Garland K. Milner, MD
Specialties: General Anesthesiology
Gender: Male
Board Certification: | Anesthesiology |
Internship: | University of Texas Medical Branch Hospitals |
Medical Education: | University of Mississippi School of Medicine |
Residency: | University of Texas Medical Branch Hospitals |
Current Positions
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, University of MS Medical Center, 2500 N. State Street, MS 39216 | 01/2017 - Present |
Specialty Certification Licensure
NPI, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services | |
DEA, Dept. of Justice | |
Licensure, medical license, State Medical Board of Ohio | 12/1984 - 12/1985 |
Licensure, medical licensure, New Mexico Medical Board | 12/1985 - 12/1986 |
Licensure, MS medical licensure, MS State Board of Medical Licensure | 12/1978 - Present |