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Institutional Academic Regulations
Institutional academic regulations contained on this page are published to assist students by providing information required for planning and pursuing academic programs at UMMC. School-specific academic regulations also exist, and they may be posted in the Document Center, in the UMMC Bulletin, on school and program specific webpages, and in school and program specific student handbooks.
Every student and faculty member is responsible for knowing UMMC academic regulations and for observing the procedures that govern their relations with UMMC. For the purposes of these academic regulations, any place where approval of a dean is required, it shall be taken to mean the dean or the dean's designee.
Additionally, continuing efforts are made each year by UMMC students, faculty, and administration to revise and improve these regulations in order to enhance the quality of UMMC’s programs and the achievement of educational goals. UMMC reserves the right to change any academic regulation within the student's period of study.
Any questions or comments related to these academic regulations should be directed to Kenneth Heard in Academic Affairs.