Academic Affiliations
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Affiliated Students at UMMC
Affiliated students are non-UMMC students enrolled at external academic institutions who are engaged in educational experiences at UMMC to meet learning objectives for the external academic programs. They are affiliated with UMMC for an academic semester or a portion of an academic semester. Affiliated students are supported with current, binding affiliation agreements between UMMC and the external academic institutions and programs.
To inquire about current affiliation agreements between UMMC and other institutions, contact the Office of Academic Affiliations.
Instructions for affiliated programs and affiliated students can be found below.
Affiliated Programs – Placement Requests
To request an affiliated placement at UMMC, the program director/coordinator at the affiliated school must submit the Affiliated Student Request form between 4 to 8 weeks prior to the requested start date. This is considered the affiliated program's attestation that the individual is a student currently enrolled in the affiliated school/program and meets all UMMC requirements. Affiliated instructors who accompany affiliated students on UMMC's campus must also meet and complete all requirements.
The affiliated school program director/coordinator must do the following each semester to request placement for affiliated students/instructors:
- Review the Affiliated Student Onboarding Checklist.
- Verify affiliated student/instructor compliance with TB screening and immunization requirements and keep all documentation on file at the affiliated program. Utilization of the UMMC Affiliated Student Health Form — PDF is encouraged. The affiliated program must provide this documentation to UMMC during auditing.
- Obtain affiliated student/instructor documentation of influenza vaccinations during influenza season. If the request is submitted prior to availability of the seasonal vaccine, affiliated programs must obtain documentation of receipt of the vaccine once it is available.
- Contact the UMMC affiliated student coordinator for the corresponding discipline to discuss the potential placement.
- Submit the Affiliated Student Request form 4 to 8 weeks prior to the start of the requested placement. Affiliated instructors accompanying students on the UMMC campus must also be listed.
- If approved, UMMC IDs and usernames (if applicable) will be assigned.
- Criminal background checks and ID badges are required prior to the start of the placement. More information can be found at Criminal History Review and Badging for Affiliated Students.
- If access to the electronic medical record is required, see Epic Training (UMMC's Electronic Health Record).
- Require affiliated students/instructors to complete all onboarding tasks listed in the Affiliated Students - Onboarding section each semester and prior to beginning placements.
- Affiliated students/instructors must confirm completion of UMMC orientation and training and adherence to all UMMC policies via the verification form sent to the external email addresses.
- Placements expire on the end dates listed in the Affiliated Student Request form. A new request must be submitted each academic semester.
- Affiliated programs must notify the UMMC affiliated student coordinator immediately when an affiliated student/instructor is withdrawn, dismissed, or unable to complete the placement for any reason.
Affiliated Students - Onboarding
Upon receiving notification of approval to participate as an affiliated student/instructor at UMMC, the affiliated student/instructor must:
- Ensure compliance with all TB screening and immunizations and file documentation with the affiliated program.
- If UMMC network access is provided, create a password using Password Central. Contact the UMMC Help Desk at (601) 984-1145 for assistance.
- Complete UMMC Orientation.
- Complete UMMC Compliance Training.
- Review the Information Security Awareness video and UMMC Acceptable Use Policy.
- Review the UMMC Parking Policy for the Jackson campus and park in the stadium parking lot on State Street across from UMMC. Parking in undesignated areas may result in the owner's vehicle being ticketed or towed at the owner's expense.
- Confirm completion of UMMC orientation and training and adherence to all UMMC policies via the verification form sent to the external email address.
- Schedule criminal background check and obtain UMMC ID badge prior to the start of the placement. See Criminal History Review and Badging for Affiliated Students.
- Wear the UMMC ID badge at all times on UMMC’s campuses and return it to the UMMC affiliated student coordinator or the HR Service Center at the conclusion of the placement.
- If Epic access is required, review instructions received via the external email address. Log in to Canvas, UMMC's learning management system, to access the assigned online Epic training modules.
- If a current UMMC employee is enrolled/employed at an external academic institution and participating in an UMMC affiliated student placement, the UMMC employee must complete all affiliated student onboarding requirements listed above. All affiliated placements must occur outside of the UMMC employee's paid work hours. The UMMC employee must obtain an affiliated student UMMC ID badge and wear at all times during the affiliated student placement to identify himself or herself to patients, faculty, and staff as an affiliated instructor or student in training. Any access to the medical record must occur in the assigned Epic affiliated student/instructor role.