- Health Care
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- Adult
- Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Skin Care
Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Skin Care
Main Content
Postoperative Care of Local Flap
- Leave the initial outer dressing on for 24 hours or as instructed and keep it dry.
- If there is any bleeding, apply firm CONTINUOUS pressure for 20 minutes to the area. If this does not stop the bleeding, call the office or report to an emergency room.
- After 24 hours, you may remove the outer dressing, leaving the brown tape against the skin in place.
- You should keep your head elevated on two pillows when you lie down for the next two weeks to help decrease swelling.
- You may place an ice pack lightly on the wound for 10 minutes, three or four times per hour for the first 24 hours. This will help with the swelling, but is not effective after 24 hours.
- Do not take aspirin or aspirin-containing products for several days after surgery unless prescribed by your doctor. Try to avoid alcohol. Do not use tobacco for one week after surgery. Tobacco use of any kind, particularly smoking, decreases the blood supply to the flap and can cause it to die.
- No heavy lifting or bending from the waist as long as the sutures are in place.
- Do not sweat or do vigorous exercise that might put the stitches under additional stress and interfere with proper healing.
- Postoperative pain is usually not severe. Plain Tylenol or Extra Strength Tylenol, two or three tablets every four hours may be used.
- Please make an appointment for follow up and suture removal in approximately seven days.
- If any unusual bleeding, opening of the wound, redness, or swelling occurs, please notify our office.
For Questions or Emergency Care:
Call the office at 601-984-5160. You may need to speak with the doctor on-call.