Dentistry professor earns service award, inaugural Wise Lecturer speaks
Published on Thursday, March 19, 2015
Published on March 19, 2015
The national Specialty Care Dentistry Association bestowed its distinguished service award on a School of Dentistry professor, while a noted dermatologist gave the first Louis J. "Skip" Wise Education Fund lecture.
SCDA selects dentistry professor for service award
Dr. Ray Holder, professor of dentistry, Department of Advanced General Dentistry, will receive the Lawrence J. Chasko Distinguished Service Award from the Special Care Dentistry Association (SCDA) at its annual meeting Friday, March 27, in Denver, Colorado.
The award recognizes an individual who demonstrates service to SCDA in hospital dentistry that is far beyond the customary expectations of his or her elected or appointed position, and who has had noteworthy achievements at the local, regional or national level that support and promote the mission and goals of SCDA.
Holder was selected for embodying the finest qualities of character, dedication and ethical standards exemplified by Lawrence J. Chasko, a longtime SCDA supporter.
UAB dermatology professor delivers first Wise Lecture
Dr. Boni Elewski, third from left, professor of dermatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, presented the first Louis J. "Skip" Wise, M.D. Education Fund Lectureship Feb. 23.
The lectureship is named for Wise, third from right, a longtime Jackson dermatologist who graduated from the Ole Miss Medical School, did residency training at UMMC and taught here for several years.
Also attending the event are dermatology house officers at UMMC, from left, Dr. Michael Cosulich, Dr. Lauren Craig, Dr. Lauren Casamiquela and Dr. Kenneth Saul.
The fund was established to honor Wise's career, commitment and dedication to dermatology in Mississippi.
To give to the "Skip" Wise Fund, visit /givenow/Default.aspx.