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, patient diagnosis or any other patient personal characteristic. It is required that students communicate with the course or clerkship director at the beginning of the course or clerkship when they are aware that procedures to which they object may occur. The student must be able to observe a patient accurately at a distance and close at hand. Observation necessitates the functional use of the senses of vision, hearing and somatic sensation. It is enhanced by the functional use of the sense of smell.
A medical student should be able to speak, to hear and to observe patients in a sensitive manner. A medical student should be able to elicit information; describe changes in the patient's mood, activity and posture; and perceive nonverbal communication. The student also must be able to communicate effectively in oral and written form with all members of the health care team.
A student should have sufficient motor function to obtain information from patients by palpation, auscultation, percussion and other diagnostic maneuvers; to do basic laboratory tests; to carry out diagnostic procedures; to read electrocardiograms and radiographs; and to conduct anatomical dissections in the basic sciences and clinical years. A student should be able to execute the motor movements reasonably required to provide general and emergency care to patients. Examples of emergency treatment reasonably required of physicians are cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the administration of intravenous medication, the application of pressure to stop bleeding, the opening of obstructed airways, the suturing of simple wounds and the performance of simple obstetrical maneuvers. Such actions require coordination of both gross and fine muscular movements, equilibrium and functional use of the senses of touch and vision.
Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative Abilities
These abilities include measurement, calculation, reasoning, analysis and synthesis. Problem-solving, the critical skill demanded of physicians, requires all of these intellectual abilities. In addition, the student must be able to comprehend three-dimensional relationships and to understand the spatial relationships of structures.
Behavioral and Social Attributes
A student must possess the emotional health required to fully use his or her intellectual abilities; to exercise good judgment; to promptly complete the responsibilities attendant to the diagnosis and care of patients; and to develop mature, sensitive and appropriate relationships with patients. A student must be able to tolerate physically taxing workloads and to function effectively under stress. A student must be flexible, able to adapt to changing environments, and capable of functioning in the face of uncertainties inherent to the clinical problems of many patients.
Professionalism is an inherent and vital part of the discipline and practice of medicine. The School of Medicine has adopted the Medical Student Professionalism Code and the Covenant for Medical Education.
Preparation for a career in medicine requires the acquisition of a large base of knowledge. It also demands the virtues that form the basis of the doctor-patient relationship and sustain the profession of medicine as a moral enterprise. This covenant serves as both a commitment and a reminder to teachers and students that their conduct in fulfilling their mutual obligations is the medium through which the profession instills its ethical values.
Medical educators have a duty to convey the knowledge and skills required to deliver the profession's contemporary standard of care and to instill the values and attitudes required to preserve the medical profession's social contract across the generations. The learning environments conducive to conveying professional values must be grounded in integrity. Students learn enduring lessons of professionalism by observing and emulating role models who epitomize authentic professional values and attitudes. Fundamental to the ethic of medicine is respect for every individual. Mutual respect between learners, as novice members of the medical profession, and their teachers, as experienced and esteemed professionals, is essential for nurturing that ethic. Given the inherently hierarchical nature of the teacher-student relationship, teachers have a special obligation to ensure that students are always treated with respect.
- We pledge our utmost efforts to ensure that all components of the educational program for medical students are of the highest quality.
- As mentors for our student colleagues, we pledge that we will maintain high professional standards in all of our interactions with patients, colleagues, and staff.
- We pledge that we will respect all students as individuals, without regard to gender, race, national origin, religion, age, or sexual orientation; we will not tolerate anyone who manifests disrespect or who expresses biased attitudes toward any student.
- We pledge that students will have sufficient time to fulfill personal and family obligations, to enjoy recreational activities, and to obtain adequate rest; we will monitor time required for "call" on clinical rotations.
- In nurturing both the intellectual and the personal development of students, we pledge to celebrate expressions of exemplary professional attitudes and behaviors, as well as achievement of academic excellence.
- We pledge that we will not tolerate any abuse or exploitation of students.
- We pledge that we will encourage any student who experiences mistreatment or who witnesses unprofessional behavior to report the facts immediately to appropriate faculty or staff; and we pledge that we will treat all such reports as confidential and will not tolerate reprisals or retaliations of any kind.
- We pledge our utmost efforts to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required to fulfill all educational objectives established by the faculty.
- We pledge that we will cherish the professional virtues of honesty, compassion, integrity, fidelity, and dependability.
- We pledge to respect all faculty members and all students as individuals, without regard to gender, race, national origin, religion, age, or sexual orientation.
- As physicians in training, we pledge that we will embrace the highest standards of the medical profession and conduct ourselves accordingly in all of our interactions with patients, colleagues and staff. We pledge to respect all individuals without regard to gender, race, national origin, religion, age, or sexual orientation.
- In fulfilling our own obligations as professionals, we also pledge to assist our fellow students in meeting their professional obligations.
Adapted from the Association of American Medical Colleges' Compact Between Teachers and Learners of Medicine.
As a student of Medicine, I am now a member of the medical community, and as a member, I accept responsibility for my conduct and expect the highest standards of myself. I will also support others in upholding these standards. I understand that the behavior and attitudes of the individual medical student reflects on our classmates, our school, our families, our communities, and our profession. I recognize that it is an honor and a privilege to be a part of the medical profession. As a medical student in lecture, lab, small group, an administrator's office, support staff's office, clinic, or the hospital, whether patients are present or not, I will act in a professional manner.
I pledge to uphold the following tenets of professionalism:
Honesty and Integrity
- I will demonstrate truthfulness and fidelity in academic and clinical activities, including examinations, evaluation, and any other representation of my work.
- I will not participate in or be a party to unfair advancement of academic standing.
- I will be truthful in all interactions with patients, peers, and faculty.
- I will be honest in the collection, interpretation, and reporting of data pertinent to academic work or patient care.
- I will adhere to the highest standard of integrity in professional relationships, including those with industry representatives.
Respect for Others
- I will demonstrate the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior in the academic and clinical setting.
- I will not discriminate against patients or their families based on race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, diagnosis, socioeconomic status, or ability to pay.
- I will treat my classmates, staff, those of various medical disciplines, and all health care team members with respect.
- I will display and expect non-discriminatory behavior toward and from my supervisors, my peers, and staff with whom I work.
- I will respect that faculty have devoted their time and experience to teaching medical students in lectures, labs, small groups, simulations, clinics, and hospitals.
- I will show respect in all oral, written, and e-mail communications, including patient presentations, clinical documentation, course evaluations, and challenges to grades or test questions.
- I will protect patient confidentiality, discussing information with no one who does not have legitimate need to know.
- I will uphold the dignity of our patients.
- I will show respect for others by dressing appropriately, including wearing a clean white coat and appropriate identification during all anticipated patient or simulated patient contact. The Professional Appearance Guidelines for University Hospitals and Clinics can be found in the Student Handbook.
Reliability and Responsibility
- I will maintain patient well-being as my main focus and primary responsibility.
- I will fulfill responsibilities assigned to me with careful consideration of consequences to both patients and colleagues, recognizing that my failure to contribute fully increases the workload of others and may compromise the well-being of our patients.
- I will be punctual.
- I will educate myself about the ethical standards of my profession and the legal standards that may apply to my patients.
- I will acknowledge my strengths as well as my limitations, offering assistance when I am able and seeking assistance when necessary.
- I will not be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs while performing academic or clinical responsibilities.
Commitment to Self-Improvement
- I will continue to strive for knowledge, skills, competence, and best practices.
- I will prepare to the best of my ability for class, labs, small groups, clinic, and rounds.
- I will commit to participate through attendance in class, labs, small groups, and clinical settings.
- I will demonstrate willingness to share in the learning process with peers, faculty, and staff to promote the student-teacher relationship and to assist others in meeting professional obligations.
- I will seek assistance from colleagues or professionals for any problems that adversely affect my education, quality of patient care, or service to society.
- I will willingly assess my progress and identify areas for improvement and issues for continued learning.
- I will incorporate feedback into self-improvement.
- I will effectively use technology to manage information for patient care and self-improvement.
- I will continue to strive to become an honest, responsible, and compassionate member of the medical profession, with service to and well-being of the patient as my guide.
Finally, as a student, I will adhere to UMMC policies on professionalism, conduct, personal appearance, patient confidentiality, and compliance
Adapted from the University of Minnesota Medical Student Professionalism Code, 2002, by the University of Mississippi School of Medicine Curriculum Committee, Professionalism Subcommittee, November 2006.
Hair: Hair should always be clean, well-groomed, and styled so that the face is visible. Extreme hair color or style distracts from a professional appearance and is not acceptable.
Facial Hair: Students who wear mustaches, beards or sideburns should keep them trimmed appropriately and well groomed. Those who shave their facial hair should make every effort to maintain a clean-shaven look.
ID Badge: UMMC policy requires ID badges at all times while on duty. The badge should be worn with the name and photo clearly visible on the front, upper torso and affixed to a collar, pocket, lapel or displayed on a short neck strap.
Shirts: Collared shirts, blouses and T-shirts may be worn as long as they do not contain inappropriate, offensive or distracting graphics (e.g. political statements). Tank tops and spaghetti straps are not appropriate. No undergarments should be exposed, with the exception of undershirts. These clothing items should not be extremely oversized or excessively baggy.
Pants: Pants should be in good condition, not tattered. Jeans, cargo pants and capris are acceptable. Pants should not be excessively clinging; leggings and spandex are appropriate if worn under a dress, shirt or skirt of appropriate length.
Shorts: Shorts should extend to at least mid-thigh in length and they should visibly extend beyond any shirt/top that is worn. Athletic shorts and cutoffs are not acceptable.
Skirts: Skirts must be of sufficient length to reach an ID card placed vertically at the knee.
Shoes: All footwear should be clean and in good condition. Sneakers and sandals may be worn. House shoes should not be worn.
Other: Hats are appropriate as long as they do not have inappropriate, offensive or distracting graphics. Garments such as sweat suits, jogging suits, camouflage or any type of pants and top worn for sportswear are not appropriate.
PROFESSIONAL DRESS GUIDELINES (to include in person and online/video encounters)
Shirts: Men should wear button-down shirts with all buttons buttoned; however, if a tie is not worn, the top button may be open. Women's shirts should not be low cut or excessively clinging; these tops must have sleeves. Bare shoulders are not acceptable.
Pants, Skirts, Dresses: These items should not be denim; neither capris nor shorts are appropriate. Dresses and skirts must be of sufficient length to reach an ID card placed vertically at the knee. Men are required to wear belts with their pants.
Shoes: Shoes should be clean, neat and always with closed toes. Heels should be of modest height. Sandals, flip flops and house shoes are not appropriate.
Accessories: Nail polish should be tasteful and neat in appearance. As a health precaution, no false nails are allowed and natural fingernails should not extend more than one quarter-inch past the fingertip. Makeup should not be distracting. Hats and sunglasses should not be worn indoors. Tattoos should be covered. Earrings should not exceed one-and-a-half inch in size. Nose-rings are permitted for cultural customs. Refrain from excessive use of fragrant hairspray, perfume or cologne.
Scrubs: Scrubs are acceptable to wear both in the classroom and in the hospital setting. Scrubs should be clean; top and bottom should be of matching color. Scrubs should not display any extra logos or embellishments. Plain, neutral T-shirts may be worn underneath, but they must be tucked into the pants. Clean and neat tennis shoes may be worn with scrubs.
In additional to professional dress, encounters that occur online or using video involve other components for which attention must be given. Consider your background to ensure you present a neat space that is free from distracting or inappropriate materials (e.g., posters/murals). Ensure that the space is appropriately secure to exclude excessive or distracting background noise and ensure an appropriate level of confidentiality when appropriate.
These recommendations for dress are expected to be adhered to any time the students are in the classroom, hospital/clinical/online/video setting or any time they interact with patients. Students are free to dress neatly and informally in the library or when on campus to study in the classroom building.
As one of the core competencies for the practice of medicine, professionalism is an academic matter within the School of Medicine. Students Medicine must demonstrate the professional behaviors expected of a physician. Students are evaluated in the areas of attentiveness, maturity, cooperation, responsibility, professional appearance, respect (i.e., for administration, faculty, residents, peers, patients, patient family members, and other members of the health care team), communication, judgment, ethics, honesty, morality, as well as other characteristics of professionalism important for a career in medicine.
View Policy and Procedure on Professional Behavior on PolicyTech.CODE OF HONORABLE AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT
In the tradition of high standards of professional and personal conduct described by Hippocrates, the students of the University of Mississippi School of Medicine created a code of honorable and professional conduct. They have dedicated themselves to the study and practice of medicine for the benefit of humanity. To maintain the altruistic spirit of this enterprise, students commit to upholding the principles of this code. In so doing they show respect for personal honor, morality, order and the rights of others, both at and outside the University. It is their goal, through the principles outlined in the code, to set standards and patterns of behavior that will serve them well in their growth toward excellence in the practice of medicine. Accordingly, faculty and staff have collectively agreed to endorse the spirit of the standards set forth in this code of honorable and professional conduct. A copy of the code is available at: /SOM-Resources.
Adopted by the Medical Student Council, May 11, 2009.
Approved by the School of Medicine Dean's Council, June 22, 2009.
Presented to Executive Faculty, July 21, 2009.
Revised February 26, 2017.
The University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Medicine is committed to providing outstanding education for medical students. In order to facilitate the process of student leadership and government, class officers are elected by each medical school class. Beginning with the 2006-2007 academic year, the following guidelines will be implemented to delineate the roles, responsibilities, and election of each office. A copy of the code is available at: /SOM-Resources.
To establish clear expectations and processes to maintain academic integrity within the School of Medicine.
View Policy and Procedure on Academic Integrity on PolicyTech.
To establish the expected framework within which students progress through the Doctor of Medicine program, as well as the performance outcomes by which that progress is measured and documented.
View Policy on Grading, Progression, and Academic Status on PolicyTech.
The Academic Achievement Policy for the School of Medicine ensures that students with academic difficulty participate in the SOM Academic Achievement System.
View Academic Achievement Policy and Procedure on PolicyTech.
To establish expectations for student attendance within the Doctor of Medicine professional degree program.
