Admissions Criteria
Admissions Standards and Legal Policy
Strong preference is given to applicants who are legal residents of Mississippi; in recent years, nonresidents have not been admitted. This medical school is committed to training health care providers for Mississippi. Moving to this state alone does not signify a commitment to practice in Mississippi. Applicants who recently move to Mississippi will be evaluated by the medical school admissions committee for their motivation to move and possible ties to this state.
Residency classification
The Office of Student Records and Registrar is responsible for determining whether an applicant meets the requirements for being a legal resident of Mississippi for the purpose of enrollment, based on Admissions Standards and Legal Policy. When requested, applicants must complete a Request for Review of Residency Classification form and provide copies of a driver's license, car registration, car tag, voter registration card, proof of in-state banking and proof of a permanent in-state domicile.
Legal residency
The criteria for legal residency listed below are taken from the by-laws and policies of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, State of Mississippi.
Admission to and attendance in all institutions of higher learning under the jurisdiction of this Board is a benefaction of the law, and any person seeking such privilege through attendance at any of the state institutions of higher learning must comply with such conditions as may be imposed by the Board of Trustees. The executive officer of each institution is authorized to admit a student who meets all requirements, or permit a student to continue in attendance at any institution, when in his or her judgment such student may reasonably be expected to profit from attendance at the institution and when such attendance may be expected to contribute to the welfare of the institution and the state.
Every person seeking to attend a state institution of higher learning in Mississippi must make application according to regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees. Such regulations may be revised or changed by the institution or the Board of Trustees at any time without notice. Any application submitted must state the admission period sought and may be acted upon for the stated period only and cannot be considered a continuing application. In the event an application is denied or an applicant is not admitted upon said application, a new application is required for subsequent consideration at the same or any later term.
The Medical Center applies the definitions and conditions stated here as required by state law in the classification of students as residents or nonresidents. Requests for a review of residency classification should be submitted to the registrar; forms for this purpose are available from the registrar's office.
The application of a nonresident of Mississippi may be considered or not at the option of the executive officer of the institution. The definitions and conditions governing the resident status of applicants for admission to any of the institutions shall be as follows:
- Residence of a minor
The residence of a person less than 21 years of age is that of the father. After the death of the father, the residence of the minor is that of the mother. If the parents are divorced, the residence of the minor is that of the parent who was granted custody by the court; or, if custody was not granted, the residence continues to be that of the father. If both parents are dead, the residence of the minor is that of the last surviving parent at the time of that parent's death, unless the minor lives with a legal guardian, duly appointed by a proper court of Mississippi, in which case their residence becomes that of the guardian. - Residence of an adult
The residence of an adult is that place where they are domiciled, that is, the place where they actually physically resides with the intention of remaining there indefinitely or of returning there permanently when temporarily absent. - Removal of parents from Mississippi
If the parents of a minor who is enrolled as a student in an institution of higher learning move their legal residence from Mississippi, the minor is immediately classified as a nonresident student. - 12 months of residence required
No student may be admitted to any institution of higher learning as a resident of Mississippi unless his residence, as defined herein above, has been in Mississippi for a continuous period of at least 12 months immediately preceding his admission. - Petition for change of residency classification
A person who enters the state of Mississippi from another state and enters an educational institution is considered a nonresident. Provided, however, that any person who has attained 21 years of age and has thereafter actually established residency and resided within Mississippi for 12 consecutive months after attaining 21 years of age upon sworn affidavit and other representation, may petition the particular institution for a change in residency classification for the purposes of fees and tuition assessment.
The institution may make reasonable inquiry into the validity of the petitioner's claim. Such petition for change of residency must be made on or before the last day a student may register at the particular institution without penalty. - Residence status of a married person
A married person may claim the residence of his/her spouse. - Children of parents who are members of the faculty or staff of institutions of higher learning
Children of parents who are members of the faculty or staff of any institution under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees may be classified as residents without regard to the residence requirement of 12 months for the purpose of attendance at the institution where their parents are faculty or staff members. - Military personnel assigned an active duty station in Mississippi
Members of the armed forces on extended active duty and stationed within the State of Mississippi, except those military personnel whose active duty assignment in Mississippi for educational purposes, may be classified as residents, without regard to the residence requirement of 12 months, for the purpose of attendance of state-supported institutions of higher learning and junior colleges of Mississippi. Resident status of such military personnel who are not legal residents of Mississippi, as defined under "Residence of an adult' in paragraph III, B above, shall terminate upon their reassignment for duty in the continental United States outside of Mississippi. - Children of military personnel
Resident status of children of members of the Armed Forces on extended active duty shall be that of the military parent for the purpose of attending state-supported institutions of higher learning and junior colleges of Mississippi during the time that their military parents are stationed within Mississippi and shall be continued through the time that military parents are stationed in an overseas area with last duty assignment in Mississippi, excepting temporary training assignments en route from Mississippi. Resident status of minor children shall terminate upon reassignment under Permanent Change of Station Orders for their military parents for duty in the continental United States outside of Mississippi, excepting temporary training assignments en route from Mississippi. - Certification of residence of military personnel
A military person on active duty stationed in Mississippi who wishes to idenity themselves or their dependents of the provisions of paragraph H, must submit a certificate from his military organization showing the name of the military member; the name of the dependent, if for a dependent; the name of the organization of assignment and its address (may not be in the letterhead); that the military member will be on active duty stationed in Mississippi on the date of registration at the state-supported institution of higher learning or junior college of Mississippi; that the military member is not on transfer orders; and the signature of the commanding officer, the adjutant or the personnel officer of the unit of assignment with signer's rank and title. A military certificate must be presented to the registrar of the state-supported institution of higher learning or junior college of Mississippi each semester or tri-semester at (or within 10 days prior to) registration each semester for the provisions of paragraph H above hereof to be effective. - Legal residency of a foreign student
Students with permanent immigrant status or refugee status can establish residence in the state by meeting the provisions of Mississippi statute. The responsibility for registering under his/her proper residence status is placed upon the student. Students failing to do so may be subjected to administrative action which will terminate their attendance at the state-supported institution of higher learning concerned.