UMMC staff receive service recognition
Published on Monday, April 17, 2023
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of April 17 - 23.
25 Years
Donna Wilkins, Professor, SHR-Medical Laboratory Science
20 Years
Melissa Robinson, Patient Financial Services Coordinator II (SS), UPA-Central Billing Office
Ethel Perry, Unit Secretary (UH), UH-2 North
15 Years
Alvin Rembert, Assistant Professor, SOD-Care Plan & Restor Scien
5 Years
Ronald Mitchell, Surg Tech-First Asst (GH), GP-Ortho
Tianwen Chen, Researcher IV-Basic Science Lab, SOM-Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Margaret Workman, Nurse Manager I-Transplant (CS), PAV Transplant Clinic
Shunda Oliver, Medical Laboratory Scientist Chemistry-Registered (UH), Clinical Lab-Chemistry
Deidre Throne, Dental Assistant II, SOD-Oral-Maxfcial Srg/Pathlgy
Nekequa Cameron, Professional Coder I Remote (SS), UPA-Charge Entry
Maria Reliquias, Medical Laboratory Scientist-Registered (UH), Clinical Lab-Hematology
Punam Thapa, Researcher IV-Basic Science Lab, SOM-Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Carl McLemore, Plumber, SER-Building Maintenance
Santana Runnels, Professional Coder I Remote (SS), UPA-Charge Entry
1 Year
Ebony Brown, Neurophysiology Tech I (UH), Neurophysiology Lab
Clayton Tate, Reg Respiratory Therapist Relief (UH), UH-Respiratory Therapy
Jermaine Gray, Professor, SOM-Obstetrics & Gynecology
William Sisson, Assistant Professor, SHR-Doc of Health Admin Prog
Sherman Steverson, RN I-PRN-Holmes Co (HH), HCH-Inpatient Nursing
Abedulnaasseer Mohammedelamien, Assistant Professor, SOM-Preventive Medicine
Courtenay Ables, RN I-PRN-Health System (UH), UH-7 West-Adult Psych
Teresa Buck, Patient Access Data Integrity Specialist I (SS), Int Access-Admissions
Lisa Richey, Assistant Professor, SOD-Care Plan & Restor Scien
Jamie White, Assistant Professor, SOD-Oral-Maxfcial Srg/Pathlgy
Patrick McMahon, Business Services Associate (UH), Administration-UH
Raneisha Clark, Patient Financial Services Coordinator I (SS), Int Access-Fin Counseling
Ruby Lucroy, Nurse Practitioner, SOM-Family Medicine
Andrew Shelby, Educator-Life Support Training Center, Resuscitation Training Center
Alexandria Lane, Animal Lab Technician I, LAF-Lab Animal Facilities
Michael McGlothin, Sterile Processing Tech I (UH), Sterile Processing
LaTwania Rodgers-Miller, Assistant Professor, SER-Academic Information Svc
Tyrone White Sr., Boiler Operator I, SER-Power Plant
Renette Howard, Scheduler-IR (UH), Interventional Radiology Svcs
Misti Alexander, Professional Coder I Remote (SS), UPA-Charge Entry
Kaeli Henderson, Call Center Rep II (UA), UPA-Access Guides
Beverly Spiller, Patient Access Data Integrity Specialist I (SS), Int Access-Admissions
Lindsey Hankins, Surgical Tech I (CH), Surgical Suite-BCH
Jennifer Walker, Medical Office Assistant (UA), UP Surg-Urology Select
Asia Bunch, Medical Office Assistant (UA), Wound Care Center
Brantley Holder, LPN-Ambulatory (UA), UP Derm-Face Skin Center
Ashley Marler, Phlebotomist (GH), GMC-Laboratory
Shemekka Anderson, Enrollment Data Specialist, SER-Student Services & Records
Rachel Holloway, Instructional Dsgn Analyst-Int, SER-DIS-Core
Gymease Scott, Patient Access Data Integrity Specialist I (SS), Int Access-Admissions
Vershawn Tyler, RN II (UH), WH-2 Labor Delivery/Surgery
Eva Holtsinger, RN II-IR (UH), Interventional Radiology Svcs
Renee Creese, Student Nurse Tech (UH), Nursing Resource Team
Jenna Pigg, RN I-PRN-Health System (UH), Post Anesthesia Care Unit-OPUH
Loreal Scott, RN I-PRN-Health System (UH), WH-3 MBU