View Policy and Procedure on Medical Student Attendance on PolicyTech.
The instructions for completing the absence request form are as follows:
For M1 and M2 Students:
Absences must be logged in the SEAtS app or on the website ( Students still must communicate with the appropriate course personnel regarding the absence and whether or not it will be excused.
In the app:
Click on the 3 dots in the upper left hand corner.
Select "Add Absence".
Enter the date(s) and time(s) the absence will cover.
Select the appropriate absence type. If required, fill in comments about the absence.
Click on Send.
On the website:
Click on the Calendar tab in the upper left hand corner.
Select "Add Absence".
Enter the date(s) and time(s) the absence will cover.
On the website only, students may choose to CC their course directors/administrators and enter notes with details about the absence.
For M3 and M4 Students:
- Login to MedHub (/MedHub)
- Click on the Evaluations tab.
- Choose "Initiate Self Evaluation" on the right side. (Note: This is not used as an actual evaluation and nothing from it will be used on the MSPE)
- For most students, the information will correctly prepopulate. For students on clinical rotations, they may need to set the Course to UMMC School of Medicine and the Evaluation Form to Absence Request.
- Click submit.
- Fill out the form, making sure to provide all required information.
- Click submit.
Students with three unexcused absences from mandatory classes or activities will be viewed as demonstrating unprofessional behavior, triggering the School of Medicine's Policy on Professional Behavior.
School of Medicine students are instructed on the proper policy of duty hours.
View Policy on Student Duty Hours on PolicyTech.COURSE SYLLABI
Course syllabi are issued by each course coordinator/ director to students enrolled in each class at the beginning of the course. The syllabus is a course guide only and is not a contract. To meet varying educational and time requirements, the syllabus may be changed or modified by the course director/ department at any time without prior notice.
Currently, the didactic sessions are podcast via a student-run organization. The faculty appreciate that students find these podcasts invaluable and will make every effort to assure didactic sessions are accurately recorded. There will be times, however, when the content delivered will not be amenable to podcasting. Some examples include using the whiteboard, small group discussions and other active-learning activities. As the curriculum evolves there may be content presented in didactic session that will not be podcast but will be included in examinations. Faculty have the right to create examinations based on any material presented in the curriculum regardless of podcast or transcript availability.
The School of Medicine evaluates the educational experience through various optional and required surveys, evaluations, and questionnaires. Currently, MedHub is the web-based system that is used to manage most evaluations throughout all four years. The results of these evaluations are used on an ongoing basis to assess student achievement, ensure quality, improve curriculum, address concerns, and guide growth and changes. A subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee has the charge of evaluating program effectiveness, monitoring content and workload in each discipline and reviewing objectives of courses and clerkships to assure congruence with overall School of Medicine objectives.
To receive credit for any course, a student must be registered for that course in the Office of Enrollment Management. Students will be denied class attendance and examinations for failure to pay registration fees.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are assessed at the beginning of each quarter or other academic session. Statements will be mailed to the most current address; however, non-receipt of a bill does not alter a student's responsibility for paying fees on time. Payment is due at registration unless financial aid is forthcoming.
Students who have checks returned due to insufficient funds will be charged $30 and may lose check-writing privileges in the Student Accounting Office. Students will not be allowed to register for a new academic term if they have an outstanding tuition or fee from a prior academic term. Students who withdraw or are on a leave of absence from classes and have outstanding tuition and fee balances will be subject to collection activities, including credit bureau reporting and assignment to collection agencies. Students will be responsible for all costs incurred in the collection of delinquent accounts.
The Medical Center will not issue transcripts or certify academic records for any persons whose financial obligations to the Medical Center are due and unpaid. This includes student accounts and student loans.
Tuition Payment and Refunds
By registering for classes students acknowledge that they are entering into a legally binding contract to pay all tuition and fees, including late fees and service charges on past due accounts, collection fees, and legal fees should their account have to be referred to an outside agency for collection. Students are expected to pay their accounts in full by the term's payment deadlines. Students who withdraw, take a leave of absence, or are dismissed during an academic term may still be responsible for payment of all or part of the tuition and fees assessed for that term. Refunds will be based upon the date of cancellation of enrollment and should be documented by the school. Refund dates are included in the academic calendar and are also posted on the student portal. See the Tuition Payment and Refund Policy for the penalties for not paying tuition and related charges.
The University of Mississippi Medical Center offers a comprehensive program of student services. The campus leadership believes these services are an important adjunct to the total educational program and essential to the continuing fulfillment of the institution's purpose. The School of Medicine Office of Student Affairs is located in room SM001 and serves as an important conduit for students in the coordination of these services.
The nearly 45,000-square-foot Rowland Medical Library is located in the Verner Holmes Learning Resources Center and is the general library for the UMMC community. Named in honor of Dr. Peter Rowland, former professor of pharmacology, the library houses a print collection of more than 250,000 volumes and provides access to over 22,000 e-books and 25,000 e-journals. The main floor provides access to reference collections, a library classroom, and a collaborative learning area while the second-floor houses textbooks, monographs, bound journals, and archives. The second floor also has 6 individual closed study rooms, 12 closed study carrels, and open carrels with additional tables and chairs for patron use.
Library services include interlibrary loan, document delivery and circulation along with individual consultation and instruction on information retrieval. The library instructional program introduces students to biomedical literature retrieval skills within the curriculum to facilitate identifying best practice and evidence-based information for clinical decision making. UMMC's wireless network is accessible throughout the library.
The first floor of the library is open by badge swipe 24/7. The Access Services Desk is open Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. unless an official Medical Center holiday.
Rowland Medical Library is a resource library within the Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 2.
There are a number of financial aid options to help students pay for educational expenses. Financing their education is a partnership between students and the Financial Aid Office. The financial aid website is an excellent place to begin research on how to find your educational costs: /Financial-Services. Students will find information about available aid programs, applying for student financial aid, and estimates of the education costs they will incur. The Financial Aid Office is dedicated to assisting students with financing their education. The Office staff members are happy to provide answers to all questions concerning the financial investment students are about to make in their future.
Alpha Omega Alpha, a national honorary medical society, was installed on the Medical Center campus in 1958. Undergraduate membership is based entirely on scholarship, personal honesty and leadership potential. Alumnus membership is granted for distinctive achievement in the art and practice of scientific medicine, and honorary membership is granted to eminent leaders in medicine and allied sciences.
Phi Kappa Phi, a national honorary scholastic fraternity installed on the Oxford campus in 1959, is open to medical, dental, graduate, nursing and health related students who qualify.
The Gold Humanism Honor Society, installed on the Medical Center campus in 2005, honors senior medical students, residents, role-model physician teachers and others for demonstrated excellence in clinical care, leadership, compassion and dedication to service. Members are selected by a peer and faculty nomination process.
Active chapters of the American Medical Association-Medical Student Section, the American Medical Student Association and the Student National Medical Association provide students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs. Through the University Medical Society, a component society of the Mississippi State Medical Association, official voting delegates participate in the House of Delegates of the Mississippi State Medical Association. Medical students also participate as voting delegates of the Organization of Student Representatives of the Association of American Medical Colleges. There are active organizations for spouses of medical and dental students to promote closer fellowship through informational programs and service projects to help prepare them for their roles in the health care community.
