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Adair Biosketch
NAME: Thomas H. Adair, Ph.D.
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login):
POSITION TITLE: Professor of Physiology
| Completion Date MM/YYYY
Northern Michigan University |
| 1969-1971 | Biology & Chemistry |
Michigan State University | B.S. | 1971-1973 | Biology & Chemistry |
Western Michigan University | M.A. | 1973-1976 | Biology |
University of Texas Medical Branch | Ph.D. | 1976-1980 | Biomedical Sciences |
University of Mississippi Medical Center | Postdoc | 1980-1983 | Physiology |
Personal Statement
My major research programs have been in the general field of microcirculatory structure and function. My initial work focused on physiological function of the lymphatic system and especially the role of lymph nodes in the modification of lymph. More recently, we pioneered work in the field of angiogenesis showing that oxygen is a major control element in growth regulation of the vascular system; we were the first to prove that exercise stimulates production of vascular endothelial growth factor, a key proangiogenic substance. Later in my career, I focused heavily on teaching and item writing at the national level for private companies as well as the American Dental Association and the National Board of Medical Examiners. Currently, I mostly teach in several courses here at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Positions and Honors
Honors/Research and Teaching Awards/Editorial Service
Research Fellowship Award, The Upjohn Company, 1974. McLaughlin Predoctoral Fellowship Award, 1978-80. Sigma Xi Award for Doctoral Research, 1980. NHLBI National Research Service Award (NRSA) with Dr. A.C. Guyton, 1980-83. NHLBI New Investigator Award, 1984-87. Fellow, Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society, 1988. European Society for Microcirculation, Plenary Lecture, 1992. NHLBI, Research Career Development Award (RCDA) with Dr. A.C. Guyton, 1988-93. Editorial Board: Americal Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, 1990-01. Journal of Applied Physiology 1999-02. Ad Hoc reviewer (23 total): Am J Physiol (Heart, Cell, Endocr), Vasc Res, Hypert, Microcirc, Microvas Res, Exper Physiol, J Vasc Res, Europ J Physiol, Circulation. Consultant to NIH: NIH Ad Hoc panels: Site Visit Teams, 1989, 2001, 2002; NHLBI, Experimental Cardiovascular Sciences Study Section, 1994; NHLBI, Special Emphasis Panels, Angiogenesis in Breast Cancer (1994), Career Development Awards (1995), Tissue Engineering, 2002. Consultant to other Agencies: National Science Foundation, 1993-pre. International Science Foundation, 1993-pre. Veterans Administration, Merit Review Board, 1991-92. Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Gene Therapy, 2000. United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, 1997-2005. National Test Construction / Teaching Awards: American Dental Association, National Test Construction Committee, Biochemistry-Physiology. 1991-1995. National Board of Medical Examiners, USMLE Step 1 Committee Member, Physiology. 2004-08. Examination reviewer for National Board of Medical Examiners, 2009 – Physiology Subject Examination. Carl G. Evers Teaching Award, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014. Hembree Teaching Award, 2014. UMMC Teaching Hall of Fame, 2015. Nelson Order teaching award, 2019.
Contributions to Science
Gabel JC, Scott RL, Adair TH, Drake RE, Traber DL. Errors in calculated oncotic pressure of dog plasma. Am J Physiol. 239(6): H810-2, 1980.
Drake RE, Adair TH, Traber DL and Gabel JC. Contamination of caudal mediastinal node efferent lymph in the sheep. Am J Physiol. 241: H354-H357, 1981.
Traber DL, Adair TH, Adams T. Hemodynamic consequences of endotoxemia in sheep. Circ Shock. 8:551-61, 1981.
Traber DL, Adair TH, Adams T Jr, Henrikson N, Traber LD. Is endotoxin responsible for the cardio-pulmonary lesions seen during acute burn wound sepsis? Adv Shock Res. 7: 91-100, 1982.
