N'western, Mayo experts' talks top week's slate
Published on Monday, September 12, 2016
A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.
Tuesday, Sept. 13
Anesthesiologist to develop cochlear distinctions
Dr. Jaime Garcia-Anoveros, associate professor of anesthesiology, physiology and neurology at Northwestern University, Chicago, will present “Insm1, Neurogensis and the Development Distinction of Cochlear Inner Vs. Outer Hair Cells” from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13, in classroom 3A (room 318 on the North Wing).
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. The presentation is part of the Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences Seminar Series.
For more information, call Karneilla McGee at 4-1686.
Wednesday, Sept. 14
Orthopaedist to manage extreme soft tissue sarcoma
Dr. Jennifer Barr, assistant professor of orthopaedic surgery, will give the Department of Surgery Grand Rounds presentation, “Management of Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremities,” at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14, in room CW 308 of the Classroom Wing.
Continuing medical education credit is available. For more information, email cphollingsworth@umc.edu.
Project One: LGBTQ advocate to discuss human rights
Rob Hill, state director of Human Rights Campaign Mississippi, will talk about the progress his organization has made in the state during the last two years as part of the UMMC Gay-Straight Alliance lecture series at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 14, in CW 106 of the Classroom Wing.
As part of HRC's Project One America, Hill will discuss his team's efforts on behalf of LGBTQ people in Mississippi to advance legal protections and build inclusive institutions in the state.
For more information about the presentation, email bnecaise@umc.edu.
Ophthalmologist to present brighter eyes, outlook
Dr. Kyle Lewis, assistant professor of ophthalmology, will discuss surgical and nonsurgical treatment options, costs and recovery time, and when drooping lids are considered a medical condition and are covered by insurance during a lunchtime presentation, “Brighter Eyes, Brighter Outlook,” from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14, in the Hospital Administration Large Conference Room.
Drinks and dessert will be available. For more information or to register, call Fay Beach at 4-5023 or email her at fbeach@umc.edu.
Friday, Sept. 16
Mayo urologist to give two prostate cancer presentations
Dr. R. Jeffrey Karnes, associate professor of urology, chair of community urology and director of the Radical Prostatectomy Database at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, will give clinical and research lectures on prostate cancer on Friday, Sept. 16.
He will discuss “Surgery in Advanced Prostate Cancer - Pushing the Paradigm?” from 7-8 a.m. in room L110 of the Clinical Sciences Building, and “Tissue-based Biomarkers in Prostate Cancer: Separating the 'Bad' from the 'Good,'” from 10-11 a.m. in room G151 of the Arthur C. Guyton Research Center.
Breakfast will be available to the first 25 in attendance at Karnes' first talk. For more information, call Pam Moss at 4-5186. For more information about Karnes' second talk, call Dr. Christian Gomez at 5-3060.
Psychiatrist to reinforce pharmacology context
Dr. James K. Rowlett, professor of psychiatry and human behavior and professor of neurobiology and anatomical science, will give the Psychiatry Grand Rounds presentation, “Benzodiazepines as Reinforcers: At the Crossroads of Context and Pharmacology,” at 11 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 16, in room 106 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, call Robria Horton-Daniels at 5-5588.
On the horizon
Schwartz Rounds to discuss letting dogs out
Doris Whitaker, pastoral services director, and Laurie Heiden, hospital school and child life coordinator in Batson Children's Hospital, will speak during the next Schwartz Center Rounds presentation, “Who Let the Dogs Out?” a discussion of the positive effects of pet therapy, from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20, in classroom R354 (upper amphitheatre).
Lunch will be provided by the Mississippi Center for Emergency Services on a first-come basis. Valid UMMC identification badges are required for attendance. For more information, click Read More below or email Cheryl Stingily at cstingily@umc.edu.
Journal club to discuss diabetes, demographics
Dr. Daniel W. Jones, professor of medicine and physiology; director of clinical and population science; Sanderson Chair in Obesity, Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition; and interim chair of the Department of Medicine, will serve as the discussion leader for the next Health Disparities Journal Club session, “Diabetes and Age-related Demographic Differences in Risk Factor Control,” scheduled from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21, in conference rooms A and B on the second floor of the Norman C. Nelson Student Union.
All Medical Center faculty, staff, and students are invited. The journal club is sponsored by the Myrlie Evers-Williams Institute for the Elimination of Health Disparities.
For more information or to register to attend the discussion, email Felicia Caples at fcaples@umc.edu.
MIT biologist to explore cancer in obesity
Dr. Omer Yilmaz, assistant professor of biology, member of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a gastrointestinal pathologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, will present “Dietary Control of Intestinal Stem Cells and Cancer in Obesity” at noon on Tuesday, Sept. 27, in classroom 308.
The lecture is sponsored by the Mississippi Center for Obesity Research and the UMMC Cancer Institute. For more information, email vmayes@umc.edu.
UM chancellor to speak at fall faculty meeting
Dr. Jeffrey S. Vitter, University of Mississippi chancellor, and Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs, are scheduled to speak during the fall faculty meeting at noon on Thursday, Sept. 29, in classroom R354 (upper amphitheatre).
Vitter and Woodward will provide updates on the university and the Medical Center in the next fiscal year. The agenda also will include recognition of faculty with 20 years of service.
Lunch will be available on a first-come basis. For more information, call Dorothy Singleton at 5-4883 or email her at drsingleton@umc.edu.