To facilitate the process of student leadership and government, a number of class officers are elected by each medical school class. Two executive officers from each class and two at-large representatives of the entire medical student body make up the Medical Student Council. This organization serves as the voice of the School of Medicine student body. It investigates and discusses issues of interest to students of the School of Medicine regarding education and student life and offers constructive courses of action that benefit all while striving to protect the quality and integrity of the institution.
The Carl G. Evers Society, established in 1996, is comprised of medical students elected by their peers from the four medical school classes. The society administers and compiles evaluations of courses in each of the four years of medicine; facilitates communications between the medical student groups, faculty and administration; and honors excellence in teaching through the selection of outstanding pre-clinical and clinical faculty each year.
The Associated Student Body is comprised of elected representatives and designated officers from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Health Related Professions, Dentistry, Population Health, and Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences. Each school also elects its own student council. As the official Medical Center student government organization, the ASB meets with and provides information and opinions on student concerns to the administration and faculty. The ASB also develops activities related to academic programs and sponsors extracurricular activities, including intramural sports and publication of the Medic campus yearbook and the Murmur student newspaper.
The ASB Executive Council serves as the governing council of the ASB and serves as a liaison between the students, administration and faculty of the Medical Center and the communities in and surrounding Jackson. Officers for the council include a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, all elected annually by the student body at large. ASB voting members also include elected class officers and/or representatives from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Health Related Professions, Dentistry, Population Health, and Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences. The ASB Executive Council strives to represent the students by addressing academic, financial, social and other issues that may directly or indirectly affect students' learning experience. ASB Executive Council meetings are scheduled on the first non-holiday Monday of each month. These meetings are open to all students. Because the council's effectiveness is directly related to its leadership and student participation, students are encouraged to take an active part in the future direction of this council.
The ASB regularly sponsors a variety of intramural athletics during the academic year beginning with flag-football in the fall. Students desiring to form a team should have a representative attend the organizational meeting for each sport. A class with insufficient players to form a team is encouraged to join with one or more other classes so that all may participate. The Medical Center (including its agents and employees), the University of Mississippi and the Board of Trustees are not responsible for any personal injury, death or loss of property students may suffer while playing, practicing, participating in or observing recreational sports activities. Recreational sports activities often involve severe cardiovascular stress and, possibly, violent physical contact. Safe participation in these activities requires being in good physical health. The Medical Center, University of Mississippi, and the Board of Trustees do not provide medical and accident insurance for participants.
The main cafeteria for students, employees, and visitors provides three meals a day and is open 24 hours a day. Short orders, salads, and desserts are available all night. Students with I.D. badges receive a discount on all cafeteria items.
The Wiser Hospital Dining Room is located on the first floor of the Winfred L. Wiser Hospital for Women and Infants.
Fast Foods
The Student Union Grill is in the Norman C. Nelson Student Union. Chick-fil-A One® is on the first floor of University Hospital near the Methodist Rehabilitation Center. Subway is on the first floor of the Addie McBryde Rehabilitation Center near the main cafeteria. Specialty coffee kiosks are in the University Physicians Pavilion, Methodist Rehabilitation Center, University Hospital, and the School of Medicine Education Building.
The Norman C. Nelson Student Union is a two-story, 53,354-square-foot building that houses the campus bookstore, and a fast-food court. A gymnasium is on the first floor and includes a full-sized basketball court, locker rooms, and showers. A walking-running track on the second level above the basketball court is skirted by rooms for aerobic exercise and weightlifting. A student lounge with a game room, a TV room, and a study room are adjacent to the gymnasium. The ASB offices and conference rooms are on the second floor, as well as a large multipurpose meeting room with a seating capacity of 400 that can be subdivided into six smaller meeting rooms. For luncheons and receptions, a kitchen adjoins this meeting room. The ASB Suite on the second floor is available for study purposes 24 hours a day.
The bookstore is on the first floor of the Student Union. Bookstore hours are Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Accepted forms of payment include cash, check, and all major credit cards. Bookstore gift cards are available in any amount and can be used toward any purchase. An extension bookstore location is at Meds & Threads in the main University Hospital across from the central elevators. Meds & Threads offers a selection of scrubs, lab coats, monogramming services, and medical instruments. The hours of operation for this location is Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Medical students must provide their own required textbooks. Required and recommended textbooks are available for all courses offered throughout the Medical Center. Because academic programs operate on quarters and semesters and because there is limited space in the bookstore, a large quantity of books may not be available for the entirety of the term. Generally, books are available from one to two weeks before the class start date and six to eight weeks into the term. Required textbooks cannot be returned but recommended textbooks may be returned in new condition within three days of purchase. All books are new and no used books are sold. Students also can access textbook lists, view rental options, and preorder textbooks for pickup in the store using the bookstore website: /Bookstore.
Reference and Review Books
A wide variety of reference and review books for all disciplines are available. Approximately 2000 titles are housed in the bookstore and about 50,000 additional titles can be accessed through the bookstore's computer database. Books not currently in stock may be ordered by special request. Delivery for special orders takes one to two weeks.
Books also can be shipped to customers for an additional shipping charge. Review books cannot be returned, but reference books may be returned in new condition within three days of purchase.
Special Equipment
Students must provide their own special equipment, such as stethoscopes and dissecting instruments, as specified throughout the course of study. These items are normally available at the bookstore.
Medical Supplies
A variety of medical supplies and replacement parts are available. Some items are only available seasonally in the bookstore, according to usage in the curriculum. Medical supplies can be special ordered if not available in stock (i.e., articulators or dissection kits). Non-stock specialty equipment or specialty-sized scrubs and lab coats may be custom ordered.
Office Supplies and School Apparel
Like most college bookstores, the bookstore carries an assortment of supplies needed for the classroom and office.
Many specialty items also may be ordered. An assortment of T-shirts, jackets, and other insignia items are available for purchase. Some are school specific (i.e., School of Medicine), and others are designed generally for the Medical Center.
Required Laptops
As you prepare to attend classes at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, be sure you are ready technologically. All medical students are required to own a laptop computer. Consider purchasing a Windows-based machine as Apple computers have been more likely to experience technological malfunctions during online examinations. To ensure you have proper access to the learning applications used here, we recommend the following minimum standards.
Minimum Technology Standards:
- Operating System:
- PC: Windows 11 Home. (Pro is recommended)
- Alternate versions of Windows (e.g., RT or S) are not supported
- Mac: Monterey 12.7.3 (Sonoma is recommended)
- Linus OS is not supported
- PC: Windows 11 Home. (Pro is recommended)
- CPU: Intel Core i3-11300 (Core i5 recommended) or AMD Ryzen 5 5500 (5 5600 recommended)
- ARM-based processors are not compatible with some software and must be avoided.
- Memory: 16 GB (32 GB recommended)
- Storage: 512 GB SSD (at least 40 available)
- Screen Resolution: 1024x768 resolution, 13”
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4600 with 2Gb VRAM
- Audiovisual: Webcam and Microphone
- Network Adapter: WiFi standard 802.11ac. Ethernet port recommended (adapter acceptable)
- Home Internet Access: 18Mbps or higher. If more than one person uses it simultaneously, higher speeds are necessary.
