Newsletter features orthopaedic surgery researchers; AACN calls SON leaders to assembly
Published on Monday, September 21, 2020
August PREP-IT features UMMC orthopaedic surgery researchers
The national Program of Randomized Trials to Evaluate Pre-operative Antiseptic Skin Solutions in Orthopedic Trauma featured the Medical Center’s PREPARE trial researchers in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in the August 2020 edition of its newsletter, PREP-IT.
The PREPARE trial, which studies the effectiveness of treatments for managing open fractures and closed lower extremity and pelvic fractures, has enrolled 962 patients across 16 sites.
Dr. Patrick Bergin, associate professor of orthopaedic surgery and principal investigator of the PREPARE trial; Dr. Eldrin Bhanat, clinical research manager in orthopaedic surgery and clinical research manager of the trial;
Sheketha McGee, researcher II in orthopaedic surgery and primary research coordinator of the trial; and Heather Champion, clinical research specialist in orthopaedic surgery and original research coordinator of the trial, were featured as part of UMMC’s team that boasts one of the highest-follow-up rates in the PREPARE trial.
Nurse leaders participate in AACN’s Thought Leaders Assembly

Terri Gillespie, UMMC chief nursing executive and clinical services officer and Dr. Julie Sanford, School of Nursing dean, will participate in a virtual American Association of Colleges of Nursing Thought Leaders Assembly today (Monday, Sept. 21).
This year’s assembly, “Lessons Learned: Exemplary Partnerships in Response to COVID-19,” is an annual meeting of the AACN Board of Directors with national leaders. Sanford said its goal is to identify key lessons learned while academic and practice partners navigated the COVID-19 pandemic that can be used to enhance the landscape of professional nursing and improve patient care.
“Member deans and their practice partners will discuss lessons learned from the pandemic and how they can strengthen academic-practice partnerships,” she said.
Gillespie said the discussion will help chart a path forward.
“The last several months have no doubt changed many aspects of our lives in health care,” Gillespie said, “not only where care delivery is concerned, but also in the areas of population health, community education and the education of our future health care workforce.
“There have been many struggles faced during this pandemic, but the synergies realized between clinical nursing and our School of Nursing partners has definitely been a positive.”
The two nursing leaders see their participation as a result of the partnership between academic and clinical nursing at UMMC.
“I am grateful for Dr. Gillespie’s leadership and the excellent nurses at UMMC who work with us to provide outstanding clinical learning opportunities for our students,” Sanford said.
“I am grateful for the relationship Dr. Sanford and I have forged,” Gillespie said.