Winter 2019
Anesthesia Department Community Volunteer Efforts
Having just celebrated the holiday season, we often think about the blessings the past year has brought and how we can help others. We all work tirelessly to make sure our patients are well taken care of in the hospital setting, but several of us take it a step further to give back to others in our community as well. There are three individuals in our department that we wanted to highlight as giving back to our community and helping others in need. The first is one of our nurse anesthetists, Travis Vizier and the second and third are Drs. Rachel Roberts and Jenna Strother. I had each of them give a summary of their efforts. You will also find photos accompanying the stories. Thank you for your selflessness!
From Travis:

Since moving to Jackson in 2010, we have had our fair share of ups and downs. A diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis for my then 6 year-old-daughter combined with the struggles of many we see on a daily basis at UMMC brought to light the importance of giving back to those who aren’t as fortunate. Since 2010 my family has been active within the Arthritis Foundation both on a local and national level. We host and participate in a number of events for “Chloe’s Cause” throughout the year such as Java for Joints, Popsicles for a Purpose, Rattling Bone Bash and Jingle Bell Run. In addition, Chloe has met multiple times with Senator Roger Wicker, Thad Cochran, and Greg Harper to discuss the plight of children in Mississippi with autoimmune disease.
In addition to work with the Arthritis Foundation, we also organize care packages for Sailors currently deployed from Mississippi. During the Christmas season we head up a neighborhood Toys for Tots or Coat drive where we average 40-50 coats.
Lately, LT John Woods, LT Josh Fuqua and I were able to talk to over 200 middle school and high school aged children about the importance of getting good grades and staying in school. I’ve also just recently had a similar discussion with the Health Science class at Northwest Rankin High School.

From Rachel and Jenna:

Each year the anesthesia residents sponsor a group of children for Christmas. Last year we opened this up to include everyone in the department and had a great response! This year we sponsored a dorm of girls at French Camp, a boarding school in French Camp, MS that takes in many children from difficult circumstances. This year we were able to sponsor fourteen children!
Jenna Strother is a CA-2 resident and Rachel Roberts is a pain physician at the VA.