- Input Ports: USB-A and USB-C ports (adapters may be used)
- Students must possess a mobile device or tablet capable of Bluetooth connection and running iOS 14 or Android 9 or higher.
- While Mac laptops with equivalent specifications are acceptable, the UMMC wireless network and software function best with Windows devices. Their use is highly recommended.
Students will need an iPhone or Android device capable of running the SEAtS Attendance Management Software. Though not a formal recommendation from SEAtS, we have found that any version iPhone prior to iPhone 7 has difficulty running the application.
Inability to take an examination or complete another assignment will not be excused due to hardware or internet access that does not meet these specifications.
The medical student lounges (N039, SM005) are open to medical students 24 hours a day. These medical student spaces include kitchens, lounge areas, group meeting areas, student study space, a place to sleep for overnight call, and a shower in the clinical area.
The Post Office, in room N019 in the basement of the hospital's north wing, operates as a contract station of the US Post Office and offers all standard services, including registered and insured mail and money orders. It is open to students from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
A US Post Office drop box at the main entrance to University Hospital may be used for weekend, holiday, and after-hours mailing.
Each medical student is assigned a mailbox for school and on-campus communication. Mailboxes are in Room N147 on the first floor of the research wing and SM222 of the School of Medicine Education Building. Access to the mailroom is controlled and will require a valid identification badge.
During the first two years of medical school, each student is provided with a locker in the School of Medicine Education Building. Lockers in the north wing are assigned to medical students at the beginning of their clinical training. Information about locker assignments will be available during orientation periods. Students are responsible for locks. A $20 deposit is required for student lockers. Any items left in lockers at the end of the academic year will be removed and discarded.
Each student will be issued an identification badge with a photograph. The identification badge is to be worn at all times while on campus or in any clinical setting. The identification badge may be used for check cashing in the bookstore, library checkouts, security identification purposes, a discount in the cafeteria and access to certain areas of the Medical Center.
Communications and Marketing is the only authorized channel for the release of Medical Center information to the news media. They welcome suggestions from medical students for media stories or ideas for the Medical Center's own publications.
Medical Center policy prohibits the posting of notices on painted walls or any other painted surfaces and on the entrance doors to any building. All departments have bulletin boards for the posting of authorized notices. Public bulletin boards are located throughout the Medical Center.
The UMMC Police and Public Safety Department (formerly Campus Police) uses advanced equipment and techniques for crime prevention and to carry out a number of programs and services to promote safety and security. State law grants campus police the power to enforce all state and federal criminal statutes. Officers are certified in compliance with state law to assist in providing effective campus security. The department works in conjunction with local law enforcement authorities. All reports of criminal activity will be handled and investigated in an appropriate and professional manner. Campus police officers provide 24-hour assistance to students, employees, and the public. Campus Police will escort students at night or on weekends to or from destinations on campus or the Veterans Memorial Stadium parking lot. Students who wish to be escorted should contact Campus Police at (601) 984-1360 (or extension 4-1360 if calling on campus) or by contacting a campus police officer on duty.
Police officers may request to check packages, purses or briefcases of an employee or student leaving the Medical Center. Signs are posted at entrances to Medical Center buildings advising that routine package checks may be conducted. Employees and students must comply with a police officer's request to check a package.
The Campus Security Act of 1992 requires the Medical Center to have procedures for disciplinary action in place in case of alleged sexual assault or rape. Students who may be the subject of a sexual assault on campus should contact Campus Police at (601) 984-1360 (or extension 4-1360) and the campus Title IX coordinator for assistance, reporting and help in contacting other authorities as necessary. If a medical student is suspected of committing a sexual assault/offense on campus, campus police will notify the associate dean for student affairs and Title IX coordinator.
Students are only authorized to park at the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium which includes Lots A, B, C, E, and Overflow. Stadium parking is free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The only exception is home football games for Jackson State University (JSU). Advanced notification for any parking challenges for game days will be provided. Employee Relations will assist in the efforts of arranging parking accommodations at the Stadium for students with verified disabilities and medical needs. Students will not pull a ticket from any parking ticket machine and park for any length of time. Parking citations will be issued to violators, and continued violation of parking policy will lead to increases in administrative fines, vehicle immobilization devices (boots), academic holds through Student Accounting, and referrals to deans for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal proceedings.
Students can obtain evening parking access to Lot 21 after 4:45 pm until 1:00 am Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday, and UMMC officially observed holidays. Parking in Lot 21 outside these hours by pulling a ticket is not allowed. Students can register vehicles and activate UMMC Student ID badges by sending a request via email that includes: Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Color, License Plate #, License Plate State/County, Student ID, and Student Name.
A free shuttle bus runs regularly from the stadium parking lot to all designated stops on campus. Current shuttle bus hours and routes are posted on the Department of Parking and Transportation Services website at /Shuttle. Students who must go to the stadium parking lot after hours can call Campus Police at (601) 984-1360 to arrange an escort and transportation.
Bicycles provide a handy way of getting around campus. When parked on campus, a bicycle should be locked in institutionally provided bicycle racks to prevent theft. Bicycle racks are available at the north entrance of the School of Medicine Building and in other areas of the campus. The designated areas may change during construction. Students can park motorcycles between the Clinical Sciences Building and the Learning Resources Building using the designated spaces. Once those spaces are filled, motorcycles should be parked at the stadium parking lot.
Faculty advisers are important academic, career, and personal counseling resources for UMMC students. Faculty advisers are available to all students in the School of Medicine. School of Medicine assistant and associate deans, course/clerkship directors, residency program directors, and other faculty are available to assist students in academic and career counseling.
Counseling Services: Student and Employee Health provides student counseling services through dedicated and experienced licensed professional counselors. Counselors will help students develop and implement strategies to improve their mental health and psychological well-being and will make referrals for additional services when more intensive medical therapy is needed. These student counseling services will be provided to UMMC students free of charge, up to a total of 10 visits per semester. Counselors will be available Monday through Friday each week, and appointments can be made by emailing or calling 601-815-4971.
Counselors will not provide medication management. This represents a change in the scope of services the SCWC currently provides. Recognizing the necessity for continuity of care, a streamlined referral process has been created in partnership with the UMMC Center for Telehealth to initiate or continue medication management for those students who wish to receive these patient services from UMMC. Care may also be sought from a community provider of the student’s choice. UMMC’s telehealth psychiatric nurse practitioners have broad access for appointments, often available on the same day or within one business day. Students choosing to use UMMC’s telehealth services for patient care will be billed for the telehealth visit through normal patient billing processes.
Questions about the student counseling services being offered through SEH may be directed to Dr. Brian Williams ( or Dr. Joshua Mann (
The Office for Student Success (formerly the Office of Academic Support) provides academic consulting services to students, residents and fellows currently enrolled at the Medical Center. Academic consultants meet individually with students and provide assistance with developing the skills and behaviors that are essential to academic success and professional development. Services are available at no charge to students and may address a wide range of issues, including transition to professional school, time management, study skills, stress management, testing strategies, interpersonal and communication skills, clarifying career goals, and coping strategies. Individuals may initiate contact with the office or be referred by faculty. To make an appointment, individuals should go to the Office for Student Success webpage and complete the Request Academic Consultation online form at /Academic-Consult.
