Blood drive, Edelman Lecture highlight week's events
Published on Monday, September 14, 2015
Published on September 14, 2015
A number of interesting events is scheduled for the upcoming week at the Medical Center.
Monday-Friday, Sept. 14-18
Participate in quarterly blood drive, feel 'Forever Proud'
Medical Center faculty, staff and students are encouraged to participate in the Mississippi Blood Services "Mississippi: Forever Proud" blood drive Sept. 14-18 at several UMMC locations.
All donors will receive an MBS "Mississippi - Save Lives - Give Blood - Forever Proud" T-shirt. Identification is required to donate blood.
Times, dates and places for the drive include:
* 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Tuesday, Sept 14-15, in the donor coach between the Guyton Research Center and the School of Medicine building;
* 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15, in the donor coach at the Jackson Medical Mall Thad Cochran Center;
* 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17, in the donor coach at the entrance to Batson Children's Hospital;
* 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17, in the Student Lounge area on the bottom floor of the School of Dentistry building; and
* 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18, in the donor coach at the University Hospital entrance.
For more information about the blood drive, call Renee Howard at 4-2884 or send her an email at rhoward@umc.edu.
Tuesday, Sept. 15
Cincinnati scientist to clear up weight misunderstanding
Dr. Stephen C. Woods, professor emeritus of psychiatry and director of the Obesity Research Center at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, will present "Misunderstanding the Control of Food Intake and Body Weight by the Brain" from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 15, in classroom 6A (room 617 on the North Wing).
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. The presentation is part of the Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences Seminar Series.
For more information, call Karneilla McGee at 4-1686.
Pediatrician to lead health disparities club discussion
Dr. Binford Nash, associate professor of pediatrics and director of the Perinatal HIV Service, will serve as discussion leader for the next Health Disparities Journal Club session from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 15, in classroom A140a in the School of Nursing.
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. The journal club is sponsored by Myrlie Evers-Williams Institute for the Elimination of Health Disparities.
For more information or to RSVP, call Felicia Bowens at 5-9019 or email her at fbowens@umc.edu.
Wednesday, Sept. 16
GME associate dean to explain new accreditation system
Dr. Shirley Schlessinger, professor of medicine and associate dean for graduate medical education, will give the Department of Surgery Grand Rounds presentation, "The New Accreditation System and GME," at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16, in room CW308 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, email Carol Hollingsworth at cphollingsworth@umc.edu.
Turkish pediatrician to share understanding of puberty
Dr. A. Kemal Topaloglu, professor of pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics at Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey, will present "Understanding the Biology of Puberty: A Molecular Genetic Approach" at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 16, in room N617 (6A).
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. The seminar is presented by the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences in conjunction with the Department of Pediatrics.
For more information, call Lisa Boyd at 4-1640.
Thursday, Sept. 17
UCSF community medicine expert to give Edelman Lecture
Dr. Paula Braveman, professor of family and community medicine and director of the Center on Social Disparities in Health at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), will deliver the 2015 Marian Wright Edelman Distinguished Lecture from 8:30-11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17, in the Community Room at the Jackson Medical Mall Thad Cochran Center.
The Marian Wright Edelman Distinguished Lecture Series focuses on the social determinants of child health. Braveman has studied, published and brought awareness to health equity and the social determinants of child health, nationally and internationally, for more than 25 years.
The series is sponsored by the Myrlie Evers-Williams Institute for the Elimination of Health Disparities and the Department of Pediatrics. For more information, visit umc.edu/evers-williams or call Michael Jones at 5-9693 or email him at mljones2@umc.edu.
Friday, Sept. 18
NYU psychiatrist to relate high-needs delivery system
Dr. Jennifer F. Havens, vice chair for public psychiatry in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the NYU School of Medicine and director and chief of service in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Bellevue Hospital Center, will give the Psychiatry Grand Rounds presentation, "Creating an Integrated Mental Health Service Delivery System for High-Needs Youth," at 11 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 18, in room CW06 of the Classroom Wing,
For more information, call Paige Ballow at 5-5588.
Saturday, Sept. 19
Increase cancer awareness by running for ribbons
UMMC Gynecologic Oncology is raising awareness of the five primary gynecologic cancers - ovarian, uterine, cervical, vaginal and vulvar - by hosting its second annual Run for the Ribbons 5k event on Saturday, Sept. 19, on the Medical Center campus.
Race-day registration is scheduled to take place from 6:30-7:30 a.m., with the race to begin at 8 a.m. Awards will be given to the overall male and overall female winners, as well as the top two finishers in six different age groups for both males and females.
The cost is $25 per person for preregistration or $30 per person during the week of the race. The cost to place the name of a loved one on a memorial sign to be positioned at the start if the race is $15 per name.
To preregister, visit http://bit.ly/1IF810b. For more information, call 4-5320, option 2, or visit the event's Facebook page at http://on.fb.me/1g5UoAe.
On the horizon
UT-Houston professor to discuss TBI inflammation
Dr. Pramod Dash, professor in the Departments of Neurobiology and Anatomy and Neurosurgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, will present "Inflammation in Experimental TBI Pathophysiology" from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22, in room 617 (classroom 6A) in the North Wing.
All Medical Center faculty, staff and students are invited. The presentation is part of the Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences Seminar Series.
For more information, call Karneilla McGee at 4-1686.
Chief education officer to offer medical literature strategies
Dr. Nicole Borges, chief education officer, research and scholarship, Office of Academic Development, will lead a faculty development series presentation, "Searching Medical Educational Literature/Strategies for Keeping Up with Medical Education Literature," at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 13, in classroom 3A.
The series is hosted by the Office of Medical Education to support and promote research, innovation, teaching and scholarship in medical education and advancing patient care by improving the education of physicians.
Lunch will be available to the first 25 in attendance. For more information, call the Office of Medical Education at 4-5006 or email Wanda Barone at wbarone@umc.edu.
Vice chancellor to speak at fall faculty meeting
Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs, is scheduled to speak at the fall faculty meeting at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 17, in classroom R153 (lower amphitheatre).
Woodward will provide an update for the Medical Center in the next fiscal year. The agenda will also include a recognition of faculty with 20 years of service.
Lunch will be available on a first-come basis. For more information, call Dorothy Singleton at 5-4883 or email her at drsingleton@umc.edu.