For Faculty

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Faculty/Staff Resource Guide

Should you encounter a situation that needs immediate or emergency response (e.g. fire, you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, an ambulance is needed, a police response is required), call 911 from a campus phone. If you are calling from an off-campus phone or cell phone, call (601) 815-7777.

Important Contact Information

Campus Police
Emergency911 (on campus) or (601) 815-7777 (off campus or cell)
Non-Emergency: (601) 815-3072

Title IX Coordinator (R103)
(601) 815-5150 

Office of Student Affairs
(601) 815-5150 

School of Dentistry (D503-04)
(601) 984-6009 

School of Health Related Professions (SH133)
(601) 815-4029 

School of Graduate Studies (N146)
(601) 984-1195 

School of Medicine (N145)
(601) 984-5012 

School of Nursing (A150)
(601) 984-6213 

School of Pharmacy (PH114)
(601) 984-2486 

Office of the Chief Student Affairs Officer (N145)
(601) 984-5012

Mistreatment and Title IX Policies

All mistreatment is of serious concern to this institution and is strictly prohibited. It is the policy of the Medical Center to maintain an educational environmental and workplace free from any type of mistreatment. Students who believe they were mistreated are strongly encouraged to bring it to the attention of appropriate institutional officials as detailed here:

Student/Employee Health (N136)

The Student Employee Health Department is responsible for student health (including injured or sick students), processing new employees, on-the-job injuries, drug screening, TB testing, away rotation preparations, and administering required vaccines. The hours of operation are 7:00AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday, except on official medical center holidays.

A Quick Care Clinic is available to UMMC faculty, students and employees, and their immediate family members. All patients seen in the Quick Care Clinic must have insurance coverage. Enjoy fast access to minor medical care with same-day appointments are available Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Quick Care is conveniently located in the Lakeland Medical Building at 764 Lakeland Drive, 2nd floor. See a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) from the Department of Family Medicine for minor illnesses quickly. Students who become ill or injured after hours may seek care at the UMMC Emergency Department if necessary. 

Student/Employee Health
(601) 984-1185

Quick Care Clinic
(601) 984-2273 (4-CARE)
Visit the UMMC Intranet Quick Care page to schedule online.

Alert U

UMMC faculty, staff and students will be notified of a campus emergency through the Alert U system. Alert U provides rapid notification of emergency messages via text messaging and e-mail. To receive alerts, students, faculty and staff must have a current cell phone number in Workday. To verify that your cell phone number is accurate, please visit Workday.Alert U uses the Everbridge mobile safety app that allows students, faculty and staff to instantly contact UMMC Police, check in while on campus, and safely walk to and from parking areas by sharing a location trail in the app.

To learn more about Alert U, visit the Alert U page.

Severe Weather Warnings

Be Prepared

Mississippi has a high risk for severe weather including damaging winds, thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, hail, and tornadoes. In collaboration with the National Weather Services, UMMC has a two-tiered response to severe weather events. Each building on campus has been provided a weather radio to receive severe weather alerts for our area.

Take Action

If the National Weather Service places the campus under a severe weather warning, a Weather Warning will be issued. Actions to take when Weather Warning has been issued:

  • Seek shelter in an interior room away from windows. If the room has windows, close curtains or blinds.

  • Prepare to take action to protect yourself and others In patient care areas, begin steps to protect patients as appropriate

If the National Weather Service determines that the campus is under an imminent threat, a Weather Emergency will be issued. Actions to take when Weather Emergency has been issued:

  • Seek immediate shelter in the nearest safe area and direct others as well

  • Protect patients as appropriate

Defending Against an Active Shooter

Avoid | Deny | Defend  


  • Know your surroundings—always have an escape route and plan in mind

  • Run immediately—leave your belongings behind

  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow

  • Help others escape, if possible

  • Do not attempt to move injured people

  • Prevent others from entering an area where the active shooter may be

  • Keep your hands visible

  • Call 911 when you are safe


  • If you can't escape, hide in an area out of the shooter's view

  • Lock the door or block the entry to your hiding place

  • Silence your cell phone (including the vibrate mode) and remain quiet

  • Take cover behind furniture or fixtures away from doors or windows


  • Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger

  • Use items around you as weapons to fight

  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter

  • Commit to your actions...your life depends on it

Information to provide to 911 operators

  • Location of the active shooter

  • Number of shooters

  • Physical description of shooters

  • Number and type of weapons in possession of shooters

  • Number of potential victims at the location

When Law Enforcement Arrives

  • Remain calm and follow all instructions

  • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets) Raise hands and spread fingers

  • Keep hands visible at all times

  • Avoid quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety

  • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling

  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating

Additional Safety Instructions

The first officers to arrive at the scene will not stop to help injured persons. Expect rescue teams to follow the initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove the injured. Once you have reached a safe location, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave the area until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.

Dealing with disruptive students in the classroom

Faculty have the right to prevent disruptive students from interfering with their right to teach and the right of other students to learn. Faculty should:

  • Provide a general word of caution, rather than warning or embarrassing a particular student.

    ("There are too many private conversations going on; let's all focus on the topic.")

  • If correction in class is necessary, correct in a courteous manner, indicating that further discussion can occur after class.

  • Try speaking with the student after class.

  • Ask the student to refrain from specific behaviors in the classroom.

  • Provide clear expectations.

  • Try to make this a learning experience for the student.

  • Respond in a courteous and fair manner.

  • Provide an opportunity for the student to respond.