University Tutoring Services is the peer tutoring program available at no cost to all students currently enrolled in any of the seven schools at the Medical Center. This program is designed to promote academic excellence through supportive instruction by peers with similar educational experiences and backgrounds. Peer tutors are available for some courses at the institution, and students must be registered in the courses to be eligible for tutoring. Students may be referred for tutoring by the academic dean if they are experiencing academic difficulty as evidenced by examination performance. Once referred by the academic dean, students will be contacted regarding tutor availability for the course. Tutoring can occur virtually or in person on UMMC's campus and scheduling is negotiated by the students and the peer tutors. More information about tutoring services can be found at
TELUS Health is a free Student and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offering confidential and innovative well-being solutions to all UMMC students and their household members.
TELUS Health provides support 24/7, 365 days a year, for assistance with personal and work-related issues.
TELUS Health services are confidential and free and include the following:
- Three in-person or telehealth counseling sessions per issue per year (unlimited issues)
- 30-minute legal or financial consultations per issue per year (unlimited issues)
- Counselor-assisted support by chat or video
- Elder care and child care guidance
- Online CareNow programs
- Self-directed resources such as articles, videos, podcasts, etc.
- Global online community support forum
- National discounts and perks
Watch the TELUS Health EAP Orientation 101 for Students for more information about TELUS Health services.
For stopes on how to access Telus Health, use this link.
As citizens or permanent residents of the United States, students have the right to travel from the US to any country they wish as long as the students comply with the laws of the United States and the country to which they will travel. The School of Medicine cannot endorse or encourage travel by our students to unsafe parts of the world. The School of Medicine will not give academic credit for rotations taken in countries on the State Department's "Travel Warnings" list (/Travel-Advisories). Students who go to one of these countries are considered on their own, against the advice of the School of Medicine, and any medical rotations they take there will simply be for their own "pleasure" because no academic credit will be given. This website is an extremely good resource for students traveling to any country. All students are encouraged to check the website anytime they are traveling outside of the United States. Standard health insurance that covers students while in the US can be worthless while traveling to a foreign country, and may not cover things like flying to the nearest hospital, bringing the student back to this country if he or she is injured, etc. While School of Medicine students doing international electives are not required to do so, they are strongly urged to purchase some type of medical assistance coverage.
Participation in the School of Medicine's group disability insurance plan is a requirement of enrollment as recommended by the school's accrediting agency. Premiums for this policy will be assessed in the fall of each year by the Student Accounting Office.
The Office for Student Success manages academic accommodations at the Medical Center. The Medical Center is committed to ensuring equal access to a quality education for qualified students through the provision of reasonable academic accommodations that support UMMC standards and academic integrity. UMMC policy provides for reasonable academic accommodations to be made for students with verified disabilities on an individualized and flexible basis as specified under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). UMMC provides reasonable academic accommodations to students on campus who request accommodations and who meet eligibility criteria. For more information or to request academic accommodations, individuals should visit the Office for Student Success webpage and complete the Request Academic Accommodations online form at /Academic-Accom.
Medical insurance is mandatory for students attending the Medical Center. Students may enroll in the group plan offered by the Medical Center, or else they must demonstrate comparable coverage under another provider. Students not enrolled in the UMMC Student Group Health Insurance Plan will be required to sign a waiver specifying the name of their insurance carrier. All applications, changes in coverage and deletion requests must be submitted to the Student Accounting Office. Applications for coverage must be received in time to be forwarded to the insurance carrier within 30 days of the student's initial registration. Applications after that period must be due to a special qualifying event such as loss of other coverage or by acquiring a dependent, and special rules apply. Open enrollment is during the month of August, with coverage effective September 1. Contact Student Accounting for specific enrollment questions. Cancellations cannot be made for partial months or retroactively. Students will be automatically dropped from the policy after graduation or other separation from enrollment, unless they qualify and apply for continuation of coverage. Students may have their coverage cancelled for nonpayment of premiums. This could result in permanent loss of coverage under the Student Group Insurance Plan. Students and parents should be aware of open enrollment in the UMMC Student Group.
The Student and Employee Health Department is responsible for occupational health services for students and employees including immunizations, preventive trainings, and initial treatment for on the job injuries. The main office is located in N136.
Hours are 7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, except on official UMMC holidays. Contact SEH at (601) 984-1185.
If students or employees experience an on the job injury after normal workday hours, they are encouraged to seek care at UMMC's Emergency Department, if necessary.
Counseling Services: Student and Employee Health provides student counseling services through dedicated and experienced licensed professional counselors. Counselors will help students develop and implement strategies to improve their mental health and psychological well-being and will make referrals for additional services when more intensive medical therapy is needed. These student counseling services will be provided to UMMC students free of charge, up to a total of 10 visits per semester. Counselors will be available Monday through Friday each week, and appointments can be made by emailing or calling 601-815-4971.
Counselors will not provide medication management. This represents a change in the scope of services the SCWC currently provides. Recognizing the necessity for continuity of care, a streamlined referral process has been created in partnership with the UMMC Center for Telehealth to initiate or continue medication management for those students who wish to receive these patient services from UMMC. Care may also be sought from a community provider of the student’s choice. UMMC’s telehealth psychiatric nurse practitioners have broad access for appointments, often available on the same day or within one business day. Students choosing to use UMMC’s telehealth services for patient care will be billed for the telehealth visit through normal patient billing processes.
Questions about the student counseling services being offered through SEH may be directed to Dr. Brian Williams ( or Dr. Joshua Mann (
Vaccines: Influenza vaccine is free. Tetanus/Tdap, MMR, and Varicella and Hepatitis B vaccines are administered at a cost.
TB screening: An annual TB skin test or blood test is required of all students. Students who have had prior BCG vaccination are screened with a TB blood test. There is no charge for TB screens.
SEH provides immunizations such as influenza, tetanus/ Tdap, MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis B vaccines. Cost may apply for student and contractor vaccinations. Refer to Students Vaccine Charges. Pay at Student Accounts and bring a receipt. Students' Hepatitis B vaccine series must be completed by the end of the first semester.
SEH also conducts annual tuberculosis screening and respirator fit testing as needed based on current guidelines.
SEH provides initial assessment and treatment of non-urgent workplace injuries for UMMC students and employees. There is no health care provider fee for assessment and initial treatment of workplace injuries in Student and Employee Health. However students may be responsible for laboratory, radiologic, or other fees. Bring your medical insurance card. Injuries requiring ongoing treatment will be referred to the appropriate provider as needed.
For blood-borne pathogen exposures, report to Student and Employee Health as soon as possible. If exposure occurs after 3:45 p.m. or on weekends/ holidays initial care for Blood Borne Pathogen exposure is provided in the UMMC Emergency Department.
SEH does not treat acute or chronic medical conditions (colds, sinus infections, hypertension, diabetes, ADHD, etc.) that are not work related. Treatment for such conditions should be obtained from the individual's personal health care provider.
