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Outpatient Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS) Information

Important Appointment information:

- Your swallow study examination will be completed by the speech-language pathologist (SLP) at the main hospital on the UMMC campus in Adult Radiology. The hospital address is: 2500 N State Street, Jackson, MS 39216

- Parking: Please park in Parking Garage A, and enter through the University Hospital main entrance. Carry your parking ticket with you, if you would like to validate it. This can be done after you complete the examination, at the Adult Radiology check-out counter.

- Check-in: Please check in at Admissions.

- Please be prompt and arrive at least 30 minutes early to allow yourself time to check in and walk to the Adult Radiology waiting room. This is located at the basement level of the hospital. Please ask someone how to get there if you need directions, after you have checked in.

- You may eat regular meals before coming to the hospital for your examination. There are no restrictions for this study. You do not have to be NPO (nothing by mouth). If you can, please carry some water with you, to drink during and after the test.

- Note: If you are late or need to reschedule, please understand it may be several weeks before there is another available slot. MBSS are in high demand and there is always a long waiting list for these tests.

- If you DO need to reschedule for any reason, please call Communicative Sciences at least 48 hours prior to appointment at (601-815-6064).

Do you have problems swallowing?

You may have already had a clinical swallowing test with a speech-language pathologist, also called an SLP. During this test you may have tried different foods and liquids. The SLP may have checked how well you can move the muscles of your mouth and how clearly you talk.

Sometimes the SLP or physician need more objective information about how you swallow. This is why you may need a modified barium swallow study (MBSS) in the Radiology (or x-ray) department.

Why have a MBSS?

When you have a swallowing test in the clinic or in your hospital room, the SLP cannot see what is happening inside your mouth and throat. The MBSS lets the SLP determine:

  • if food is going into your airway instead of your stomach, called aspiration
  • which parts of your mouth, throat or food pipe may not be working well
  • what kinds of food and liquids are safest for you to swallow
  • if certain strategies help you swallow better
  • if you need speech and swallowing therapy

How is the MBSS done?

This study is done in the Adult Radiology department. You will meet the SLP there. There may also be a doctor there, called a Radiologist. A technician will be there to help you get ready and set up the equipment.

You will sit or stand next to an x-ray machine. Your SLP will give you different foods and drinks mixed with barium. The barium makes the food and liquid show up on the x-ray. Barium is safe and will not stay in your body for long. The x-ray machine is only turned on while you swallow, so you don't get much radiation.

The SLP will ask you to do different things during the test. You may try soft and hard foods, thin liquids and thick liquids. You may be asked to swallow different amounts or be asked to move your head in different positions. The test will be recorded so it can be watched again later. The test takes between 5 – 15 minutes. You should not have this test if you think you may be pregnant. It is not safe to have x-rays while pregnant.

What happens after the test?

Your SLP will talk to you about what was seen during the study. You and your family will be explained the results. The SLP may show you the video of the test so you can see how you swallow. Your SLP will use the test results to decide what treatment will help your swallowing, if you need any. You and the SLP will also discuss what foods and liquids are safest, and how to eat them. Please call the clinic if you have any questions.

Questions? Call UMMC Speech-Language Pathology 601-815-6064.

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