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Faculty and Resident Awards, Honors, and Distinguished Presentations

Published on Thursday, October 6, 2022

Faculty and Residents Awards and Honors 

2022 All-Star Nursing Award
Amanda Brown, NP, and Laura Beth Puhr, LPN, were both recently nominated for UMMC’s 2022 All-Star Nursing Award. There were only 30 nominees out of the 3,000+ nurses at UMMC and we believe the nomination in and of itself is an extremely high honor! Nursing All-Star Award criteria include: demonstrating outstanding delivery of care or customer service that contributes to quality outcomes, commitment to the organization and its community through participation in quality projects, being a role model/mentor that provides support to others, demonstrating growth in their professional practice, promoting a safe and healthy working environment, and encouraging teamwork and contributing to their respective health care team or department.

All 30 candidates were reviewed by an external panel and our very own Amanda Brown was chosen as a 2022 All-Star Awardee. Please join us in congratulating both Amanda for her award and Laura Beth for her recognition. We are truly grateful for their service and commitment to UMMC.

group picture of awardees at the UMMC Nursing Awards ceremony

Amanda Brown (second from right) poses with her fellow
awardees at the UMMC Nursing Awards ceremony.

2022 AAD Annual Meeting
The 2022 AAD Annual Meeting took place in Boston, Massachusetts March 25-29 and UMMC Dermatology was well represented at the proceedings. UMMC representatives are listed below alongside the lectures they provided at the 2022 AAD Annual Meeting. Their UMMC affiliation at the time of each presentation is provided in parenthesis.

  • Robert Brodell (Chair) – Saying YES to Optimize your Practice
  • Robert Brodell (Chair) and Ross Pearlman (PGY4) - Integrating Academic Medical Centers with DataDerm
  • Adam Byrd (Assistant Professor), Ross Pearlman (PGY4), Josh Ortego (PGY3), and Hannah Badon (PGY2) - Dermatology in Rural America
  • Thy Huynh (Associate Professor) - Infantile Digital Fibromatosis with Functional Deformity" atGross and Microscopic Symposium
  • Ross Pearlman (PGY4) – Presentation at the Quality Improvement and Innovation Symposium
  • Robert Brodell (Chair) and Thy Huynh (Assistant Professor) - Therapeutic and Diagnostic Pearls

Dr. Pearlman received the AAD’s Resident Quality Improvement Award for his presentation. In addition, Dr. Brodell received a certificate of appreciation in Humanitarian Dermatology from the International League of Dermatological Societies for his outstanding contributions in the field of dermatological care. Please join us in congratulating Drs. Brodell and Pearlman for receiving these special awards!

 Drs. Robert Brodell, Sarah McClees, and Josh Ortego
Drs. Robert Brodell, Sarah McClees, and Josh Ortego enjoy the AAD meeting.
 Drs. Adam Byrd, Ross Pearlman, Hannah Badon, and Josh Ortego
From left: Drs. Adam Byrd, Ross Pearlman, Hannah Badon, and Josh Ortego provide a presentation on Dermatology in Rural America.
Dr. Brodell standing between two gentleman while holding up a certificate.
Dr. Brodell (center) received a certificate of appreciation in Humanitarian Dermatology from the International League of Dermatological Societies for his outstanding contributions in the field of dermatological care.


2022 Alabama Dermatology Symposium
Dr. Sarah McClees, UMMC PGY4, presented a case report on intrauterine HSV at the Summer Alabama Dermatology Symposium and was awarded first place in the Resident Competition category. Congratulations!

Dr. Jeremy Jackson, Interim Chair, poses with Dr. Sarah McClees

Pictured from left: Dr. Jeremy Jackson, Interim Chair,
poses with Dr. Sarah McClees at the ADS Summer Symposium

"They Said it Couldn't Be Done" - Honoring Dr. Robert Brodell

In August of 2022, Dermatology hosted a party in honor of Dr. Robert Brodell to thank him for his many years of service as the founding chair of Dermatology. Effective July 1, 2022 he accepted a new role as the chair of Pathology at UMMC. Dr. Brodell is a long-time faculty member of Pathology and served as the interim chair of Pathology for almost two years, chairing both Pathology and Dermatology simultaneously. Dr. Jeremy Jackson was named interim chair of Dermatology.

Dr. Brodell came to the Medical Center in 2012 as a professor in the Department of Otolaryngology and Communicative Sciences, which is now named the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. In 2013, the Department of Dermatology was established and Dr. Brodell was named founding chair. Since becoming chair of dermatology, Dr. Brodell has brought national attention to his department and UMMC, thanks to his many outstanding contributions. His many honors include being named a Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professor, a title that celebrates his scholarship and achievements at UMMC. Dr. Brodell, who graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and completed dermatology and dermatopathology training at Washington University in St. Louis, spent 27 years in solo private practice in Warren, Ohio. 

Dr. Robert Brodell and his wife Dr. Linda Brodell pose with a birthday cake

Pictured: Dr. Robert Brodell and his wife Dr. Linda Brodell at
the "They Said It Couldn't Be Done" party in his honor.