Project ADAM
Project ADAM at UMMC
Project ADAM (Automated Defibrillator’s in Adam’s Memory) began in 1999 after a series of sudden deaths among high school athletes in Wisconsin and Georgia. Many of these deaths are due to ventricular fibrillation – heart arrest caused by abnormal, sustained electrical stimulation of the heart muscle. Had an AED been available at these schools, the outcome may have been very different for these athletes. Project ADAM programs strive to save lives through the implementation of coordinated CPR-AED efforts so there is not only an accessible AED for victims in the community, but also a team of trained staff and a practiced plan in place.
UMMC's goal in becoming an affiliate of Project ADAM is to achieve Heart Safe schools in Mississippi and therefore reducing the mortality and morbidity of sudden death in the young. The purpose of Project ADAM is to educate, raise awareness, and monitor equipment and education for cardiac arrest resuscitation in Mississippi school districts.