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- Adenoids and Tonsils
Adenoids and Tonsils
Home Care after Pediatric Adenoidectomy
General Information:
Adenoidectomy is the removal of the adenoids. The adenoids are pads of tissue located behind the nose in the top of the throat. Following surgery, your child may lack energy for several days, and may also be restless at night. This will improve over three to four days after an adenoidectomy.
It is important that your child drink plenty of fluids for the first three days. Begin by offering your child clear liquids the day of surgery. Clear liquids might include apple juice, soda/pop, Jello, or popsicles. Many children begin eating a light diet the first day of surgery. These foods may include soups, potatoes, bananas, eggs and applesauce. Your child can eat a normal diet whenever he/she feels ready. Your doctor will notify you of any diet restrictions.
Your child should rest at home for the first 24 hours. Activity may increase as strength returns. Generally children return to school two to three days after an adenoidectomy. Your doctor will notify you of any activity restrictions. During the first 2-3 days, children should be kept out of larger groups where they are more likely to contract a viral illness.
Your child may experience a mild sore throat or a headache for two to three days that can be relieved by acetaminophen (Tylenol, Tempra, and Panadol) or ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil). Do not use aspirin or Pepto Bismol. If your child has been using a prescribed narcotic pain medication, do not give additional acetaminophen unless you check with your doctor.
Bad Breath and Snoring:
Bad breath is very common due to healing of the back of the throat. Your child may gargle with a mild salt-water solution to improve the bad breath (mix 1/2 teaspoon table salt with eight ounces of warm tap water). Your child may also chew gum. Some children mouth breathe or snore during the recovery period due to swelling. Propping your child up with pillows may lessen snoring.
There should be NO bleeding from the nose or mouth. If any bleeding occurs, sit your child upright and phone your doctor immediately. If you are unable to reach your doctor quickly, bring your child to the emergency room to be checked out.
It is normal for a child to have a slight fever (99o to 101o F) for the first few days following an adenoidectomy. Have your child drink plenty of fluids and use an acetaminophen, a non-aspirin product or Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) product to keep the fever down (no aspirin or Pepto Bismol). If the fever is over 102o contact your doctor.
It is not unusual for the child to feel sick after an adenoidectomy. If vomiting persists for more than 6 hours, contact your doctor.
For Questions or Emergency Care:
Call the office at 601-984-5160. You may need to speak with the doctor on-call.