Main ContentAnesthesia Services
Anesthesiologists and their specialized staff work to ensure a patient is comfortable and as
pain free as possible during surgery and others procedures at University of Mississippi Medical Center facilities. Anesthesia services provide pre-operative anesthesia assessment and preparation; provision for pain insensibility during procedures; monitoring, maintenance, and restoration of homeostasis during
pre-operative period; diagnosis and management of painful conditions; CPR and respiratory measures; and medication direction of operating rooms, ambulatory
surgery, and post-anesthesia care units.
Services we offer
Pre-operative evaluations
Registered nurses in clinical settings (University Physicians Pavilion and Jackson Medical Mall) provide pre-anesthesia evaluations for patients scheduled for surgery. A similar evaluation is available by telephone for eligible patients.
Cardiovascular anesthesia
Members of the cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia team are skilled in a large spectrum of adult cardiac, vascular, and thoracic procedures, ranging from routine coronary bypass surgeries to managing patients with end-stage heart disease and awaiting a heart transplant. As part of the state’s only Level 1 trauma center, UMMC anesthesiologists frequently care for patients with major traumatic injuries of the thoracic aorta.
Off-site anesthesia
Comprehensive off-site anesthesia services are provided for patients undergoing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures outside of the operating room. Non-surgical settings require special skills adapted for limited space and access to patients. Common off-site procedures include CT and MRI scans, pediatric and adult cardiac catheterizations, and neurovascular, adult gastroenterology, and electroconvulsive therapies.
Obstetric anesthesia
Specially trained obstetric anesthesiologists provide anesthetic management for the most routine to the most complex births. The goal is to make the labor and delivery experience safe and pleasant for the mother and her baby. Regional anesthesia (epidural, spinal, or combined spinal-epidural) is the most suitable anesthetic for most pregnant patients. To ensure the highest quality of care, a qualified anesthesiologist is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the labor and delivery unit.
Conscious sedation
UMMC’s anesthesia team provides eligible patients with conscious sedation for some medical and dental procedures. The altered level of consciousness, produced by the administration of certain drugs, allows a patient to respond to physical stimulation and verbal commands and to maintain an unassisted airway.