  • Require a student to meet with him/her before returning to class.

  • Ask the disruptive student to leave the classroom and not return until meeting with him/her.

If you are dealing with a student who is disruptive or who has violated your schools student conduct code, contact the Office of Student Affairs in your school. An example of this might be a student, who comes to class under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or who will not behave in an appropriate manner in spite of intervention from the instructor. Make a record of the details related to the incident(s). Share the record with the Dean of Students in your school.

Student Counseling and Wellness Center (H-850A)

The Student Counseling and Wellness Center (SCWC) was created as the result of a collaboration between the Vice Chancellor's Office and the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior. This is a free, confidential service provided to all current UMMC students to promote mental health and wellness. The mission of the SCWC is twofold—(1) offer high quality psychological and psychiatric services for existing conditions and issues that are presently impacting the well-being of the UMMC student and (2) provide wellness education and interventions to empower the UMMC student to engage in healthy self-care behaviors in order to maximize their potential in their personal and professional lives. Staff members of the SCWC have no role in any student's academic assessment or evaluation.

Student Counseling and Wellness Center
(601) 815-1136

Definition of Disruptive Behavior

Behavior a reasonable person would view as being likely to substantially or repeatedly interfere with the conduct of a class. Examples range from repeated, unauthorized use of cell phones in the classroom, persistently speaking without being recognized, to making physical threats.

Suggestions for helping an emotionally troubled student 

If you believe one of your students is struggling with some personal or emotional concerns, consider these suggestions when reaching out to him or her:

  • Ask to see the student in private.

  • Speak to the student in a straightforward fashion that shows concern for his or her welfare and focuses on observable behaviors.

  • Express your concern in a non-judgmental manner.

  • Ask if the student is talking with anyone (friends or family) about the problem, pointing out that isolation is rarely useful when dealing with problems.

  • Listen carefully.

  • Let the student know that counseling is accessible, free and confidential through your school.

  • You may ask that the student accompany you to the Student Affairs Office in your school or Employee/Student Health. Consider calling for an appointment while the student is in your office.

  • Don't attempt to coerce or intimidate the student into counseling. Tell him or her you respect his or her right to choose, but you want the student to know about some helpful options.

If you are aware of a student who needs to talk with someone about personal concerns or is experiencing an emotional or psychological crisis, please consult with the Student Affairs Office in your school. Faculty members are often the first to become aware that a student is troubled, either through a conversation or a student's writing. Examples might include alcohol or drug abuse, depression, eating disorders, or sexual assault. A number of resources are available for students in crisis. Make a record of the details related to the incident(s). Share the record with the Dean of Students in your school.

Title IX Coordinator
Student/Employee Health TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks)
(username: UMMC; password: ummceap)
(601) 815-5150
(601) 984-1185

Tips on Handling Students in Difficulty

Dealing with angry students

  • Avoid confronting angry students in the classroom in a manner which may escalate the potential for violent behavior. This might include being sarcastic or embarrassing the student.

  • Call the student by name if possible. This will help create a greater connection between you and the student and may help calm the situation.

  • If the faculty member is uncomfortable meeting with the student one-on-one, arrangements should be made to have another faculty or staff member present.

  • If the student is asked to leave a class because of disruptive behavior and the student refuses, determine whether it is possible to continue to conduct class.

  • Faculty should not continue a class session when a student has the potential to become violent or when a student's behavior has been so insubordinate and disruptive that attempts to continue class will be futile. In this case, a faculty member may immediately dismiss class.

  • Faculty members may not permanently remove a student from a class without permission from the Dean of your school.

If you feel the interaction with the angry student may be escalating into a potentially threatening situation-contact Campus Police. Make a record of the details related to the incident(s). Share the record with the Dean of Students in your school, particularly if the anger results in a violation of your school's Student Code of Conduct.

Emergency911 (on campus) or (601) 815-7777 (off campus or cell)

Non-Emergency: (601) 815-3072

Dealing with aggressive or potentially violent student

Dealing with aggressive or potentially violent students

  • Assess the level of safety. If the student expresses a direct threat to him or herself or others, or acts in a bizarre, highly irrational or disruptive manner, call or have someone call Campus Police.

  • Ask the student to leave the classroom. If you feel it is safe to speak with the student, this is best done away from the other students.

  • Remain in an open area with a visible means of escape.

  • Remain calm. You stand a better chance of calming the student if you are calm.

  • Be respectful but set clear and firm limits. "I see that you are upset. For us to have a conversation, I need you to sit down."

  • Explain to the student the behaviors that are unacceptable. Be clear and precise in the words you use.

  • Acknowledge the student's feelings when appropriate; be reassuring.

  • Be patient and listen carefully to find out whether the student understands what you are saying. You may have to repeat yourself.

  • Be concrete. Try to identify a specific issue and suggest something that can be done to address it.

  • Use a time-out strategy if the student refuses to cooperate and remains agitated. For example, ask the student to reschedule a meeting with you once he or she has calmed down.

If you see or are dealing with aggressive behavior or other potentially threatening situations-contact Campus Police. This could be a student who makes aggressive or threatening statements toward the instructor or other members of the class or behaves in a way that you believe isn't safe. Once you've contacted Campus Police and feel personally safe, contact the Dean's Office in your school.

Emergency911 (on campus) or (601) 815-7777 (off campus or cell)
Non-Emergency: (601) 815-3072

Student Comments, Suggestions or Complaints

Students can find instructions for registering (both formally and informally) comments, suggestions or complaints posted here: