Winter 2019
Residents and Fellows
Christian Dos Santos, M.D.

Current CA-3 chief resident
No undergrad—in Brazil, from high school to Medical School
Medical School: Faculdade de Medicina de Campos in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Residency in Anesthesiology: Pontifícia Catholic University in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Fellowship: Neuroanesthesiology at the University of Texas, Memorial Hermann Hospital, Houston
Hobbies: fishing, hunting, falconry
Family: Wife—Cristiane Santos (radiology resident, after 12 years working as a Hematologist - LOL) and three daughters, Julia, Beatriz, and Laura
Fun Fact: I’m a PGY-23!
C. Warren Masterson III, M.D.

Current CA-3 Resident
Undergraduate: University of Mississippi
Medical School: University of Mississippi Medical Center
Family: Wife—Ann Clark Masterson
Parents—Chester Masterson Jr. and Karen Masterson
Sister—Taylor Masterson
Hobbies/Interests: Golf, Hunting, Grilling
Fun Fact: During my senior year of college, I won a halftime competition at an Ole Miss Basketball game to win free Chick-fil-A for a year.
Dennis Marcelo, M.D.

Current CA-3 Resident
Undergrad: McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland
Medical School: Aureus University
Hobbies/Interests: Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Mountain biking, Hiking, Trail Running, Wood working
Family: My wife Jillian, is a Batson Pediatric Hospitalist
We have 3 dogs: Rusty (Goldendoodle), Yoshi (Sheepadoodle), and Saide (Yorkie)
Fun Fact: Co-workers think I am Vince Morella