VET AXCEL Chemistry Analyzer
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VET AXCEL Chemistry Analyzer
Guidelines for submission of samples
Always consult with the Assay Core prior to submitting your samples for analysis. This will ensure that you understand the specific needs for submission of samples for analysis using the core chemistry analyzer.
Controls and Calibrations are required for each test. Half-life for these is limited. Thus, the Assay Lab will only order as needed.
Plan your selection of assays based on experimental need. Please do not order unnecessary tests.
It is not our intent to maintain a full panel of assays. This would be cost prohibitive for a lab unless this was a standard, full-time operational diagnostic laboratory.
Read the following carefully before preparing and submitting your samples.
- Proper sample collection: We accept serum, plasma or urine for analysis with the Vet AXCEL Chemistry Analyzer.
- Investigators should ensure that samples are free of precipitates or large particles (such as fibrin clots) that will damage the apparatus. Samples with significant hemolysis may be rejected for analysis.
- Be aware that certain methods of collection or the use of anesthetics may affect physiological parameters or the chemistry of some of the assays and induce artifacts. It is the responsibility of the investigator to ensure that the method of collection will not interfere with the parameters to be determined.
- We will analyze samples in bulk to cut costs. Thus, we can advise you when our next run of your specific assay requests will be conducted.
- By checking with us first, we can also ensure that the needed calibrators, controls and reagents are on hand for your selected assays.
- The Vet AXCEL chemistry analyzer can run multiple tests on a single vial of sample. However, it is imperative that you prepare your samples and complete the sample submission sheet to ensure that you have enough sample volume for all your requested needs.
Sample preparation
A. For submission of samples for analysis by the Chemistry Analyzer, log into iLab and submit a Request Service form which is located under the Request Service tab. Please fill out all parts of the Request Service form. A new Request Service form should be completed for different sample sets. Make sure to upload a completed copy of your Chemistry Axcel Sample Submission form. This form can be downloaded from iLab under the Request Services tab or the core can email a copy of the form if requested.
B. A dead volume is required for all sample analysis.
For analysis of volumes less than than 150 ml, a 10 µl dead space is required.
For sample volumes greater than 150 µl, a 60 µl dead space is required.
Indicate on your submission form the dead volume included in each sample
C. Sum the total sample volume needed for analysis of your samples. Information related to the minimal sample volume needed per assay is provided in the List of Assays for the Vet AXCEL.
D. Include the TOTAL Sample volume for each submitted sample on this sheet; this will equal that needed for the assay plus dead volume.
For example: If you request TBILI, DBILI, Chol, CREAT and BUN for your panel of tests. The minimum required sample volume would be 14 + 14 + 6 + 24 + 6 = 64 mls plus the required 10 mls dead volume. Thus, for this panel you would need to have >75 mls to run these tests.
E. Please check to make sure that your submitted volume is sufficient to conduct a run and indicate your included "total" volume for each sample on the submission sheet. If sample volume is limiting, samples can be provided as a 1:2 dilution in water or saline (may not be recommended for some tests such as DBILI and TBILI). It is the responsibility of the investigator to indicate whether the samples have been diluted in the comment column of the submission sheet so that appropriate correction can be made to the final results.
F. Submit only the amount requested for your assays in a microcentrifuge tube (1.5ml of 0.5ml Eppendorf tube). The assay core does not have the capability to spin down samples provided in non-conventional tubes (screw-cap, plates, etc.). Stock samples with large volumes or samples provided in non-conventional tubes will be returned to the core user for proper aliquoting before the assay can be performed.
G. If abnormally high values are expected, indicate in the comment column of the submission sheet and discuss with Assay Personnel so that appropriate dilutions can be run.
H. Each sheet should include only samples that will undergo the same panel of assays. Thus, if you need CREAT and BUN for 22 samples and CREAT, BUN + ALT for another 24, these should be listed on separate sheets.
I. Each sheet should be species specific. Do not mix rat and mouse samples on the same sheet.