Yousaf Zafar, MD

Yousaf Zafar, MD

Specialties: Hospital Medicine

Gender: Male

Biography: Dr Zafar is an internal medicine physician taking care of patients who are admitted to the hospital. His primary emphasis is clinical service and inpatient internal medicine, admitting and discharging adult patients with a vast variety of diagnoses across a broad range of specialties. He is also passionate about medical education and research. He is involved in scholarly activities with both medical students and internal medicine residents.


Board Certification: Internal Medicine
Internship:University Of Missouri At Kansas City School Of
Internship:CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry
Medical Education:CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry
Residency:University Of Missouri At Kansas City School Of
Residency:Naples Community Hospital


Current Positions

Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS 3921609/2020 - Present

Specialty Certification Licensure

Certification, American Board of Medical Quality03/2019 - Present
Certification, Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine10/2019 - Present
DEA, Controlled Substance Registration Certificate09/2020 - Present
NPI, National Provider Identifier, National Provider Identifier07/2016 - Present
Licensure07/2016 - 06/2019
Licensure, Training License Florida04/2019 - 06/2021
Licensure, MD Permanent, Medical Licensure, Mississippi Board Medical Licensure09/2020 - 06/2025

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Presidential Poster Award " Breaking Boundaries: A Comparative Study of Hepatitis C Mortality Rates in Oklahoma Against the Nation, 1999-2020", American College of Gastroenterology2024
Presidential Poster Award " GeoSpatial Analysis of preventative Resourse Distribution and Colorectal Cancer Outcomes in Mississippi: Emphasis on Disparities between Rural and Urban Populations", American College of Gastroenterology2024
Nominated, Outstanding service faculty, UMMC2024
Bussiness Advantage program 2024, Millsaps College2024
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Mississippi Medical Center2023
Poster of Distinction - " Trends in Alcohol related mortality from alcohol related mortality in the US 1999-2020", AASLD2023
Southern Society of Clinical Investigation ( SSCI) Young Faculty Travel Award, Southern Society of Clinical investigation2023
Abstract Selected for "Showcase of Sciences session", Southern Society of Clinical Investigation2023
Class Valedictorian C.M.H Lahore Medical College, C.M.H Lahore Medical College2023
Poster of Distinction - "30-day readmission risk among patient admitted for acute cholangitis", ACG2022
"The Best of Liver Meeting" Abstarct 2022 - Alcohol Relapse After Early Liver Transplantation in Patients with Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis, AASLD2022
"The Rachel Award -Outstanding Chief Resident", Naples Community Healthcare2020
ACP Chief Resident Award- Florida Chapter, ACP2020