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Medical School Courses
First year
- CONJ 612- Introduction to the Medical Profession I. This core course for first-year students develops skills physicians must master to practice high-quality, cost-effective, and patient-centered medicine. Physicians in the twenty-first century must possess the ability to seek, evaluate, analyze, and assimilate new knowledge; to communicate efficiently and effectively with patients; to collect and document historical and physical information from their patients; and to meet the societal expectations of behavior for medical professionals. The course combines aspects of biostatistics, evidence-based medicine, community & population health, and patient care skills in a progressive curriculum to aid students in the mastery of these critical skills.
- SOM 610. Fundamentals of Biomedical Science.This course introduces medical students to the fundamental knowledge of biomedical sciences necessary for the practice of medicine, including the structure, function, and development of the human in healthy and diseased states.
- SOM 612. The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems.This course is an integrated study of the musculoskeletal and integumentary systems with a review of relevant embryology and anatomy and an introduction to the pathophysiology of dermatologic and musculoskeletal disorders with a focus on diagnostic and therapeutic principles.
- SOM 613. The Cardiovascular System.This course is an integrated study of the cardiovascular system with a review of relevant embryology and anatomy and an introduction to the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders with a focus on diagnostic and therapeutic principles.
- SOM 614. The Hematologic, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems.This course is an integrated study of the hematologic, lymphatic, & immune systems with a review of relevant embryology and anatomy and an introduction to the pathophysiology of hematologic and immunologic disorders with a focus on diagnostic and therapeutic principles.
- SOM 615. The Renal and Genitourinary Systems.This course is an integrated study of the renal and genitourinary systems with a review of relevant embryology and anatomy and an introduction to the pathophysiology of nephrological and genitourinary disorders with a focus on diagnostic and therapeutic principles
Second year
- CONJ 622. Introduction to the Medical Profession II. This core second-year course builds on the concepts learned in Introduction to the Medical Profession I and further develops the skills needed to practice medicine in the twenty-first century. This course facilitates improvement in communication, teamwork, and clinical reasoning skills. Instruction includes history taking, physical examination, and clinical reasoning. This course continues to develop the students' skills in ethics, population health, and health systems science.
- SOM 620. The Gastrointestinal System. This foundational medical school course provides an in-depth exploration of the structure and function of the gastrointestinal system. Through a comprehensive study of the anatomy, physiology, and common pathologies of the digestive tract, students will gain essential knowledge to understand the mechanisms of digestion, absorption, and gastrointestinal disorders, setting the groundwork for clinical practice and further medical education.
- SOM 621. The Respiratory System. This medical school course offers a comprehensive examination of the respiratory system, encompassing the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the lungs and airways. Students will develop an understanding of respiratory function, diagnostics, and common pulmonary conditions, enabling them to diagnose and manage respiratory disorders and contribute to patient well-being in clinical practice.
- SOM 622. The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems. This medical school course delves into the intricate interplay of the endocrine and reproductive systems. Students will explore hormonal regulation, reproductive physiology, and the management of endocrine disorders, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for addressing a wide range of clinical scenarios in endocrinology and reproductive medicine.
- SOM 623. The Neurological System and Human Behavior. This medical school course provides a comprehensive understanding of the neurological system and its influence on human behavior. Students will examine the neural basis of cognition, emotion, and behavior, as well as neurological disorders, enabling them to diagnose, treat, and support patients with neurological conditions while gaining insights into the intricate relationship between the brain and behavior in clinical practice.
Fourth year
- 651. Review of Human Anatomy. (E) (Permission of course director required.) Availability: March, April, June and July.
- 652. Review of Human Neurobiology. (E) (Permission of course director required.) Student number variable each block. Availability: July, August, September, October, November, and January. Contacts: Kim Simpson, Duane Haines and James Lynch.
- 653. Review of Histology with Clinical Correlations. (E) (Permission of course director required.) Microscopic review of tissues and organ systems emphasizing the integration of principles of histology and pathology with associated clinical cases. Availability: November, January, February, March and April. Contacts: William P. Daley and Dongmei Cui.
- 654. Research. (E) (Permission of course director required.) Limited to students who wish to participate in relatively advanced research programs. Availability: July, August, September, October, November, January, February and March.
- 657. Advanced Projects. (E) (Permission of course director required.) Non-research projects designed in relation to the student's interest and amount of available time. Availability: September, November and January.