Message from the Chair
By: Robert T. Brodell, MD
The Pathology Connection is the official, biannual newsletter of the
Department of Pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. We look forward to keeping you appraised of newsworthy information about our medical students, residents, 15 faculty members, two basic science researchers, 200 laboratory professionals and administrative staff.
We are committed to excellence in our subspecialty areas of expertise within anatomic and clinical pathology including genitourinary pathology, gastrointestinal and liver pathology, neuropathology, breast pathology, gynecologic pathology, bone and soft tissue pathology, dermatopathology, hematopathology, cytology including fine needle aspiration procedures, thoracic pathology, transfusion medicine, molecular pathology, medical microbiology and immunopathology and renal pathology. All of us are committed to education and research. Among other things, you will read about honors, awards, new testing, community service activities, publications, and even our history.
Our mission will always be unchanged: to provide exceptional quality in patient care, education and research collaborations, in a collegial and rewarding professional environment while focused on continuous process improvement. Stay in touch! We enjoy hearing from our student and resident alumni and faculty members who may have moved to other areas of the country.