UMMC staff receive service recognition
Published on Monday, January 8, 2024
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of January 8 - 14.
20 Years
Dale Tallman Jr., Supv & Safety Officer, SER-Environ Health & Safety
Leah Stockman, RN I-Ambulatory-Direct Care, SOD-Oral-Maxfcial Srg/Pathlgy
15 Years
Gretta Harvey, PHYSICAL THERAPIST-7 on/off (CS), Physical Therapy-UH
Rebecca Keefer-Rieves, Dir-HR Business Services, SER-Human Resources
10 Years
Andy Atkinson, Web Software Dev-Intermed, SER-DIS-Core
Joshua Jefferson, Assistant Professor, SHR-Medical Laboratory Science
5 Years
Cedric Slaughter, Reg Respiratory Therapist-PRN (UH), UH-Respiratory Therapy
Amanda Rice, Assistant Professor, SOM-Family Medicine
Kelli Howard, Nurse Practitioner, SOM-Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Chad Cooley, Instructor, SOM-Obstetrics & Gynecology
Kristin Cox, CRNA, SOM-Anesthesiology
Madison Sistrunk, CRNA, SOM-Anesthesiology
Abbey Peppers, CRNA, SOM-Anesthesiology
Alexandra Bradley, CRNA, SOM-Anesthesiology
Avery Nash, RN I-Inpatient (CH), BCH-Pediatric ICU
Evan Mckinley, RN I-Inpatient Adult ED, Emergency Dept-UH
Carley Dear, Director -Academic Technology and Innovation, SON-Instruction School Nursing
Leigh Spann, RN–Abdominal Transplant Coordinator II (CS), Transplant-Kidney
Lindsay McMurtray, Digital Media Manager, SER-Communications and Marketing
Brendyn Brister, RN II-Critical Care (UH), CCH-2 Micu
Terriona Cowan, Researcher IV-Basic Science Lab, SOM-Pharmacology/Toxicology
Amanda Laura, Director-Clinical Operations (AAS), UP Neurosciences-Support Svcs
Takeesha Fox, Ambassador (UH), Ambassadors
Sharonda Giles, Supv-HIV Outreach Specialist, SOM-Medicine-ID
Jeffrey Wilson, Maintenance Tech, SER-Power Plant
Monika Alford, Physician Scheduler III Remote (UA), UP Ophth-Lakeland
1 Year
Katie Nations, Educator-RN I (UH), UH- 2 West
Miranda Ray, RN I-Critical Care (UH), CCH-Neuro Science ICU
Edward Lofton, Medical Laboratory Scientist-Registered (UH), Lab-Stem Cell
Denisa Boyd, RN II (UH), UH-7 South
Martha Lynch, Periop Tech II (CH), Surgical Suite-BCH
Olivia Hernandez, RN I-Critical Care (UH), CCH-CICU
LaDonna Northington, Professor, SON-Instruction School Nursing
Emily Dixon, RN II-Dialysis-PRN Tiered (UH), Dialysis-Outpatient-Mall
Todd Hovas, Pharmacist (UH), SSC-Pharmacy
Jennifer Hall, Instructor, SON-Instruction School Nursing
Arnita Norwood, Assistant Professor, SOM-Medicine-JHS
Clare Hamilton, Ryan White LPN HIV Case Manager, SOM-Medicine-ID
Stephanie Glidewell, RN I-Inpatient (CH), BCH-4C Pediatric Unit
Felisa Wilson-Simpson, Assistant Professor, SON-Instruction School Nursing
Ellie Hamilton, Hospital Tech I (UH), Obstetric Receiving
Taylor Jones, RN I-Inpatient (CH), BCH-Pediatric ICU
Cuong Pham, Peds Perfusionist, SOM-Surgery-Ped & Cong Hrt
Marisela Madrigal, Assistant Professor, SER-Academic Information Svc
Timothy Dasinger, Assistant Professor, SOM-Advanced Biomedical Education
Amber Totten, RN I-Inpatient (CH), BCH-Newborn ICU
I-Ting Lin, Physicist Resident, SOM-Radiation/Oncology
Tempie Little, RN I-Acute Care (UH), WH-5 Gyn Oncology
Zoria Nicholson, RN I-Acute Care (UH), UH-4 North
Jordan Galtelli, Contract Administrator, SER-Contracts Administration
Katrice Banks, HIV Outreach Specialist, SOM-Medicine-ID
Cortlyn Brice, Ambassador (UH), Ambassadors
Jennifer Stanton, Assistant Professor, SON-Instruction School Nursing
Ciera Robinson, Certified Medical Asst (UA), UP Int Med-Lakeland HyperTN
Nick White Jr., EMS Driver/Operator (CAS), SER-BCH Patient Transport
Michelle Hughes, Director of Managed Care Finance, Payor Contracting
Ismaeel Baig, Emergency Room Tech (UH), Emergency Dept-UH
Nia Wilson, Accountant I, SER-Accounting Department
Hannah Sanchagrin, Professional Coder II Remote (SS), SSA-Health Information Mgt
Amanda Morgan, Assoc Dir-Ambulatory Ops (AAS), UP Int Med-Administration
Amber Washington, Customer Service Rep (CS), UPA-Service Excellence
Samantha Hill, RN I-Acute Care (UH), UH-3 North
Erin Shoemaker, RN I-Inpatient (UH), CCH-Surgical ICU
Ethel Brown, RN I-Inpatient 7P-7A (GH), GMC-Labor & Deivery
Tionnie Watts, RN I-Inpatient (UH), Surgical Suite-UH
Kacynthia Perry, Certified Dialysis Tech (UH), Dialysis-Outpatient-Mall
William LaGrone, RN I-Inpatient (CH), Emergency Dept-BCH
Denise Hinton, Respiratory Therapist (UH), UH-Respiratory Therapy
Danaraye Parks, RN-Inpatient Relief Critical Care(UH), CCH-2 Micu
Queene Haymer, RN I-Acute Care (UH), WH-3 MBU
Trevor Meyers, RRT-Transport (UH), UH-Adult Critical Transport
Breanna Sullivan, Radiologic Technologist (CH), BCH-Radiology Diagnostic
Tiara Jones, Medical Office Assistant (UA), UP Otolaryngology Cancer Institute
Merry Bussey, RN I-PRN-Health System Tiered (CH), BCH-Newborn ICU
Heather Couch, RN I-PRN-Health System Tiered (UH), CCH-Neuro Science ICU
Amanda Fletcher, RN I-PRN-Health System Tiered (CH), BCH-Newborn ICU
Briana Blackwell, Student Nurse Tech (CH), BCH-Newborn ICU
Amber Jones, Unit Secretary (UH), Emergency Dept-UH
Ciero Jones, Audiologist Assistant, SOM-Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery