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University Tutoring Services Student Contract
To be eligible for tutoring, students must be registered in the course, have scored lower than the designated threshold on a course examination, and be referred by the School’s academic dean.
Once referred by the School’s academic dean, students must complete the Request for Tutoring form to receive tutoring.
Communication with UTS will occur via UMMC email. Students should check their UMMC email regularly.
Neither students nor tutors are allowed to request specific tutoring assignments.
Tutoring may be provided face-to-face or via phone or video conference (e.g., Zoom, WebEx).
Face-to-face tutoring services must occur on UMMC’s property (e.g., library, student union).
Tutors may provide tutoring to students in a 1:1 or 1:2 format. Group tutoring may be necessary if a high volume of student requests occur.
Students may receive up to 25 total hours of tutoring per semester. Students are responsible for tracking their hours and not exceeding their limits.
The 25 total hours allotted per student each semester are not transferrable. These hours may not be shared with other students or received from other students.
Only those students assigned by UTS to the tutor for the course may attend tutoring sessions. Tutors and assigned students may not allow unassigned students or peers in the sessions.
Students and tutors must arrive on time to tutoring sessions and must provide 24 hours notice when canceling or rescheduling sessions.
Students are considered a no show if they do not arrive within 15 minutes of the scheduled session time. Two no shows may result in the loss of tutoring privileges for the remainder of the semester.
Students must arrive to tutor sessions prepared with specific questions and all necessary study materials.
Students must electronically verify that tutoring sessions occurred as documented by their tutors as quickly as possible, preferably on the day that the tutoring service was provided. Students may verify sessions by accessing the Student Portal.
Students must verify tutoring sessions by the end of the pay period, which is the last day of the month. Students who do not verify the tutoring sessions by the end of the pay period may lose tutoring privileges.
Tutors will only receive payment for students directly assigned by UTS.
All tutoring assignments are terminated on the final day of each course.
Students must complete an evaluation of each tutor upon termination of tutoring services.
By accepting tutoring services, you are agreeing to abide by the rules described above and understand that your failure to do so may result in the loss of tutoring privileges.