Work-in-Progress Meetings

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2018 Work-In-Progress Meetings



Project Title

Presentation Title


Dr. Susan Mayfield-Johnson
Assistant Professor
Public Health
Universty of Southern Mississippi

Effectiveness of Community Health Workers in Reducing CVD in the Mississippi Delta

Effectiveness of Community Health Workers in Reducing Cardiovascular Disease in the Mississippi Delta

Dr. Denise Cornelius
Assistant Professor
Departments of Medicine & Pharmacology & Toxicology
Mechanisms linking platelets to lung injury and renal dysfunction in sepsis

Investigations into the Potential Role of Activated Platelets in Sepsis Pathophysiology


Dr. Yuan-i Min
Associate Professor
Jackson Heart Study

BERD Core (Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Core)

BERD Core (Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Core)

Dr. Alan Jones
Department of Emergency Medicine
RSC Core (Research Services Core)

RSC Core (Research Services Core)

3/15/18Dr. Romain Harmancey
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
Molecular Basis of Postischemic Maladaptation in the Insulin Resistant Heart

Molecular Basis of Postischemic Maladaptation in the Insulin Resistant Heart

Dr. Joshua Speed
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
Adipocyte Endothelin-1 and Insulin Resistance

Dietary Sodium, Insulin Resistance, and Endothelin-1

5/17/18Dr. Abigail Gamble
Assistant Professor
Department of Preventive Medicine
Exploring exercise behavior in pregnant and postpartum adolescents in Mississippi

Promoting Exercise and Healthy Gestational Weight Gain in Pregnant Adolescents

Dr. Erin Taylor
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
The role of leptin in autoimmune-associated hypertension

Immune system dysfunction and gut dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of vascular dysfunction in autoimmunity

6/21/18Dr. Jussara do Carmo
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
Long-term Consequences of Parental Obesity on Developmental Programming of Cardiorenal Diseases in Offspring

Long-term Consequences of Parental Obesity on Developmental Programming of Cardiorenal Diseases in Offspring

Dr. Candace Howard-Claudio
Assistant Professor
Body Composition as a Biomarker of Obesity Related Diseases in African-Americans

Updates on Body Composition as a Biomarker of Obesity Related Diseases in African American: Jackson Heart Study

7/19/18Dr. Matthew Kutcher
Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery-Trauma & Critical Care

Obesity-Associated Hypercoagulability in Trauma Patients

Mechanisms of Trauma-Induced Platelet Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Orthopedic Trauma

Dr. Alexandre da Silva
Scientist IV
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
CNS mechanisms of cardiac protection in heart failure

CNS mechanisms of cardiac protection by leptin-melanocortin system in heart failure

8/16/18Dr. Jennifer Sasser
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Elucidating Mechanisms Responsible for the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia using the Dahl Salt Sensitive Rat as a Novel of Preeclampsia

Long term consequences of preeclamptic pregnancy

Dr. Donald Clark
Assistant Professor
Division of Cardiology
Remote Hypertension Management Using Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and a Standardized Treatment Protocol

Remote hypertension management using home blood pressure telemonitoring and a standardized treatment protocol

9/20/18Dr. Zhen Wang
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
Role of TRPC6 channels in mediating cardiac injury in hypertension combined with diabetes

Role of TRPC channels in mediating synergistic interactions of hypertension and diabetes in promoting kidney injury

Dr. Chad Washington
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurosurgery
Slidenafil for the treatment of cerebral vasospasm associated with SAH

Sildenafil for the Treatment and Prevention of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

10/18/18Dr. Michael Hall
Assistant Professor
Division of Cardiology
Novel MRI Strategies to Assess Obesity-Induced Kidney Dysfunction and Improved Function after Bariatric Surgery

Novel MRI Strategies to Assess Obesity-Induced Kidney Dysfunction and Improved Function after Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Fan Fan
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Diabetes, cerebral vascular dysfunction and cognitive impairments

Role of Hyperglycemia and Oxidative Stress in Impaired Cerebral Autoregulation and Dementia in Diabetes

No meeting due to Christmas Break