John D. Wofford III, MD

John D. Wofford III, MD

Specialties: Adult Emergency Medicine

Gender: Male


Board Certification: Emergency Medicine
Internship:Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Medical Education:Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Residency:Wake Forest University School of Medicine


Current Positions

Director, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, UMMC07/2020 - Present
Director, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, UMMC2017 - Present
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, UMMC, Jackson, MS 3921611/2016 - Present

Specialty Certification Licensure

NPI, National Provider Identifier
Certification, Candidate - Diploma in Dive and Marine Medicine, Wilderness Medical Society
Licensure, MS State Board of Medical Licensure09/2016 - 06/2021
Certification, American Board of Emergency Medicine12/2015 - 12/2025
Certification, ED Director's Academy, Phase I, American College of Emergency Physicians02/2020 - Present
Certification, ATLS03/2011 - Present
Certification, NRP06/2011 - Present
Certification, ACLS04/2011 - Present
Certification, PALS04/2011 - Present

Honors, Awards, and Recognition

Healthcare Hero, Fondren Parade of Heroes2021
UMMC Diversity and Inclusion Champion and Professional Development Certificate Program, UMMC Office of Diversity & Inclusion2021
Fellow, American College of Emergency Physicians2021
Star of the Quarter, UMMC Dept of Emergency Medicine2017