UMMC staff receive service recognition
Published on Monday, February 14, 2022
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of February 14-20.
25 Years
Sonya Newsome, Hospitalist Clinical Coord, SOM-Medicine-HOSP
Julie Cushman, RN I-Inpatient (UH), WH-2 Labor Delivery/Surgery
Jo Lynn King, RN-Category Manager (SS), SSA-Strategic Sourcing
20 Years
Harold Nichols, Lead CRNA, SOM-Anesthesiology
Kesha Prystupa, Nurse Manager III (CH), Emergency Dept-BCH
Amy Surmeli, Supv-Business Operations (RAS), SER-Cancer Institute
15 Years
Jacqueline Palokas, Director, SON-Instruction School Nursing
Katherine Hall, Assistant Professor, SON-Instruction School Nursing
Etoile Patrick, RN II-Dialysis (UH), Dialysis-Outpatient-Mall
10 Years
Brandi Greer, Occupational Therapist-PT (CS), Occupational Therapy-Pav
Molly Sullivan, Nurse Practitioner, SOM-Peds-Forensic Medicine
Molly Ratcliff, Assistant Professor, SHR-Health Sciences Program
William Thomas, RN I-Acute Care (UH), UH-3 South
Catherine Luvene, Certified Dialysis Tech (UH), Dialysis-Home-Pediatrics
5 Years
Katie Dodd, Imaging Tech II (HH), Radiology-Diagnostic-HCH
April Cooley, Professional Coder I Remote (SS), UPA-Charge Entry
Fitima Ward, Supv-Scheduling Operations (CS), UP Int Med-Cardio Support Svcs
Anna Jeffords, RN I-Inpatient-PT (CH), Surgical Suite-BCH
Erica Turner, Mgr-Clinical Research, SOM-Obstetrics & Gynecology