Moffatt DS, Guyton AC, Adair TH. Functional diagrams of flow and volume for the dog's lung. J Appl Physiol. 52(4): 1035-42, 1982.
Adair TH, Moffatt DS, Paulsen AW, Guyton AC. Quantitation of changes in lymph protein concentration during lymph node transit. Am J Physiol. 243(3): H351-9, 1982.
Adair TH, Guyton AC. Modification of lymph by lymph nodes. II. Effect of increased lymph node venous blood pressure. Am J Physiol. 245(4): H616-22, 1983.
Adair TH, Montani JP, Guyton AC. Modification of lymph by sheep caudal mediastinal node: effect of intranodal endotoxin. J Appl Physiol. 57(5): 1597-601, 1984.
Adair TH, Guyton AC. Measurement of subcutaneous tissue fluid pressure using a skin-cup method. J Appl Physiol. 58(5): 1528-35, 1985.
Adair TH. Studies of lymph modification by lymph nodes. Microcirc Endothelium Lymphatics. 2(3): 51-69, 1985.
Adair TH, Guyton AC. Modification of lymph by lymph nodes. III. Effect of increased lymph hydrostatic pressure. Am J Physiol. 249(4 Pt 2): H777-82, 1985.
Adair TH, Guyton AC, Montani JP, Lindsay HL, Stanek KA. Whole body structural vascular adaptation to prolonged hypoxia in chick embryos. Am J Physiol. 252(6 Pt 2): H1228-34, 1987.
Montani JP, Adair TH, Nuwayhid BS, Guyton AC. Hypotensive effect of chronic intrarenal infusion of acetylcholine during angiotensin hypertension. Am J Hypertens. 1(1): 67-9, 1988.
Adair TH, Montani JP, Guyton AC. Effects of intermittent hypoxia on structural vascular adaptation in chick embryos. Am J Physiol. 254(6 Pt 2): H1194-9, 1988.
Adair TH, Montani JP, Strick DM, Guyton AC. Vascular development in chick embryos: a possible role for adenosine. Am J Physiol. 256(1 Pt 2): H240-6, 1989.
Montani JP, Adair TH, Summers RL, Coleman TG, Guyton AC. A simulation support system for solving large physiological models on microcomputers. Int J Biomed Comput. 24(1): 41-54, 1989.
McHale NG, Adair TH. Reflex modulation of lymphatic pumping in sheep. Circ Res. 64(6):1165-71, 1989.
Montani JP, Mizelle HL, Adair TH, Guyton AC. Regulation of cardiac output during aldosterone-induced hypertension. J Hypertens Suppl. 7(6): S206-7, 1989.
Adair TH, Gay WJ, Montani JP. Growth regulation of the vascular system: evidence for a metabolic hypothesis. Am J Physiol. 259(3 Pt 2): R393-404, 1990. Invited Review.
Strick DM, Waycaster RL, Montani JP, Gay WJ, Adair TH. Morphometric measurements of chorioallantoic membrane vascularity: effects of hypoxia and hyperoxia. Am J Physiol. 260(4 Pt 2): H1385-9, 1991.
Adair TH, Vance GA, Montani JP, Guyton AC. Effect of skin concavity on subcutaneous tissue fluid pressure. Am J Physiol. 261(2 Pt 2): H349-53, 1991.
Adair TH, Gay WJ, Hester RE, Montani JP. Does adenosine have a regulatory role in blood vessel growth? In: Role of Adenosine and Adenine Nucleotides in the Biological System. Ch. 40, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1991, 443-455.
Adair TH, Wells ML, Hang J, Montani JP. A stereological method for estimating length density of the arterial vascular system. Am J Physiol. 266(4 Pt 2): H1434-8, 1994.
Hang J, Fleming JB, Wells ML, Adair TH. Miniaturized electrical stimulator with controllable duty cycles. Am J Physiol. 268(3 Pt 2): H1373-8, 1995.
Montani JP, Mizelle HL, Van Vliet BN, Adair TH. Advantages of continuous measurement of cardiac output 24 h a day. Am J Physiol. 269(2 Pt 2): H696-703, 1995.
Adair TH, Hang J, Wells ML, Magee FD, Montani JP. Long-term electrical stimulation of rabbit skeletal muscle increases growth of paired arteries and veins. Am J Physiol. 269(2 Pt 2): H717-24, 1995.
Hang J, Kong L, Gu JW, Adair TH. VEGF gene expression is upregulated in electrically stimulated rat skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol. 269(5 Pt 2): H1827-31, 1995.
Mathieu-Costello O, Agey PJ, Wu L, Hang J, Adair TH. Capillary-to-fiber surface ratio in rat fast-twitch hindlimb muscles after chronic electrical stimulation. J Appl Physiol. 80(3): 904-9, 1996.
Gu JW, Adair TH. Hypoxia-induced expression of VEGF is reversible in myocardial vascular smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol. 273(2 Pt 2): H628-33, 1997.
Gu JW, Anand V, Shek EW, Moore MC, Brady AL, Kelly WC, Adair TH. Sodium induces hypertrophy of cultured myocardial myoblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells. Hypertension. 31(5): 1083-7, 1998.
Gu JW, Brady AL, Anand V, Moore MC, Kelly WC, Adair TH. Adenosine upregulates VEGF expression in cultured myocardial vascular smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol. 277(2 Pt 2): H595-602, 1999.
Gu JW, Ito BR, Sartin A, Frascogna N, Moore M, Adair TH. Inhibition of adenosine kinase induces expression of VEGF mRNA and protein in myocardial myoblasts. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 279(5): H2116-23, 2000.
Gu, J-W, Sartin A, Elam J, Adair TH. Dietary salt induces gene expression of hypertrophy-related factors in cultured human endothelial cells. Am J Hyper. 13: 244-45, 2000 (Abstract).
Gu J-W, Adair TH, Huang M, Al-Turk A, Lokitz B. Exercise Induces angiostatic phenotype in circulation of healthy volunteers. Circulation. 104: 608-09, 2001 (Abstract).
Gu JW, Elam J, Sartin A, Li W, Roach R, Adair TH. Moderate levels of ethanol induce expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and stimulate angiogenesis. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 281: R365-72, 2001.
Bennett KR, Gu JW, Adair TH, Health BJ. Elevated plasma concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor in cardiac myxoma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 122(1): 193-4, 2001
Gu J-W, Fortepiani LA, Reckelhoff JF, Adair TH, Wang J, Hall JE. Increased Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and capillary density in hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Microcirculation 11: 689-697, 2004.
Adair TH. An emerging role for adenosine in angiogenesis. Hypertension 44(5): 618-620, 2004.
Gu JW, Gadonski G, Wang J, Makey I, Adair TH. Exercise increases endostatin in circulation of healthy volunteers. BMC Physiol. 4(1): 2-7, 2004.
Adair TH. Growth regulation of the vascular system: an emerging role for adenosine. Am J Physiol 289: R283-R296, 2005.
Adair TH, Cotten R, Gu J-W, Pryor JS, Bennett KR, McMullan MR, Montani J-P. Adenosine increases plasma levels of VEGF in humans. BMC Physiol. 2005 Jun 20;5(1):10
Pryor JS, Montani JP, Adair TH. Angiogenic growth factor responses to long-term treadmill exercise in mice. IJPP 54(4): 309-317, 2010.
Adair TH, Montani JP. Angiogenesis. Colloquium Series on Integrated Systems Physiology: From Molecule to Function. Eds. DN Granger, J Granger. Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, 2011.
George EM, Cockrell K, Adair TH, Granger JP. Regulation of sFlt-1 and VEGF secretion by adenosine under hypoxic conditions in rat placental villous explants. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 299: R1629-33, 2010.