Staff members at Student Employee Health have no role in any student's academic assessment, evaluation, or promotion.
Children are not allowed into Student Employee Health waiting area unless the children are being served in the outpatient lab located in SEH.
Primary Care Services
Student and Employee Health does not provide primary care services. A Quick Care Clinic for UMMC employees, their immediate dependents, and UMMC students is located on the second floor of the Lakeland Medical Building, 764 Lakeland Drive. UMMC employees and their immediate families who need to see a physician for minor illnesses can get an appointment within 24 hours through Quick Care Clinic. Most patients will be seen the same day they call for an appointment. The clinic, staffed by the Department of Family Medicine, handles common and acute illnesses, such as sore throat, earache, upper respiratory, urinary tract infections, flu, and gastrointestinal infections as well as minor emergencies, such as sprains or rashes, and yearly preventive medicine physicals.
Physicians and other staff members in the Quick Care Clinic have no role in any student's academic advisement, evaluation, or promotion.
To schedule an appointment call (601) 984-2273 or (601) 984-6800 to request an appointment to see health care providers.
As an additional option for UMMC employees and their immediate dependents, UMMC 2 You is a benefit under the Blue Cross and Blue Shield State and School Employees' Health Plan for online minor medical care.
Non-Involvement of Providers of Student Health Services in Student Assessment
UMMC health professionals who provide health services to a medical student should have no involvement in the academic assessment, evaluation, or promotion of that medical student. If you find yourself in a situation where this may potentially occur, please contact the Office of Student Affairs for an alternate academic plan.
The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, in cooperation with the Mississippi Department of Health, has issued regulations requiring that all students born after 1957 provide proof of immunity to measles (rubeola), mumps and rubella before being allowed to enroll in class. This proof must consist of the following:
- Documented history of two doses of measles (rubeola), mumps and rubella vaccine given after January 1, 1968, usually given as MMR; the first dose must have been given on or after the first birthday and the second dose at least one month or more thereafter; or
- Written documentation of serologic evidence of immunity to measles (rubeola) and rubella (a blood test); or
- Documentation of a history of physician-diagnosed measles (rubeola); a history of rubella is not satisfactory to imply immunity.
Students admitted to health education programs that cause them to be potentially exposed to blood or body fluids are required to provide proof of hepatitis B vaccination. All foreign students shall provide proof of current test screening for tuberculosis by chest x-ray. "Current" shall mean a chest x-ray taken within three months before enrolling at an institution of higher learning and after arriving in the United States.
A standardized report of a recent physical examination is required for admission to any Medical Center educational program.
Pursuant to the Anti-Drug Abuse Act passed in October 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), the Medical Center is committed to maintaining a drug-free work place and to implementing a drug awareness program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. Medical students are to be aware of the Medical Center's Drug Awareness Program and abide with the policy concerning substance abuse.
- Students are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while on campus; in other training sites such as affiliated hospitals and clinics; and in extramural settings for elective courses.
- The possession, transfer, purchase or sale of illegal drugs is a violation of the law and is strictly prohibited; such action will be reported to law enforcement officials and to licensing agencies when appropriate.
- The use, sale, or possession of an illegal drug by a medical student is cause for his or her dismissal from medical school.
- Any student who commits an unlawful act on or off the Medical Center campus or whose conduct discredits the Medical Center in any way will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
- No alcoholic beverage may be brought or consumed on the Medical Center premises.
- Prescription drugs may be brought and used by students on the Medical Center premises only in the manner, combination and quantity prescribed, as long as their ability to perform as a medical student is not affected.
- Any student whose on- or off-duty abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs or improper use of prescription drugs interferes in any way with his or her performance as a student will be required to undergo evaluation and/or testing in Student Health Services.
- The institution reserves the right to require a drug test from a student when there is a reasonable suspicion that the institution's drug policy has been violated. Individuals failing to submit to a drug test will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
It is unlawful to possess alcohol on the UMMC campus. The use, sale, purchase, transfer, theft, or possession of an illegal drug is a violation of the law for which considerable legal sanctions may be imposed. A violation involving Schedule I or II drugs (e.g. opioids, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamine, etc.) may result, for example, in imprisonment upon conviction for up to 30 years and fines up to $1,000,000. A violation involving Schedule III or IV drugs (e.g., barbiturates, diazepam, etc.) may result in imprisonment for up to 20 years and fines up to $250,000. A violation involving Schedule V drugs (e.g., relatively small amounts or low concentrations of codeine, ethyl morphine, opium, etc.) may result in imprisonment, upon conviction, for up to 10 years and fines up to $50,000.
Additional Information/Questions
Copies of the Medical Center's Drug Awareness Program for Employees and Students are available in the Office of Student Affairs. Questions regarding the program should be addressed to the director of Student Employee Health.
Medical Center policy prohibits smoking or the use of any tobacco products in all buildings on campus and in all of its leased buildings off campus. This policy includes the ban of all substitute smoking materials (e.g., e-cigarettes).
Because of the unreasonable and unwarranted risk of injury or death to employees, students, visitors and patients and in accordance with Sections 45-9-101 and 97-37-17 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended, the Medical Center prohibits the possession of pistols, firearms or other weapons in any form by any person other than those duly authorized (i.e., Campus Police officers).
Since many people with HIV infections are not identified in advance, universal precautions—as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and by OSHA—guide Medical Center procedures for the handling of blood and body fluids of any student, employee, or patient. Questions regarding these safety guidelines should be directed to the director of Student Employee Health.
Manuals and procedures already in use at the Medical Center cover the precautions that should be taken when handling infectious materials. Some of these procedures that pertain to the possible transmission of HIV infection are re-emphasized.
All Medical Center personnel, including students, will use disposable, one-user needles, and other equipment if the skin or mucous membranes of patients, employees, or students will be punctured. If disposable equipment is not available, needles or other implements that puncture the skin or mucous membranes should be steam sterilized by autoclave before re-use. Extreme caution should be exercised when handling sharp objects, particularly in disposing of needles. All used needles should be placed in a puncture-resistant container designated for this purpose. Needles should never be bent or recapped after use. Blood-soiled articles should be placed in puncture-proof bags and labeled prominently before being sent for reprocessing or disposal in accordance with Medical Center infection control guidelines.
Laboratory courses requiring exposure to blood, such as courses in which blood is obtained by finger prick for typing or examination, must use disposable equipment. No lancets or other bloodletting devices should be reused or shared.
Medical Center students who are HIV positive and aware of their condition and engage in behavior that threatens the safety and welfare of other students, patients, or Medical Center personnel may be subject to disciplinary action. More specific, written guidelines and procedures are the responsibility of the individual schools and may be developed, as needed, by the deans and department heads. All unit policies must comply with those for the institution as a whole.
To provide management of students at the School of Medicine (SOM) of UMMC who are infected with a blood borne pathogen (infected students). These agents include, but are not limited to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C (HCV), and Hepatitis B (HBV).
View Policy on Reporting Obligation for Students with Blood Borne Diseases on PolicyTech.
To define the medical school’s standard of conduct in the relationship between medical students and those with whom medical students interact during the medical education program.
View Mistreatment Policy and Procedure on PolicyTech.
