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Human Immunodeficiency Virus - 1 (HIV-1) Genotype; RT/PR Genes

Test Name:Human Immunodeficiency Virus - 1 (HIV-1) Genotype; RT/PR Genes
Epic Order Code:LAB5619  
 LAB5218: With Quantitative HIV
CPT Code:87901  
Specimen(s) Type:Plasma, 2.0 mL  
Acceptable Container(s):closeup of specimen collection tubeTop is purple (lavender).  
Testing Schedule:Monday-Saturday
Turn Around Time:STAT: NA  
 Routine: 2-4 days
Collection Information:No special patient preparation required. Obtain by standard collection procedures.
Transport Information:Deliver to lab immediately. All specimens must be signed into the laboratory.
Reference Clients:If unable to deliver to the lab within 1 hour, centrifuge the specimen and remove plasma from the red cells. Store and transport at -20° C up to 24 hours. If longer storage is required, store and transport at -70° C up to 30 days.
Causes for Rejection:Improperly labeled, incorrect container, contaminated, insufficient volume, incorrect/delay in transport.
Reference Range:See patient report.
Additional Information:Antiviral resistance may compromise highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in HIV-infected patients receiving HAART. When combination therapy fails, detection and analysis of HIV genotypic mutations can guide necessary changes to antiretroviral therapy and decrease HIV viral load, thereby improving patient outcome.