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Feb. 27, 2020

Ohio State associate professor of pediatrics joins UMMC faculty
Medical Center leadership is proud to announce the following addition to its faculty and leadership staff.
Steven Charles Matson, M.D.

Dr. Steven Charles Matson, associate professor of pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine, has joined the Medical Center faculty as a professor of pediatrics.
After receiving his B.S. in microbiology magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 1979, Matson earned his M.D. in 1983 at the Mayo Medical School, Rochester, Minnesota. He then had a pediatric residency from 1983-86 at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, and an adolescent medicine fellowship from 1986-87 at Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
He served as a general pediatrician at Milwaukee Medical Clinic, Wisconsin, from 1987-89 before joining the Medical College of Wisconsin faculty as an assistant professor of pediatrics. He was promoted to associate professor of pediatrics in 1995. In 2002, he became a senior physician at Norris Health Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and served as interim director of the center in 2005.
Matson served as an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Little Rock, from 2005-07; as an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, where he was chief of the Division of Adolescent Medicine, from 2007-08; and as an associate professor of pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine from 2009-19. At Ohio State, he also served as chief of the Division of Adolescent Medicine for Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, from 2015-17 and has served as a physician at Nationwide Children’s Hospital since 2008. He has practiced adolescent medicine for more than 30 years and was the first recipient of the National American Academy of Pediatrics Founders in Adolescent Medicine Award.
Matson is also board-certified in addiction medicine. He started the Medication Assisted Treatment for Addiction program in 2009 at Nationwide Children’s Hospital to treat adolescents and young adults with addictions to heroin and opioids. The program has served more than 1,000 patients in Ohio since that time. Matson is waivered to see 275 patients for treatment with Buprenorphine.
A Phi Beta Kappa and Gamma Sigma Delta inductee, Matson serves on the National Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine’s Alcohol and Drug Subcommittee and is an active member of several professional organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, the American Society for Addiction Medicine, and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. The author or coauthor of 21 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 27 abstracts and six book chapters, he serves as a journal reviewer for the Journal of Addiction, the Journal of Addiction Medicine and JAMA Pediatrics. He has given 13 invited lectures nationally and internationally and has received more than $3.8 million in funding for 31 peer-reviewed research grants.