All patient records and any other information of a private or sensitive nature are considered confidential. Confidential information should not be read or discussed by any student unless pertaining to his or her specific patient care responsibilities. Discussions of confidential information must take place in private settings away from patients or members of the public. Students may not discuss or reveal confidential information to friends or family members or to other individuals who do not have a legitimate need to know. The disclosure of a patient's presence in the University Physicians Pavilion, clinics, hospitals, or other campus facility may indicate the nature of the illness and jeopardize confidentiality. Confidential information should be disposed of by shredding. Students should not record confidential information in any portable device that does not have password protection. Protecting passwords is critical. Never share passwords with anyone.
The unauthorized disclosure of confidential information by a student may subject the institution and/or the student to legal liability. Disclosure of confidential information to unauthorized persons, or unauthorized access to or misuse, theft, destruction, alteration or sabotage of such information, is grounds for immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination or dismissal from school. Medical students are responsible for understanding and abiding by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and its implementing regulations.
The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) provides free Internet access points or “hot spots” throughout its facilities for users with portable computers or devices capable of receiving wireless signals. These access points will allow users to access the Internet from their laptop computers when sitting within range of the access points.
View Public Wireless Access Policy and Procedure on PolicyTech.
To set forth policies governing the email usage for UMMC and general guidance on the basic usage of UMMC email services offices and to assure compliance with policy regulatory requirements including HIPPAA, TJC, FERPA, or other regulatory requirements.
View Email Policy on PolicyTech.
To provide guidance for social media communications and interactions.
View Procedure Regarding Social Media on PolicyTech.
Each year, the Medical Center informs entering students of their rights of access to their official records as stated in federal law. By written request to the Registrar's Office, medical students who are or who have been in attendance may review recorded information maintained by the institution for use in making decisions about students.
Recorded information includes grades; copies of correspondence sent to the students by the educational programs and other institutional offices; requests from prospective employers and other agencies seeking verification of dates of attendance and degrees awarded; correspondence from currently enrolled students and former students requesting transcripts; letters of academic standing; and completion of licensure applications. The recorded information also includes an electronically stored transcript of courses and grades and a folder containing application materials and supporting documents such as transcripts from previous schools and supplementary material submitted with the application.
Confidential letters or statements of recommendation to which students have waived access rights are not available for inspection. As defined by federal law, students do not have access to medical, psychiatric or comparable records if these are used exclusively for treatment purposes. However, students may designate an appropriate professional to examine these records. Students do not have the right to see parents' financial records submitted to the institution. Students do not have access to: instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel records which are not accessible or revealed to any other individual; campus security records which are used exclusively for law enforcement purposes, and which are not disclosed to individuals other than law enforcement officials; and employment records except when such employment requires that the person be a student.
Under federal law, students may not see confidential letters or statements of recommendation written before January 1, 1975, and may but are not required to waive the right of access to future confidential letters of recommendations. The institution secures from students their instructions regarding their access rights to confidential letters or statements of recommendation written on their behalf while enrolled at the Medical Center. These signed statements are permanently filed in the students' folders. Any questions concerning student access to records should be directed to the registrar.
The institution is prohibited from releasing educational information or personally identifiable information other than directory information about the students without their written consent, except to specified agencies and persons such as school officials and certain federal or state offices as defined in federal law. Directory information includes students' names; the educational program they are enrolled in and their classification; home and local addresses; and local telephone numbers. Students who wish to exclude themselves from the directory must file a written request with the Registrar's Office within two weeks after the beginning of the school year.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 allows students to challenge the contents of their educational records on the basis of accuracy. Students who request that information be amended or deleted from their records on the basis of incorrect information should first file their request with the official primarily responsible for the information. If the matter is not resolved to their satisfaction, students may request a formal hearing before an appropriate institutional body or consult Section 99.36 of the law's regulations 46 for additional grievance procedures. The registrar will furnish a copy of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 upon request.
Notification of rights guaranteed under PL 93-380 and policies and procedures pertaining to educational records is provided to all students through this catalog section, by a memorandum distributed at the time of registration and in the orientation sessions for the school year.
In the event of an emergency, important information is shared via the web on the institution's website; specifically, the "Emergency" tab located on the upper right corner or at (requires login).
The Medical Center operates an emergency notification system for students, faculty, and staff. In the event of a campus emergency, important safety information will be sent using a number of communication methods. Students can increase the effectiveness of this service by maintaining incoming text service and an up-to-date cell phone number in the student data system.
In the event of a fire in the School of Medicine or other buildings on campus, the central fire alarm system will activate. Any fire emergency should be reported immediately by dialing 911. Fires also can be reported by using the fire pull boxes located in hallways. If the fire is small and contained (for example, in a trash can), a fire extinguisher may be used to attempt to extinguish the fire; however, no one should ever endanger themselves by attempting to put out a fire. The first responsibility of students and other personnel in the event of a fire is to report it and evacuate the area.
When the fire alarm sounds, personnel should close the window(s) to the office or room, leave the lights on, check the hallway for smoke or fire, close the door leading into the hallway, and exit the building as quickly and safely as possible. Personnel on elevators should exit the elevators at the nearest elevator stop and proceed out of the building via the nearest safe exit. When classes are in progress, it is the responsibility of the faculty member to assure that all students have been vacated from the classroom or laboratory before he or she leaves the classroom or laboratory.
In the event of tornadoes or other severe weather that require protective action, all personnel should proceed to the interior hallways and away from windows as quickly as possible. Notification will be made once the severe weather conditions have cleared.
Do not physically confront a suspicious person. Do not let anyone into a locked building or office area. Do not block a suspicious person's access to an exit. Call 911 from a campus phone as soon as possible. Provide as much information as possible about the person and his or her direction of travel.
The UMMC Police and Public Safety Department (formerly Campus Police) provides lost and found services to the Medical Center. Call (601) 984-1360.
View Student Concern Policy and Procedure on PolicyTech.
Medical students are not permitted to remove Medical Center property from the premises. Any Medical Center property used by a medical student must be properly assigned to or checked out by a faculty member. Any medical student who possesses, uses and/or removes Medical Center property from the premises for any reason must have a completed authorization form in hand. Personal use of Medical Center property is prohibited. Medical students using or possessing Medical Center property can be financially responsible for the damage or loss of the property due to negligence. Any damage, loss or theft of the property should be promptly reported to the faculty member in charge.
- To call outside locally: Listen for dial tone; dial 9 and the desired number.
- To dial a number on campus: Listen for the dial tone; dial the five-digit station number.
- To call message operator for hospital paging: Listen for the dial tone; dial 41001.
- To call the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center: Listen for the dial tone; dial access code 319; listen for dial tone; dial desired station number. Alternatively, dial 9 and (601) 362-4471.
Emergency - 911
Nonemergency - 41360
Cardiac Arrest Team - 41111
Chemical Spills - 41981
Fire, Smoke, Heat, Drill - 911
Medical Emergency (Hospital Area) - 41111
Medical Emergency (Outside Hospital Area) - 911
Poison Control - 41675 or 1-800-222-1222
For other numbers refer to the Medical Center Telephone and Referral Directory.
View Interactive Campus Map or select the image below to enlarge.